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Divine Performing Arts' Detroit Debut Receives Great Reviews

Jan. 3, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company and the DPA Orchestra staged their first show at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in Detroit on December 30, 2008. The audience, consisting of people from all walks of life, expressed their amazement of the profound traditional Chinese culture.

Steven Myers, who is a principal associate in a translation and interpreting company, shared his impression of the show during an interview, "The precision is amazing, and it's a little scary." While laughing a little, he continued to say, "Because it's so precise, it's not like how humans normally are."

Steven was impressed by the show and mentioned, "Well, one of the most interesting is how skillful the MCs are, they really do a beautiful job of explaining what's going on, in a few seconds, it's amazing." He was also inspired by the lyrics and said, "Oh, many cultures, including the Chinese culture, are so deep that we Americans should, in my opinion, catch the depth of this culture. We are only a few weeks deep. China is thousands of years deep, and we should experience that.

Phil Piaseczny is the owner of a construction company. His business is involved in contracting and inspecting of plumbing, electrical, and mechanical projects.

During an interview he was asked about his impression of the show, and he stated, "I loved the show. Mainly the colors, the energy, the dancers, and the music." He gave an example and explained a little more in detail why he felt the energy and said, "The first picture, the background drop you had, with the plum trees in full blossom--the purple plum trees--and the lake and the bridge, it was very beautiful, and the music, was very enticing, and the dancers were very good. It was a very good performance. I feel energy, of course. The dancers, the show emits energy and I feel it."

He continued to explain that even though his seat was way up at the top, he could absolutely feel the energy. He also mentioned that he was inspired by the lyrics and stories, which he liked very much.

When Steven was asked about the lyrics and the singers, he said, "I liked the energy, I liked the show, I liked the way it was put together, and it was a very good show." He also mentioned that he could not select a favorite piece that he particular liked, because he liked them all.