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Taiwan: Divine Land Marching Band Performs at the Southern Island Cultural Festival (Photos)

Jan. 2, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) The Taiwan Southern Island Cultural Festival kicked off its twelve-day event on December 20, 2008. On the afternoon of December 27, twenty-four groups from all over Taiwan joined in the colorful parade. The Divine Land Marching Band joined the parade as well, for the first time.

The Divine Land Marching Band

The Divine Land Marching Band

The Tang Drum Team

County official Wang Guozheng told the reporter that during the Southern Island Cultural Festival, each aboriginal group decorates themselves with their unique totem and culture. He welcomed The Divine Land Marching Band's participation in the activity and was very much impressed by the performance.

Principal Zhang from the State Elementary School said that the Divine Land Marching Band enhanced the atmosphere of the festival, and he was grateful that Falun Gong gave the people of Taitung an opportunity to enjoy the marching band's performance. Local resident Mr. Su said, "I have never seen such a magnificent band. It was very impressive."

Spreading the Beauty of Falun Dafa

The Celestial Maidens Dance Team delivers handmade lotus flowers

The Divine Land Marching Band spreads Falun Dafa's peacefulness and goodness

One hundred fifty members of the Divine Land Marching Band, dressed in ancient Chinese clothing in blue and white, performed for the spectators. Next to the band was the Celestial Maidens Dance Team wearing elegant Tang costumes. The team passed out paper lotus flowers and bookmarks with the words "Falun Dafa is Good" on them. Next was the Tang Drum Team, which was comprised of fifty Falun Gong practitioners from Pingtung and Taitung. Warm applause was received all along the route.

In the evening, the groups took turns performing on the stage. The Divine Land Marching Band played many songs including, "Falun Dafa is Good," "The Fa Drum and Fa Bugle Resound All Over the world," "The Fa Rectifies the Universe," and "Delivering the Treasure."

Director Kuo of the Divine Land Marching Band told the reporter that the marching band was set up two years ago, and it is the largest such band in Taiwan. It has more than 500 members. The Divine Land Marching Band has been invited to attend many large-scale activities at home and abroad, including the Taiwan Lantern Festival, Independence Day, national sports games, Malaysia Independence Day, and the Jakarta City Celebration in Indonesia.