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Denmark: "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" Art Exhibition (Photos)

Aug. 11, 2008 |   By a Danish practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) From July 23rd to July 30th, the "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" Art Exhibition was held in Copenhagen for the first time. This art exhibition was co-hosted by the Danish Falun Gong Association and the Danish Northern European Asia Art Association, displaying about twenty works of art.

The art works exhibited are all created by artists who are Falun Gong practitioners. It has been displayed in many countries and regions around the world and has had a profound impact on many people. These artworks tell the true stories of Falun Gong practitioners. They express the beauty of Falun Gong and practitioners' steadfast journey in their practice of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in the face of persecution. The exhibition was displayed in the Danish capital for the first time. It moved the Danish people as well as tourists from around the world.

A young girl views the art works

A family attends the exhibition

After viewing the artworks, many people wanted to know what Falun Gong is about and why Falun Gong practitioners stay so strong and firm when faced with such a brutal persecution. Many people signed the "Millions of Signatures" petition calling for the immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong. The Danish leaflet "Introduction to Falun Gong" was the most popular brochure at the exhibition.

Danish people are known worldwide for their design skills. They are very capable of understanding and appreciating art works. At the "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" Art Exhibition, many people talked to practitioners for long time after viewing the paintings. There were also many people repeatedly coming back to view the exhibition, some four or five times. They read the introduction to each art work and looked at them very carefully. Many people were moved by the tranquility expressed in the paintings and felt the beauty of Falun Gong. They inquired about local Falun Gong exercise sites and expressed their desire to learn the exercises.

The paintings deliver a strong message

Ole Petersen works in a cultural gallery. He said, "Today I specifically came here many times because I wanted to look at the paintings again. I think these paintings are extremely valuable. This is not just my personal view, it is a fact. I find that these paintings deliver a very strong message. I am certain it also affects other people. I want to say that it is a pity if people miss seeing these paintings because they are the best art works I have seen."

A westerner stood in front of the painting, "A Tragedy in China" for a long time. He said to practitioners, "From this painting, I can see that the painter expressed the past, the present and the future. The woman's husband was persecuted to death in the past. She is very sad sitting beside her husband's body. But from her eyes I have already seen her uncompromising determination and what her future is. She will continue to persist in her belief."

Another person viewed with concentrated attention the painting, "Why" and would not move her eyes away. In the painting a mother has bruises all over her body and lies on the ground of a prison cell. Her little son is detained with her in the cell. Later she bought a copy of the painting.

The hearts of innocent children are moved

The art exhibition also attracted many pure and innocent children. They liked it very much. After viewing "No Home to Return To," a girl asked her mother to buy a copy of the painting.

"Poisonous Injection" is a painting that received much attentions from the children. The painting depicts an evil policeman injecting poisonous liquid into a female Falun Gong practitioner. Her righteous expression forms a striking contrast with dreadful expression of the policeman. The children can all distinguish between right and wrong.

One child stood in front of the paintings and didn't want to leave even when her mother urged her to leave. She pointed to one painting and asked her mother many questions. Finally her mother changed her mind and stayed with her daughter. They listened attentively to the explanation of each painting. The mother said, "Maybe it is good to let the child know that there is still such a dark side in the world and innocent people are still being persecuted."

Falun Gong practitioner Christina traveled from Sweden specifically to see the exhibition. She said, "One day a little girl stood in front of the painting 'Buddha' and looked at it for some time. Suddenly she said, pointing at the painting, 'Buddha!'

"I decided to bring this unusual art exhibition to my classroom and introduce it to my students"

Anne Karin is an art teacher in a primary school. After she carefully viewed the exhibition, she came back on the last day and bought the picture album and copies of the artworks. She said, "Because I am engaged in the arts myself, I feel that these artworks have very high artistic level and inner meaning. I appreciate them greatly. Thus I decided to bring this unusual art exhibition to my classroom and introduce it to my students. It will help my student to learn about the reality in China." She wrote in the visitor's book, "I hope the day the persecution ends comes very quickly."

Lars Konradsen is a university student doing media studies. He came to the exhibition a few times. After examining each painting with great attention, he said, "I think each painting here delivers a strong message. I am quite shocked." When practitioners introduced Falun Gong to him, he took out his tape recorder and recorded the conversation. He said he hoped to establish a small radio station at his university so everyone can listen to these things. He invited practitioners to go to the park at his university and demonstrate the exercises to students so they can learn the beauty of Falun Gong.

A predestined relationship with Falun Gong

Klaus from Denmark used to work as an English teacher in China. By chance he came to the art exhibition. After viewing the art works, he said there are no words to describe his hearted felt shock. During the several years he was in China, he had never heard of the situation reflected in this exhibition. He was very shocked and couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't understand why he never heard of the persecution while in China. Is such brutal persecution real? He anxiously asked every Falun Gong practitioner at the exhibition and talked to each of them.

Practitioners told him that in Mainland China people are deprived of their basic rights to know the truth. The whole country is being poisoned by the wicked Chinese Communist Party's lies. They told him of the beauty of Falun Gong through their own experiences and understanding. After four hours of talking, Klaus understood the truth. He tightly held a western practitioner's hands to express his gratitude and said he would contact Falun Gong practitioners again.

A Danish woman viewed each painting very carefully. Slowly her eyes filled with tears. She took off her glasses and tried continuously to wipe away her tears. Finally she could no longer control her emotion. She walked out the exhibition room and sobbed while sitting on a bench. After calming herself down a bit, she said, "It is so evil to crush one's belief and spirit!"

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200808/45625.html