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Kaohsiung, Taiwan: The Divine Land Marching Band Leads the Agricultural Festival Parade in Dashe Township (Photos)

Jan. 2, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) The Three Treasures Special Products Agricultural Festival in Dashe Township, Kaohsiung City was held on December 27-30, 2008. The festival began with a mile-long parade, led by the Divine Land Marching Band, which included more than 200 members who are all Falun Gong practitioners. The marching band was one of the focal points of the Festival.

The Divine Land Marching Band

The Divine Land Marching Band performance captures people's attention

The Divine Land Marching Band performs

Waist-drum team performs

The Divine Land Marching Band received an award from the township

Dashe Township is famous in Taiwan for its high-quality organic products including sweet dates, guayava and milk. December through February is the harvest season for sweet

dates and guayava. Guanyin Mountain in Dashe Township is a well-known Buddhist

and scenic area, and many tourists visit the Temple of Great Enlightenment. The festival was held on the plaza in front of the Temple of Great Enlightenment, where many tourists gathered. The Divine Land Marching Band drew

people's attention and received a warm welcome of applause as it appeared. The band played the pieces "Falun Dafa Is Good," "The Holy Law Wheel King," as well as popular Christmas music. Next, the waist-drum team performed "Falun Dafa Is Good," and "The Mighty Power of the Drum and Music."

Their performance also received enthusiastic applause.

County leader Hsu said, "The township invited The Divine Land Marching Band to the festival to help our hard-working farmers promote their products. The festival has been very successful today because of The Divine Land Marching Band joining the parade. I appreciate Falun Gong's silent contribution to the community. This orderly group, with their thunderous performance, attracted almost all the people around. The group that cultivates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is indeed unusual. On behalf of the township, I extend the highest respect and the gratitude to Falun Gong!"