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Striving Forward More Diligently in the New Year

Jan. 3, 2009


A Fa-study Group of four practitioners in Jiamusi City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Respectfully Wishing Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Four elderly women,
Over 60 years old,
Study Fa as a group,

Share experiences together.
Righteous thoughts result in divine state.

Save sentient beings quickly.

Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Hearty thanks for Master's compassionate care.

A Fa-study Group of four practitioners in Jiamusi City

All Practitioners in Zhuolu County of Hebei Province Most Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Wishing Revered Master a Happy New Year!

All Dafa disciples in our county are determined to cultivate more diligently, do the three things well, never slack off, and do an even better job in clarifying the facts and saving sentient beings. Fulfilling our missions and striving to be worthy of Master's arduous salvation, following Master to return home. We'll take every step firmly in validating the Fa and saving sentient beings in this final moment!

Practitioners in Mudanjiang City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

One Fa-study Group of nine practitioners in Dalian City Respectfully Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!

People miss their loved ones even more during the festive season. Before the New Year, we miss our revered Master very much. Words fail to convey our gratitude to the compassionate salvation Master offered us. In the time to come, we are determined to do the three things to the best of our ability; save as many sentient beings as we can; let go of all our human attachments; and follow Master until the ultimate consummation.

One Fa-study Group of nine practitioners in Dalian City

12/ 17/ 2008

All Practitioners in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

The New Year is coming. All the practitioners in Rongcheng City respectfully wish revered Master a Happy New Year! Master, please rest assured. On the journey of cultivation, the disciples in Rongcheng City are becoming more and more mature to work as one body. On the final leg of Fa-rectification we'll follow Master's instructions: rectifying ourselves according to the Fa; cooperating with each other as one body; upgrading ourselves as a whole; thinking more of sentient beings; striving to fulfill our mission; doing the three things even better. We'll do our best to let Master feel more consolation, and less concern. We'll walk forward more steadily and firmly along the Fa-rectification path that Master arranged for us, we will fulfill our historic vow and strive to be worthy of Master's arduous salvation.

All Practitioners in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province


All Practitioners in Gaomi City Respectfully Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!

The old year has almost passed, the New Year is coming. All Practitioners in Gaomi City respectfully wish compassionate and great Master a Happy New Year! Master, you have worked hard!

We, your Disciples, will follow your teachings, negate everything arranged by the evil old forces, and exert our initiative in Fa-validation. Each of us will rely on his own effort and walk his own path in doing the three things. At the same time, we will coordinate with each other and validate the Fa as one body: telling the truth about Falun Dafa and saving more sentient beings.

All Practitioners in Gaomi City

All Practitioners in Dengta City, Liaoning Province Respectfully Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!

The year of 2009 is coming. All Practitioners in Dengta City, Liaoning Province respectfully wish compassionate and great Master a Happy New Year! Master, Looking back, with your guidance, we have gone through the hardest time of personal cultivation and Fa-rectification. Every time we have improved, everything permeated with your efforts. All of our improvements and experiences are achieved with the guidance of your benevolent efforts and the bright light of Dafa. Today, in this final stage of the unprecedented universe's Fa-rectification period, we'll closely follow Master and the process of Fa-rectification, treasure every minute that Master prolonged for us, strive to be worthy of Master's benevolent salvation of us by diligently doing the three things well ,and turning in our tests with satisfactory answers to you! Thank you again, compassionate Master!

All Practitioners in Dengta City, Liaoning Province


Practitioners of one family material site in Yanji City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Respectfully Wishing Revered Master a Happy New Year!

We, your disciples, are determined to follow Master's teachings and do the three things well. We will let go of selfishness, coordinate as one body and save more sentient beings in the coming New Year.

Practitioners of one family material site in Yanji City
