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Hard Lesson Returns Me to the Path of Cultivation

Jan. 3, 2009 |   By a practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) I participated in Falun Gong activities with my wife and child, although I did not expect to ever become a practitioner myself. I wish to share my experience with others. We have to keep in mind that there is always something unexpected on the path of cultivation practice.

In 2002, a colleague of mine introduced me to Zhuan Falun. I read it in leaps and bounds and was amazed. One night I read through the entire book, but had to stop because of diarrhea three times. I thought the content was mystical and left the book next to my bed.

I occasionally read a few paragraphs in the article "Touring North America to Teach the Fa" but did not read all of it. I started to doubt Dafa and then I forgot about Zhuan Falun.

In 2001, my wife learned Falun Dafa through her mother. They wanted me to join them, but I believe that everyone has the right to choose one's own religious belief, and refused.

I believed Falun Gong to be a good spiritual practice and thought that 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is a good principle. But, I did not want to read the Fa, do the exercises, and clarify the truth of the persecution. I wanted to choose my belief. Now, thinking back, I couldn't let go of my hobbies, attachments and love for entertainment.

My wife got up early in the morning and went out to exercise. I admired her and other Falun Gong practitioners' willpower. But, I did not want to leave my warm bed. I wasted many years of my life like this. Now I recognize my shortcoming. I was afraid of suffering.

My mother-in-law, wife and child practice Falun Gong. Since I was not against the teachings, I often went to all kinds of Dafa activities. I met many practitioners. I compared them with my coworkers. I looked at my coworkers and found them to be good people, but most couldn't give up personal interests at work. A few years later they had changed. Even between best friends, there was always the priority of personal interest. On the contrary, the Falun Gong practitioners I knew, they remained above all personal interests and behaved righteously. I knew Falun Dafa and the practitioners were really good, but I just couldn't make up my mind to become a practitioner. I thought that even if I wasn't a practitioner, I had done so many things for it, I would still be rewarded.

As my wife stopped pushing me to study the Fa and do the exercises, I was happy to dwell on my attachments and hobbies. Then a test came.

On August 6, 2008, I was playing ping-pong. All of a sudden my chest felt tight. I didn't mind it. Gradually, it became unbearable. I couldn't raise my head and lost my strength. I was soaked in sweat. I felt death was approaching. My partner asked me whether I was ok. I said, "Call the ambulance." I stopped moving and went into a coma. I realized that I was taken to an emergency room and the doctor said something about 'acute myocardial infarction' and that I needed a catheter. I couldn't believe I could have this disease at my young age.

I was partially anesthetized. I could hear the conversation between the doctors, "He is bleeding very badly. There are too many blood clots to clear out..." During the one-hour surgery, I felt I was on the surgery table forever. I almost thought my life would end there.

As I was losing consciousness, I remembered my wife and mother-in-law telling me before the surgery that I should call Teacher and recite Falun Dafa is good if I didn't think it was going well. I did. After I left the surgery room, a nurse told me the death rate of acute heart failure was very high and I was lucky to be alive.

I knew clearly in my heart that this wasn't an accident. My one thought in that split moment came for a reason. I remembered from Zhuan Falun that I had passed a big test. However, I did not pass the test by myself. I was given a new life. My face was bathed in tears when I collected my thoughts. The fame and interests I cared about did not seem to matter anymore. My entire body and mind was crystal clear and all my thoughts were wide open.

I finally realized who I was and thanked Teacher for his compassion.

After I was discharged, I attended the nine-day Fa study class. Before I decided to practice, my arms always felt heavy when I did the second exercise and my legs always felt they were about to spasm when I did the fifth exercise. That day, miraculously, I didn't feel like I used to. I was able to meditate for an hour the second day after I was released from the hospital.

I then read Teacher's lectures from the early to the recent ones. Whenever I had any doubt, I found my answer. Whenever I made a mistake, Teacher always gave me the answer when I studied the Fa. Even my wife and other practitioners said Teacher was too kind to me and that he most likely wanted me to improve quickly so I could fulfill the vows I pledged before history. Of course, I had wasted eight years of time. I couldn't afford to go at a snails pace.

After intensive Fa study and doing the exercises, my enlightenment quality improved. I decided to do the three things well, I wanted to begin making phone calls to the Chinese people. My health improved further. My irregular heart beat and chest pain were getting less and less.

As Teacher said:

"Through studying the Fa and cultivating, you've realized and come to know that your Master is truly taking care of you and being responsible for you. Your improvement, then, is systematically arranged--everyone has a systematic path of cultivation." ("Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Singapore")