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Additional Persecution News from China - September 28, 2009 (39 Reports)

Oct. 12, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 26 cities or counties in 11 provinces. In this report, 9 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 74 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Nine Practitioners including Mr. Wang Yonghua Arrested
  2. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chen Weiyi Arrested
  3. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yao Yan Arrested
  4. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Lanqiu and Mr. Da Long Facing Illegal Trial
  5. [Zouping County, Shandong Province] More than Ten Practitioners including Mr. Zhang Tinglin Arrested
  6. [Tianjin] Ms. Zhang Yan, Ms. Xue Guangqin Arrested
  7. [Shanghai] Ms. Yang Aihua was Followed and Arrested
  8. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] On September 24, Ms. Liu Yan and Another Woman Practitioner Arrested from Ms. Liu's Home
  9. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] The Persecution Facts of Ms. Zhou Yingxia
  10. [Huaian County, Hebei Province] Mr. Luo Meijun Arrested and Persecuted Again
  11. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Xia Tongmu Arrested on September 18, 2009, by Du Jianting from the Fourth Division at the Hengshui Domestic Security Division
  12. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zou Mei and Others Arrested
  13. [Yangjiang City, Guangzhou Province] Ms. Yang Xia Arrested
  14. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Fengyun, Ms. Song Yanying, and Mr. Liu Lianbo Arrested
  15. [An County, Sichuan Province] A Practitioner Surnamed Su Arrested on July 21.
  16. [Gaoan City, Jiangxi Province] The Persecution of Ms. He Daozhen
  17. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gao Deyu Arrested
  18. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners including Ms. Wang Zhixian Arrested
  19. [Beijing] Ms. Liang Yuhua Arrested and Taken to the Fengtai Detention Center
  20. [Anshan, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Deying Arrested
  21. [Wuxue City, Hubei Province] Ms. Ju Chaohong Arrested
  22. [Tianjin] Ms. Yao Shilan Tortured to the Verge of Death at a Women's Prison
  23. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Guiying Illegally Arrested and Taken to a Forced Labor Camp
  24. [Huludao, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tong Lijun Arrested
  25. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wu Zhen and Her Daughter Arrested on the Afternoon of September 23, 2009
  26. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Guo Wenxiu from the Dongzhuang Residential Area, Arrested Several Days Ago
  27. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Chunyan Arrested
  28. [Shanghai] Ms. Ding Taozhen Arrested
  29. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Li Guizhi and Others Arrested
  30. [Buyang City, Anhui Province] Ms. Guo Jinglan, Ms. Chen Wenying, and Ms. Cao Xiuzhen Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Center
  31. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Five Practitioners including Ms. Lu Hongfei Arrested
  32. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhu Yiwei Arrested and Taken to the Zibo City Brainwashing Center on September 14
  33. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Feng Yuqing Arrested
  34. [Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wu Yueying Arrested and Taken to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center on September 25
  35. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Mr. Chen Mulin Arrested
  36. [Dingzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chang Yuhua Arrested
  37. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Jinmin Arrested
  38. [Anguo, Hebei Province] Thirteen Practitioners including Mr. Li Chao Arrested
  39. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Changjin Arrested

1. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Nine Practitioners including Mr. Wang Yonghua Arrested

At 5:00 a.m. on September 23, 2009, officers from the Linjiang City Police Department along with police from Sangongli arrested Mr. Wang Yonghua and his wife, Ms. Zhu Bingjuan; also Mr. Gao Shouhe and his wife, Ms. Qin Siying; Mr. Chi Minbao and his wife; and Mr. Chi Minxiang. Mr. Chi Minxiang is currently in the Baishan Brainwashing Center.

Ms. Xu Guixia from Linjiang City has been released. Mr. Li Tianhua is being held at the Linjiang City Detention Center.

Jiang Guiwen, Linjiang City 610 Office head: 86-13843992277, 86-439-5210013
Shi Baoyi, head: 86-13704497779, 86-439-5233757, 86-439-5221859

2. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chen Weiyi Arrested

Mr. Chen Weiyi was telling people the facts about Falun Gng at a farmers' market and was arrested by five police officers. The police even confiscated the farmer's vegetables.

3. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yao Yan Arrested

Ms. Yao Yan, a lab assistant in the Art Department at Northeastern Electric Power University in Jilin City, was arrested by 610 Office agents while she was rescuing Ms. Xu Min and Ms. Wang Shujie, who were arrested and taken to the Jilin City 610 Office brainwashing center. Ms. Yao is now in the Jilin City Detention Center.

4. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Lanqiu and Mr. Da Long Facing Illegal Trial

On June 10, 2009, Li Enying, section chief from the Political and Security Section at the Wei County Police Department, arrested Ms. Zhang Lanqiu and Mr. Da Long. During their three months of detention, the two practitioners' families were not allowed to visit them. They are now facing illegal trials.

Cao Mingyin, Political and Judiciary Committee head: 86-13903190826
Zhao Guojun, Court president: 86-13903293698
Wang Guicheng, Police Department deputy head (he is solely responsible for persecuting Falun Gong): 86-13363198966

5. [Zouping County, Shandong Province] More than Ten Practitioners including Mr. Zhang Tinglin Arrested

At 10:00 a.m. on September 22, 2009, Cheng Kun, head of the Domestic Security Division at the Zouping County Police Department, and five police officers broke into Mr. Zhang Tinglin's home, arrested him, and confiscated his computer, printer, Dafa materials, and truth clarification CDs. That same day, six other practitioners including Mr. Chen Lin, Xiao Wu, and Ms. Ma Xiuling were arrested.

On September 24, three other practitioners were arrested and are now in the Zouping County Detention Center.

6. [Tianjin] Ms. Zhang Yan, Ms. Xue Guangqin Arrested

Ms. Zhang Yan and Ms. Xue Guangqin from the Hebei District in Tianjin were arrested on September 9, 2009. They are now in the Hebei District Detention Center.

Zhang Zhen, Qiangzi Street Police Station deputy head: 86-22-26462210

7. [Shanghai] Ms. Yang Aihua was Followed and Arrested

On September 17, Ms. Yang Aihua from the Guilin Area in Shanghai was followed and arrested.

At 3:00 p.m. on August 18, officials from the Shanghai City Pudong District Sanlin Police Station and from the 610 Office broke into Ms. Xie Yazhen's home (No. 58 of Sanlin Anju Residential District). They arrested Ms. Xie, Ms. Lin Lili, Ms. Lin Liqin, and Ms. Li Baoying. They were sent for 15 days of detention on August 19, 2009. Three of them have been released. Ms. Lin Liqin was sent to a forced labor camp for one year and three months.

8. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] On September 24, Ms. Liu Yan and Another Woman Practitioner Arrested from Ms. Liu's Home

9. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] The Persecution Facts of Ms. Zhou Yingxia

On September 10, 2009, Ms. Zhou Yingxia was arrested by the Xinxing Police Station in the Tinghu District, Yancheng City.

Ms. Ma Jun and Ms. Wang Bumei were arrested by officers from the Xinxing Police Station and Xianfeng Police Station. The two practitioners were deprived of sleep.

In the afternoon on September 25, officers from Wenfeng Police Station in the Tinghu District broke into Mr. Zhu Fengfeng's home and detained him in the basement to torture him.

Xinxing Police Station, the Tinghu District, Yancheng City: 86-515-88511151

Xianfeng Police Station, Yancheng City: 86-515-88597119

Tinghu District 610 Office, Yancheng City: 86-515-88317610

10. [Huaian County, Hebei Province] Mr. Luo Meijun Arrested and Persecuted Again Mr. Luo Meijun, 35, is from Yiduqiang Village, Toubaihu Town, Huaian County. He was arrested and ruthlessly beaten the morning of September 25, 2009. His car and other personal belongings were taken away. In the meantime, Toubaihu Town Police Station head Zhang Qing and ten other police officers ransacked Mr. Luo's house and took away several Dafa books. Mr. Luo was transferred to the Zhangjiakou City Detention Center that same afternoon. The next day, the family went to the Huaian Township Police Station to ask about Mr. Luo. They had to fork over 1,000 yuan to get the car back.

11. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Xia Tongmu Arrested on September 18, 2009, by Du Jianting from the Fourth Division at the Hengshui Domestic Security Division

Police Officer Du Jianting: 86-15003180234, 86-13383388320

12. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zou Mei and Others Arrested

Ms. Zou Mei, Ms. Song Wei, Ms. Su Lihua, and another practitioner from Yangqing Town, Suixi County, Zhanjiang City, were arrested in mid-August.

13. [Yangjiang City, Guangzhou Province] Ms. Yang Xia Arrested

At 5:00 p.m. on September 22, a group of police officers ransacked Ms. Yang Xia's home for two hours. They arrested her at 7:00 p.m. and took her to the police department. They confiscated her Dafa books, weekly newsletters, and CDs. Ms. Yang was held in Pinggang Detention Center the following night and is still there.

14. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Fengyun, Ms. Song Yanying, and Mr. Liu Lianbo Arrested

In the afternoon of September 25, 2009, officers from the local Domestic Security Division arrested and held Ms. Liu at the Dehui City Detention Center. The same day, Ms. Song Yanying from Xiajiadian Town was arrested also.

At 5:00 a.m. on September 16, Mr. Liu Lianbo from Dafangshen Town was arrested from his home by agents from the local police station.

15. [An County, Sichuan Province] A Practitioner Surnamed Su Arrested on July 21.

Informaional materials, a computer laptop, and a printer from Practitioner Su's rented apartment were taken away.

16. [Gaoan City, Jiangxi Province] The Persecution of Ms. He Daozhen

On August 19, Ms. He Daozhen from Jiujiang City was arrested while she was telling people about Dafa. After she was held for 37 days in Gaoan City Detention Center, she was sent to the Jiangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp and was immediately placed in a solitary cell. The guards instigated two drug offenders to daily beat and verbally abuse her. They forced her to watch TV programs slandering Dafa.

17. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gao Deyu Arrested

On September 23, 2009, Ms. Gao Deyu, Ms. He Xianzhen, and Ms. Zeng Niang from Xichang City were arrested in Xixiang, Xining Town, Xichang City, while they were explaining the facts about Dafa. That same day, Ms. Gao and Ms. Zeng were released. At 11:00 a.m. on September 26, Ms. Gao Deyu and Ms. He Zhengqiong, who works at the Computer Shopping Mall, were arrested at the same time. At Ms. He's rented apartment were people she doesn't know. There were police cars outside of her apartment.

Ms. Gao, 68, lives in the Zhoujian Company compound. This was her seventh arrest. Ms. He Xianzhen, in her 60s, lives in the 301 Residential Area. She was detained before. Ms. He Zhengqiong, 46, works at the Xichang City Computer Shopping Mall.

Wu Hongtie, Xichang City National Security Division team leader: 86-13608145134, 86-834-2178025
Zhang Guangrong, Xichang City 610 Office head: 86-13684369555, 86-834-3291113

18. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners including Ms. Wang Zhixian Arrested

Ms. Wang Zhixian, 61, from the Changchun City Binhe Residential Area; Ms. Zhang Wanrong, 66, from the Gongping Residential Area; and Ms. Hu Zongyan, 35, from Erdao Yiwei were arrested and taken to Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center.

19. [Beijing] Ms. Liang Yuhua Arrested and Taken to the Fengtai Detention Center

On August 18, Fengtai Kejiyuan Police Station agents broke into Ms. Liang Yuhua's home in the Hanzhuangzi residential area in the Fengtai District. They arrested Ms. Liang, ransacked her home, and confiscated her personal belongings (including a computer). Ms. Liang was taken to the Fengtai Detention Center.

