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Clarifying the Facts Via Western Radio Station Broadcasts in China

Aug. 10, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) For many years, Falun Dafa practitioners have been clarifying the facts and saving sentient beings via Western radio stations. The results have been great. To do even better than before, the following are a few suggestions for consideration:

1. I suggest that additional capable practitioners take part in using Western radio stations for truth clarification. There are people of different ages and walks of life who are accustomed to listening to foreign radio stations. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, some practitioners have been clarifying the facts over popular foreign radio stations. Due to the limited amount of time they have available to participate and the insufficient number of practitioners taking part, the results could be even better.

2. I suggest that the platform of clarifying the facts be broadened. As we know, some Western media have Chinese language programs with question-and-answer hotlines. Practitioners' voices can be heard frequently clarifying the truth on listener hotlines and "People's Voice" of Voice of America. However, there are few practitioners clarifying the truth over other stations, such as Radio Free Asia, the BBC, and Voice of Germany. I suggest that practitioners clarify the truth fully via these stations, as well.

3. I suggest that we improve our talking points. Question and answer segments are often limited to five minutes each. If the points are too long, you will not have enough time to finish, and if you talk too quickly, listeners will not be able to understand you. Therefore, I suggest making your points concise and to the point. Our main objective is to expose the persecution of Falun Gong. We must do this because for years a lot of Western media outlets have been influenced by the Chinese Communist regime and its propaganda. Although they did report on some of the persecution of human rights activists, reporters, and religious people, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is often left out. To expose the persecution through foreign media not only saves the listeners, but it also helps foreign media members understand the facts. In addition, our content should keep pace with Fa-rectification and include telling listeners how to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations and about the persecution of practitioners in Flushing, New York. We should also include information about the interruption of NTDTV broadcasts in China, and the continued efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners outside of China. All of this will also help some practitioners better understand the progress of Fa-rectification.