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My Thoughts on Helping Practitioners Released from Prison to Catch up with Fa-Rectification Process

Jan. 3, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I had many thoughts after reading the article "Helping Practitioners Released from Prison to Catch up with Fa-Rectification Process."(http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/10/20/188102.html)

This article was not selected for translation to English). I thought the author made many good points. I'd like to also share my understanding and what I have done during the brutal persecution. I hope fellow practitioners can point out anything lacking or inappropriate.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began brutally persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in July 1999. Many practitioners were forced to leave their homes. Some were arrested or sent to labor camps and brainwashing centers. As a result, these Dafa practitioners were under a lot of pressure. Some other practitioners began to distance themselves from these practitioners out of fear, and even tried to persuade other practitioners to also distance themselves. Some practitioners settled for giving money to the practitioners in need, but did not offer any other assistance.

Master said, "I can't leave behind any of the Dafa disciples. Every person is family to me." ("Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students") I think we are all one body, and all disciples of the same Master. Aren't we true family? When others are going through tribulations, those tribulations are ours, too, and we need to do our best to help. If we don't even help fellow practitioners, who do we think will help us? With this thought, I've always tried my very best to help practitioners who have been forced to leave their own homes or are otherwise persecuted. I think the practitioners undergoing tribulations are already following the old forces' arrangements. They lack righteous thoughts and are at a moment of weakness. They need other practitioners' compassionate help. Besides helping them with daily needs, we also need to share with them on the Fa principles so that they can return to the Fa and the path arranged by Master sooner. They need to catch up with Master's Fa-rectification process. This is what Master wants.

Over the last several years of ongoing persecution, besides cultivating myself well and doing well the things I should do, I also told myself that all Dafa disciples are one body and we are family. We need to help fellow practitioners who are going through tribulations. I have indeed done this. One year, I met a practitioner who had gone through many hardships. He was tortured so severely in prison that he could not take care of his daily needs. Yet he did not compromise his faith. After he was released from prison, he was forced to leave his home. He slept in caves and forests, and wandered about without any money. When he was not with other practitioners, he often went for days without eating. Regardless of all the difficulties, he continues to do many things to validate Dafa and save sentient beings. I took him in and he was able to recover very quickly.

There was another practitioner who also did many projects and did them quite well. He was sentenced to many years in prison for intercepting TV signals to air truth-clarification programming. Over the last several years, this practitioner endured huge pressure and tribulations, yet he did not forget he was a Dafa disciple. He also did his best to do well what Dafa disciples should do. Thanks to his efforts, dozens of people in prison have withdrawn from the CCP. When I saw the wrinkled sheet of paper with names he sent from prison, I could not hold back my tears. Don't we have the responsibility of helping these practitioners? How can we let the CCP persecute our precious fellow practitioners at will?

The persecution was the most brutal around 2000. A practitioner was sent to a mental hospital for persecution. The hospital said that she could not be released until the "610" Office signed off on her release form. Some practitioners heard this and went to the hospital to visit her. She looked terrible and her hair was all messy. It pained me to see her like this. After sharing with her for a while, she looked better. We gradually tried to inspire her righteous thoughts. At first, she said, "They said I was crazy, then I must be crazy." She asked us to bring Dafa books to the mental hospital for her. We corrected her thoughts, "This is not a place for you to stay. You should go back home to cultivate." As we shared more, the practitioner's righteous thoughts became stronger. She changed her notions and gradually corrected her wrong understanding. When we returned home, we discussed how to rescue her. Because we had strong righteous thoughts as a group, the evil disintegrated by itself. The next day, a miracle happened. Her boss at her workplace picked her up from the hospital with a car and took her home. The practitioner returned to a free environment to cultivate and participate in the Fa-rectification.

Of course, Master is the one doing everything. However, we need to still do things in the surface dimension. As cultivators, we all have moments when we lack righteous thoughts or have poor enlightenment. When the CCP persecutes us severely and we are under a lot of pressure, it takes many practitioners' joint efforts to overcome the obstacles. We need to encourage and help each other to fulfill our vows made before history. If all of us can meet the standard, Master will arrange everything well for us.

In addition, when we know a practitioner is about to be released from prison, we should send forth righteous thoughts for the practitioner ahead of time to strengthen him and help him return safely. When he returns, we should meet with him as soon as possible. We should take him all articles and lectures by Master, so that the practitioner can feel the compassion cultivated through Dafa, and realize that Dafa practitioners are his true family who can understand him and be trusted. We need to inspire his righteous thoughts and encourage him to participate in group study, so he can return to the path arranged by Master. Master cherishes and takes care of every Dafa practitioner, yet some practitioners are unwilling to contact other fellow practitioners who are undergoing tribulations. This has unwittingly created barriers between practitioners. This is exactly what the evil wants. I think cherishing fellow practitioners is the same as cherishing ourselves. It's been nine years since the persecution began, and at our practice site, we have generally done well. As a result, we have suffered little loss. We are all doing the three things quite steadily.

Let me share a passage from Master's "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students" to conclude the article:

"You need to coordinate in a way that allows people to work together, and you need to continually improve based on Fa and form an upright environment, so that Dafa disciples can do well the things of validating Fa, like clarifying the truth, saving sentient beings, and restraining the persecution.

We have come close to the end of the Fa-rectification. We should do well in every aspect and cooperate well with each other. Everywhere we go, we should demonstrate the magnificence of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. Everything we are doing now will become a reference for the future.