At 5:00 p.m. on September 1, 15 officers from the Fengtai Kejiyuan Police Station broke into Ms. Zhu Guoying's home on Xinhua Street and into another practitioner's home. They ransacked the two homes and arrested the two practitioners. They confiscated Dafa books, materials, and computers. The practitioners were taken to the police station and interrogated for a whole night. The next day Ms. Zhu Guoying was sent to the Fengtai Detention Center. The other practitioner was released.

20. [Anshan, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Deying Arrested

In the afternoon on September 22, 2009, Anshan City Police Department agents arrested Ms. Gao Deying from Anshan and ransacked her home. She is currently detained at the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp in Anshan City.

21. [Wuxue City, Hubei Province] Ms. Ju Chaohong Arrested

Someone reported Ms. Ju Chaohong, Ms. Wang Baozhen, and Mr. Yang Nianzhu on the morning of September 6, 2009, while the three were explaining the facts about Dafa at Jugang Village, Naquan Township, Meichuan Town, Wuxue City. At 10:00 a.m., officer Li Shaoan from the Meichuan Police Station arrested the practitioners and took them to the Meichuan Police Station. At 6:00 p.m. they were taken to Wuxue City Detention Center. Ms. Ju Chaohong was determined not to give up her belief. She was sent to the Wuhai Brainwashing Center, Hubei Province.

Pan Guobin, Meichuan Police Station head, Wuxue City: 86-13972756991, 86-13710381157

22. [Tianjin] Ms. Yao Shilan Tortured to the Verge of Death at a Women's Prison

Ms. Yao Shilan, Ms. Zhang Yuqi, and Ms. Zhang Yufeng from the Wuqing District were reported in Babaihu Village, Nancaicun Town, while they were explaining the facts about Dafa. Six officers arrived in two police cars, arrested them, and took them to the Wuqing District Detention Center. Ms. Zhang Yuqi and Ms. Zhang Yufeng's homes were ransacked. Dafa books and Dafa materials and a picture with Master's image were confiscated. Ms. Yao Shilan's home was also ransacked. Dafa books and materials and a picture with Master's image were taken away, too. Ms. Zhang Yuqi and Ms. Zhang Yufeng were released on August 27.

On September 4, 2009, Ms. Yao Shilan was sent to Lingzhuangzixi Women's Prison in Liqizhuang, Tianjin . When she was at death's door from torture, she was released.

23. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Guiying Illegally Arrested and Taken to a Forced Labor Camp

At 2:00 p.m. on August 17, 2009, Ms. Li Guiying, who is employed at the Changchun City Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was arrested. Four officers from the Luyuan District Sijian Police Station participated in her apprehension. She was held at Weizigou Detention Center for two weeks and later sent to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp for one-and-a-half years.

24. [Huludao, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tong Lijun Arrested

At 6:00 p.m. on September 27, 2009, several police officers arrested Mr. Tong Lijun from Xingcheng City after he returned from work downstairs in the building where he lives. No one knows his whereabouts.

25. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wu Zhen and Her Daughter Arrested on the Afternoon of September 23, 2009

26. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Guo Wenxiu from the Dongzhuang Residential Area, Arrested Several Days Ago

27. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Chunyan Arrested

Ms. Liu Chunyan from Anlu City is in her 40s. She works with her husband at the Sun Energy Work District, Rugao City Developing District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. The couple was arrested on September 20, 2009, while explaining about Dafa. Her husband, Mr. Cai Ming, was detained for four days. Even her son, Mr. Cai Xiang, was detained for 24 hours because of her.

28. [Shanghai] Ms. Ding Taozhen Arrested

On August 4, 2009, Ms. Ding Taozhen, in her 60s, from Nanxiang Town in the Jiading District of Shanghai was arrested again. She was just released from Jiading Brainwashing Center several days earlier.

29. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Li Guizhi and Others Arrested

Ms. Wang Huanqing, Ms. Wang Xiaoqing, and Ms. Zhao Aizhi from the Erqi District in Zhengzhou City were arrested. Ms. Wang Huanqing was held at the Second Detention Center. Ms. Wang Xiaoqing was arrested by Erqi Police Department agents. Ms. Zhao Aizhi was arrested by police officer Huang Xin from Erqi Domestic Security Division.

