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Ms. Zhu Yaohui from Huaying City, Sichuan Province, Persecuted and Tortured

Oct. 31, 2009

Name: Zhu Yaohui (祝耀辉)
Gender: Female
Age: 57
Address: Shuanhe County, 3-4, Huaying City, Sichuan Province
Occupation: Government Employee
Date of Most Recent Arrest: September 29, 2004
Most Recent Place of Detention: Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp (楠木寺女子劳教所)
City: Huaying
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Electric Shocks, Sleep Deprivation, Beatings, Hanging Up, Imprisonment, Torture, Force-Feedings, Extortion, Fired from Workplace, Physical Restraint
Key Persecutors: Zhang Xiaofang (张小芳), Cao Nian(曹念), Lan Xiumin (兰秀敏), Li Qi (李麒)

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhu Yaohui is 57 years old. She was a government employee in Huaying City. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, she has been persecuted as many as ten times. She has been held in a detention center three times, confined in the local police station three times, detained up in a brainwashing center twice, and imprisoned for six and half years at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp twice, where she was brutally tortured. The following is her personal account of the persecution she has suffered.

On July 22, 1999, officers from the local police station arrested me and did not release me until late at night. After that, they frequently came to harass and interrogate me without a warrant. My work unit also forced me to write self-criticism papers.

My daughter had just finished her college entrance exams. Even though her grades were very good, because I practiced Falun Gong, the top ranking universities that she applied for did not admit her.

In October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. The police in Beijing detained me, and I was later transferred back home by the deputy head of the Huaying City National Security Team, Qu Binm and a few other policemen. After that, I was detained at the Guangan Detention Center until March 21, 2000.

On July 20, 2000, some Communist thugs locked me up in a brainwashing center for 20 days. However, only a few days after I returned home, my employer ordered me to show up at work, where I was arrested by the head of the National Security Team, Xu Yunhua, and police officer Guo Ya. An administrator in my workplace, Liu Jun, was also there. Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiaoqing, Ms. Xu Xiaolan, and I were arrested at the same time and imprisoned at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

While at the labor camp, team leader Zhang Xiaofang once beat me with an electric baton because she said that I had spread Master's lectures. After that, she handcuffed me onto the water pipe in the toilet room. Quickly, my hands started to swell. They prohibited me from using the toilet. My hands were still cuffed even when I was eating. After they took off the handcuffs, they forced me and the other steadfast practitioners to sit in the outdoor field. It was winter, but we were forced to sit there from 6:00 a.m. until midnight. We were freezing and kept shivering. One evening around January 10, 2001, the rain poured down on us. We were soaked with freezing rain. It was not until after we strongly protested together that we were released from this abuse.

On August 8, 2001, I was transferred to Team 9. In early 2002, the head of Team 9, Cao Nian, and a guard, Lan Xiumin, took turns shocking me on my face and head with electric batons. My face was burned, but Lan Xiumin still did not stop hitting me.

In July 2002, I was detained in Team 8. Li Lin, the team head, forced us, a few steadfast practitioners, including Ms. Wang Huiying, Ms. Liu Zongli, Ms. Pen Renqiong, Ms. Tao Yuqin, and me, to stand in the outdoor field for 24 hours in freezing temperatures. We were deprived of sleep and use of the toilet. We were so tired that we could not keep our eyes open. Li Lin ordered some drug offenders to pry open our eyelids with matches, then poured cold water on us. My legs were swollen, oozing pus, and I was almost falling down. Then Li Lin made the drug offenders grab my hair to force me to stand. Bunches of my hair were pulled out, and my head was bleeding. They also prohibited us from showering or changing. As a result, our clothes were stuck to the infected wounds. After two months, I was totally disfigured. I was not able to see well, nor could I walk on my own.

On February 15, 2003, Li Lin tried to force us to read the books that slandered Falun Gong, but we refused. Because of that, she stood in the hallway and ordered Chen Qi, a criminal inmate, and a few drug offenders to hold us down to the cement floor. Then they tied us up and hung us onto the head boards. They stuffed our mouths with rags, and blindfolded us. After that, once every two hours, they pried our mouths open with wooden sticks and poured tap water into our mouths. However, they prohibited us from using the toilet. We had no choice but to void into our pants and on the ground. Then, they soaked up the urine with toilet paper, squeezed it into glasses, and then forcibly poured it into our mouths. On that day alone, some practitioners' legs were broken, their teeth were broken, and their mouths were injured after being beaten.

On January 25, 2004, I was released. After I got home, I heard that a young practitioner, Ms. Zeng Geping, was detained at the brainwashing center located in the former Huaxin City military headquarters after she was released from the forced labor camp. On June 5, 2004, I went to her home to talk with her family members to see if we could find a way to get her out of the brainwashing center. However, I was arrested by policemen from Daishi Township. Xiong Gang and a few other officers severely wounded me with batons. After that, they held me at the Guangan Detention Center. Seeing that my wounds were getting worse, they transferred me to the Huaying City Brainwashing Center. One night in early August, a policeman from the Guangan National Security Team, Fan Fuyi and a few thugs from the 610 Office dragged me to the detention center. On September 29, the policemen from the Guangan Law Office and the guards from the detention center carried me to the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp and subjected me to three years of forced labor again.

I was transferred to the labor camp where head Zhang Xiaofang took my cash and personal belongings. In addition, she instigated drug offender Zhang Xiaolin to strip off my clothes and cut my quilt into pieces. I was forced to stand for a long period of time. At 9 o'clock every night, the guards handcuffed me onto the bed board and forced me to squat until 2 o'clock in the morning. After that, they had a drug offender sleep in the same bed with me in order to watch me.