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The Persecution of Practitioners in the No. 1 Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province

Jan. 2, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Below are descriptions of some types of persecution used on Falun Gong practitioners at the No. 1 Women's Labor Camp in Shandong Province.

Intense Hard Labor

Intense hard labor starts at 7:30 a.m. and lasts about 12 hours each day, usually until 8:30 p.m. The three meals are ten minutes each, and the detainee must go back to work immediately after mealtime ends. No breaks are allowed, even if one is sick. Practitioners sometimes have to load and unload trucks, as well as carry packages regardless of size or weight. Many of theillegally detained practitioners are in their 50s and 60s. After one day's hard labor, they often feel like collapsing.

It is said that the No. 1 Women's Forced Labor Camp has orders from more than thirty toy manufactures, both inside and outside of Shandong Province. Most of these toys are exported to other countries.

Forced Sitting on a Stool for a Long Time

Labor camp officials torture practitioners who refuse to give up the practice and denounce Dafa, in many ways, including refusing to let them wash, brush their teeth, or take showers. The practitioners are deprived of meals and use of the bathroom. They are also forced to sit on a stool with their chest out, abdomen in, both eyes facing front, heels side by side, and hands placed on their knees, for long periods of time. They must maintain this fixed posture until they agree to write statements denouncing and giving up the practice. This prolonged sitting causes the buttocks to fester with bloody, open sores. Sometimes the officials deprive the practitioners of food and then force-feed them.

Other Types of Cruel Mistreatment

Right before the Olympics, the number of detainees in Division 2 doubled to more than 150 (each room has 16 to 20 people). However, the number of water faucets was still 12, six of which did not work. Within the designated five minutes, practitioners don't have enough time to wash their faces or brush their teeth, let alone wash their clothes or take a shower. On Sundays, about twenty minutes is alloted to do wash, but no hot water is available, and even the cold water is very limited.

There are 12 stalls in the bathroom, but only five of them can be used. Only five minutes are allowed for bathroom use, and it is impossible for 150 people to finish within five minutes with only five usable stalls. Camp officials however, don't care about this and they drive everyone out of the bathroom once the alloted time of five minutes is up.

An even more absurd rule is that in the evening no one is allowed to use the bathroom before midnight. Who can go to sleep when they need to use the restroom? To reduce the pain, many dare not drink water and even dare not eat. After some time, many develop stomachaches or even urinate blood.