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Epoch Times: North Carolina State Senator Enjoys "Outstanding talent" "I was very, very impressed" (Photo)

Jan. 2, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) North Carolina State Senator Floyd McKissick attended the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Durham, NC, on December 28 at the new Durham Performing Arts Center. The show was a big success and DPA played to a packed house.

Senator McKissick talked about the show and about bringing classical Chinese dance and traditional Chinese culture to the city of Durham. He loved many aspects of the performance, "The choreography was wonderful. The talent was outstanding. I was truly impressed by it. It is wonderful to see this ideal illustration of Chinese history and all that it entails. It's wonderful to bring this to Durham."

NC State Senator Floyd McKissick, who represents Durham County, attended the Divine Performing Arts show (The Epoch Times)

Senator McKissick particularly liked the singing and the depiction of Chinese culture. He explained, "The songs were absolutely marvelous. It was wonderful to see the translations. The performers were really, truly talented performers. It's very enriching. I think we can really celebrate the richness of Chinese culture and all that it means in terms of the history of China and what it brings here to the United States for this particular event.

"I thought the history and the meaning were absolutely outstanding. I enjoyed it very much. It's very, very enriching.

"I am a person who really enjoys understanding and learning more of the culture of different countries. I've had the chance to spend time in over thirty different countries. And to see this here in Durham and to understand its uniqueness and significance of what it represents is truly wonderful. It's wonderful to be a part of it all. I wish more people, regardless of their ancestry or background, were able to see the uniqueness and the richness of Chinese culture and the wonderful talent. As I say, the choreography, the vocalists, everyone here ... I was very, very impressed. It's an outstanding program."

In summing up, Senator McKissick added, "I wish many, many others had the chance to be here tonight to enjoy this tremendous cultural experience and to see all the outstanding talent that is part of this program."