30. [Buyang City, Anhui Province] Ms. Guo Jinglan, Ms. Chen Wenying, and Ms. Cao Xiuzhen Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Center

31. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Five Practitioners including Ms. Lu Hongfei Arrested

At 9:00 a.m. on September 24, 2009, Maoming City Hongqi Police Station agents broke into Aunt Zhang's older son's home and ransacked it. At 11:00 a.m. they waited downstairs at the building where Aunt Zhang and her niece live. When Aunt Zhang returned from grocery shopping they broke into the apartment and ransacked it. They took away a recorder, paper money on which were written positive message about Falun Gong and Dafa books. They even took away a savings certificate worth about 100,000 yuan that her two sons saved for her to buy the home.

At 6:00 a.m. on September 24, Ms. Lu Hongfei and two male practitioners were arrested. The home Dafa materials production site was destroyed. Ms. Liang Shaolin was arrested from home that same morning. She is currently detained at the Maoming City Hexi Brainwashing Center.

32. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhu Yiwei Arrested and Taken to the Zibo City Brainwashing Center on September 14

Diao Huai, Yiyuan County 610 Office: 86-533-2139610
Zheng Gongzhao, Yiyuan County Domestic Security Division: 86-13953341299

33. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Feng Yuqing Arrested

Ms. Feng Yuqing, 46, is from Mengyan Village, Xiazhuang Town, Ju County, Rizhao City. Someone reported her the morning of September 24, 2009, for explaining the facts about Falun Gon at the Xiazhuang Market. Plainclothes police arrested and ransacked her home. The cash in the house was taken. No one knows her whereabouts.

Xie Zhongli, Ju County Police Department head: 86-13375523168, 86-633-6202501
Li Tingwei, Political Instructor, Ju County Police Department: 86-13356332606, 86-633-6202502

34. [Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wu Yueying Arrested and Taken to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center on September 25

Chen Pingguang, Jieyang Police Department head: 86-13822045678

35. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Mr. Chen Mulin Arrested

On September 25, 2009, Gu'an County Police Department agents from the Langfang Area Domestic Security Division and from the Mazhuang Township Police Station arrested Mr. Chen Mulin from Manan Village, Mazhuang Township. The police took away personal belongings such as a printer and computer. Mr. Chen is now in the Guan Detention Center.

36. [Dingzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chang Yuhua Arrested

Ms. Chang Yuhua from Qibao Village, Daxinzhuang Town, Dingzhou City, is in her 40s. At 4:00 a.m. on September 19, the village foreman and village security agents arrested her.

Li Yaming, Daxinzhuang Police Station head: 86-312-2672244, 86-312-2327628, 86-13513222866

37. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Jinmin Arrested

At night on September 25, 2009, when Mr. Wang Jinmin registered at a hotel in Yingkou City and showed his ID, local police station agents found out that he was a Falun Gong practitioner. Yingkou Laobian District Domestic Security Division officers promptly arrested him and sent him to a detention center the next day.

38. [Anguo, Hebei Province] Thirteen Practitioners including Mr. Li Chao Arrested

Between 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009, Anguo Police Department officers went to ransack practitioners' homes and arrested the following 13 practitioners: Mr. Li Chao, Ms. Zhao Yuran, Ms. Jin Tonghui, Ms. Tian Hua, Ms. Kong Huijuan, Ms. Cao Liqian, Mr. Xiao Xiangyu, Ms. Wang Xinling, Ms. Jian Hui, and Ms. Xiao Jing.

Wang Guoshen, Domestic Security Division: 86-13932251868, 86-312-3550686

39. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Changjin Arrested

Ms. Wu Changjin, employed at the Chengde City Xiaerdaohezi Heating Factory, is in her 60s. Shuangqiao District Domestic Security Division agents arrested her on September 18, 2009. She is now in the Longhua County Detention Center.