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Dancer in Los Angeles: "Absolutely Beautiful!" (Photo)

Jan. 3, 2009 |   By Minghui Correspondent Kelly Huang

(Clearwisdom.net) The second Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Los Angeles was on stage at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on the evening of Dec. 31, 2008. Many people in the Hollywood entertainment field went to watch the show. Dancer Ms. Tina Mayer said it was absolutely beautiful. She enjoyed it very much.

Dancer Ms. Tina Mayer sings high praise of the DPA dancers.

Ms. Mayer started dancing when she was six and has more than twenty years of dancing experience. She said, "The costumes are gorgeous! The dancers are very synchronized. They have beautiful skill. I love how the ladies moved smoothly. Some of their extensions are beautiful! The men did a beautiful job! I love the tumblings and the athletics they showed. Very nice!"

Tina's husband said, "The show is very beautiful! I am very impressed with the quality of the music. Very peaceful! I really like the flowers of Buddha and the way the flowers opened. I was very touched by that. It was a beautiful introduction how they expanded the meaning of these flowers and how they conducted the beautiful dance. The message was very clear and beautiful!"