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Audience Member in Los Angeles: "I was Touched By The First Program" (Photo)

Jan. 3, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) gave its second performance at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium on New Year's Eve.

Ms. Sun, a Chinese immigrant who came to the United States eight years ago, attended the show with her friend David, who surprised her with New Year's Eve tickets to see the show. "I like the Udumbara's Bloom. The color and the music were great," said Sun.

Sun and her friend David.

Sun said she had not seen a show that touched her heart so much since she came to the US. She thought the DPA's show was special and was glad the DPA could spread traditional Chinese culture in the US and let more westerners know about it.

"I was moved by the first program I saw (The Five Millennia Begin). This is the first time I saw culture from my motherland since I came to the United States. David was also carried away by the show."

Ms. Sun said she absolutely enjoyed the show and was amazed by the amazing choreography. This is the first time I see a show that truly moved me after I moved to the United States for eight years. Thanks to the DPA.