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Elderly Ms. Tian Hongying Arrested Outside a Courthouse and Persecuted

Oct. 31, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) (By a Minghui reporter from Heilongjiang Province) In July 2008, Ms. Tian Hongying, a Falun Dafa practitioner in her 70s, was arrested outside Jiamusi City Intermediate Court in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. When she was arrested, another practitioner by the name of Ms. Ma Duo was being illegally tried inside. Later, Ms. Tian and six other practitioners were persecuted in Xigemu Forced Labor Camp.

On July 2, 2008, practitioner Ms. Qiu Yuxia and her friends hired a just lawyer from Beijing to defend her daughter, Ma Duo. Ms. Ma, also a practitioner, was charged for practicing Falun Dafa. When Ms. Tian Hongying was walking outside Jiamusi City Intermediate Court, two men suddenly jumped out of the crowd and ran up to her. Someone standing outside the entrance to the courthouse said, "That's her!" The two plainclothes officers dragged her to the first level of the courthouse. They grabbed her arms so hard that they turned black and blue. She was forced into a room with three other arrested practitioners. Before they were arrested, the three practitioners had been with the lawyer. They were beaten by the police and dragged down from upstairs. Even the lawyer was detained.

In the afternoon, Ms. Tian and the other practitioners were forced into a police car and taken to Changhong Police Station. There they were detained in separate rooms. Ms. Tian was sitting on a chair in the sitting meditation. A man in his 50s came in, cursed, and suddenly kicked her folded legs.

They were all taken to a detention center before midnight. One of the practitioners could not stand at all because the police had kicked her so badly and her back hurt very much. She lay on the floor and could not move. Another practitioner's blood pressure was above 200 due to the beating. However, the police refused to release them. In one trial, Ms. Tian refused to "confess, " so one policeman told another one to make up a previous detention record on her. She stood up and questioned him, "As an officer, how can you lie about this and make up a false charge against an innocent person?" The officers had no reply.

In the detention center, the practitioners were given only steamed bread with corn for breakfast and dinner, which was too coarse to digest, and corn porridge for lunch. They were not given enough food. A practitioner had blood pressure so high (over 200) that she could not do the forced labor, so she was shackled to a bed with chains in such an uncomfortable position that her arms were pulled wide apart. Her feet were shackled, too. For an hour, she almost fainted. However, the police still kept kicking her feet.

On July 24, 2008, which was before 2008 Beijing Olympics, the police again arrested Ms. Tian and six other practitioners for no legitimate reason. They were further detained in Xigemu Forced Labor Camp, where they were watched closely at all the times. Even when they were in the bathroom, they were watched, managed, and cursed at. They were not allowed to close their eyes. Especially the policewomen in their 30s, they cursed all the time.

On September 19, 2008, Ms. Tian Hongying was released from the detention center due to the efforts of her family and friends. However, the police extorted 6,000 yuan from her family.