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Transcending Myself While Clarifying the Facts and Saving Sentient Beings

Shared at the 2009 Fa Conference in San Francisco by a practitioner in Northern California

Oct. 31, 2009


Greetings Revered Master!

Greetings fellow practitioners!

I am a practitioners in the Fremont Fa study group in Northern California. The subject of my sharing today is "Transcending Myself While Clarifying the Facts and Saving Sentient Beings."

Part I. Calling People in China and Persuading Them to Quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

During the Washington DC Fahui, I listened to fellow practitioners' experience sharing. They have done well, especially some elderly practitioners who have kept calling mainland China to urge people to quit the CCP. They have achieved great results. And this has enlightened me a lot. So I made up my mind to start calling mainland Chinese people after I got home.

Full of confidence, I got some phone numbers from other practitioners and began to make phone calls. However, nobody quit the CCP after a few days of calling. My confidence turned into frustration. As soon as I picked up the phone, my hand would begin to shake, my voice trembling. It seemed as if there was a wall blocking my heart. I even wished that nobody would pick up my call when the phone began to ring. When others asked me about the phone calling, I felt uncomfortable and had to stop making phone calls. But later Master's words echoed in my mind,

"Dafa disciples' personal cultivation and improvement are no longer an issue, nor is Dafa disciples' achieving Consummation. Right now, one important thing that needs to be attended to is the matter of how to save more sentient beings, and it is something Dafa disciples are to accomplish during their current process of achieving Consummation. This is Dafa disciples' mission, a duty that cannot be shirked, something that they must do and must complete." (Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference)

Master also said,

"Since Dafa disciples are responsible for saving all lives at this critical juncture in history, do give it your best effort. As for those who really can't be saved, that is those people's own choice." (Further Remarks on "Politics")

After more and more Fa study, I realized that as a Dafa disciple, without doing the three things well, how can I deserve the title of Dafa disciple. Master said in Zhuan Falun,

"When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it."

These words kept flashing in my mind. My righteous thoughts began to strengthen, and I kept reminding myself: don't be afraid, there is nothing to fear, even fear itself is a attachment that needs to be cultivated away. So I again picked up the phone to make calls. As a result, after two years of tempering and cultivation, my mind became stable. When more people quit the CCP on the phone, I don't feel complacent, and if nobody quits the CCP that day, I don't feel frustrated. And I don't feel afraid even when talking with some high officials on the phone.

In the past two years, I urged over seven hundred Chinese people to quit the CCP. Compared with other practitioners, my effort is way too small. But Master also mentioned,

"You know that it's not hard for us to save a person; the difficulty lies in the evil interference and pressure. When a person manages to understand the truth and be saved, it means that, speaking on a fundamental level, all of the lives in the cosmic system behind him that he represents are saved in conjunction. It means that immeasurable numbers of sentient beings and immense systems--so many lives--are saved." (Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference)

Therefore I feel that I have to be persistent. I just keep calling. I even feel like something is missing if I fail to make phone calls every day. Even if I can only convince one person that day to quit the CCP, it is of immense, and immeasurable importance.

Since I have to take care of a one and a half-year-old baby at home, and do the house work and cook for my family, I've had conflict with my daughter several times because of making phone calls. I just looked inside myself, looking for my shortcomings. Then I used the time when my family members are not at home to make the phone calls. I tried my best not to interfere with the baby's sleeping. I always make calls around 7 ~ 8 pm when my family members are out for a walk, or even make a few calls when I am cooking. Now the conflicts are gone, my family has all become supportive of my Dafa activities. They even drive me to a fellow practitioner's place for Fa study.

Next I'd like to share some stories from my phone calls.

Master said,

"Things are progressing quickly. As the wicked beings become fewer and fewer, the minds of the world's people are changing, society is changing, and the sentient beings are changing." (Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital)

During my phone calls, people who quit the CCP, include government officials, business people, police officers, students, workers, peasants and others.

Story 1:

One day, after clarifying the truth briefly, I asked the listener: "Are you a CCP member?" He said yes. So I told him: "The CCP is wicked. You can see that wherever it goes there will be a red wave of blood. When you swore an oath to the red flag, you became marked with the sign of the beast. You then became a cell of it. On the day the CCP collapses, you will be tied up with it. If you quit, you will be blessed by God with a good future. He said, "I am the County Commissioner. I don't believe in God." I replied, "In the past and present, in China and abroad, people all believed in God. I remember that the elderly people used to say that there are gods three feet above our heads. The CCP doesn't believe in God, doesn't worship heaven or the earth. The CCP forces people to believe and worship it. It keeps brainwashing the Chinese people, and destroying traditional Chinese culture. The Chinese people are brainwashed and have lost their belief in God. That's why the moral standards have collapsed and people dare to do all kinds of evil. Now you see there are poisonous milk powder, rice, and noodles everywhere, even medicines are counterfeit. You know about those jelly-like buildings that fell in the Sichuan earthquake, right? Do you think that this society is normal? Is this really a human society?" First he kept silent. He then asked, "Why do you people go to Tiananmen Square to set yourselves on fire?" So I began to clarify the truth about the Tiananmen Square immolation, and the dirty corruption in the Chinese government. In the end I gave him the nickname "Changed Luck." The county commissioner quit the CCP eventually.

Story 2:

One day, I called a high school student. She had eight classmates at her home. So I clarified the truth and persuaded all of them to quit the Youth League affiliated with the CCP. They were so thankful and asked me how much does it cost to make such an international call. I told them it's worth it since they were all saved.

Story 3:

Another young man quit the CCP after I clarified the truth to him over the phone. When I was about to say goodbye, he begged me not to hang up the phone and wanted me to keep telling him more things. He said: "I like to hear what you've said." I was happy and continued the call. In the end he was very thankful. The next day, I called back and asked him: "Who was the lady that first answered the phone yesterday? Is that someone in your family?" He said it was his friend's wife. He was helping them at their home. I asked: "Are they also CCP members?" He said yes. So I asked him to forward what I had told him to his friends and ask them to quit the CCP as well, and I will call back again. The third time I called back, it was that lady again. I explained to her the reason of my call, and she said: "My husband and I both want to quit the CCP, thank you for calling us back." I wished them all good luck, and she was very thankful.

Story 4:

Another lady, after clarifying the truth, told me that she saw the book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party while she was in Hong Kong. All three of her family members are CCP members, two work for the government, and one is a policeman. She said they were all forced by the CCP to join. She wanted to quit. I told her I would call back the next day for the other two members of her family. The next day I called, and the other two family members both quit.

There are so many stories like those above. Of course, some people behaved terribly.

For example, some people cursed at me, some hung up right away, some were atheists. Sometimes when I called police stations, courts, or governmental offices I would be asked if I knew which organization I just called. I told them, "No matter which organization you are at, even the State Council, we have initiated phone calls to them. It's all for your own good. If you don't quit, that is your choice. But please remember to treat those Falun Gong practitioners well, please remember Falun Dafa is good. You will leave the choice open for having a future."

Some even asked me to send them US dollars before they quit; some joked that after General Secretary Hu quit would they quit. I asked one lady whether she was a CCP member after clarifying the truth to her. She answered yes, but she did not believe what I told her. I told her that lots of the CCP's high ranking officials' family members have applied for foreign citizenship and bought expensive property abroad. Those officials all know that the CCP won't last long. When the CCP collapses, they will have a plan B. Those who will be really hurt are ordinary Chinese people. After hearing this, she became angry and yelled, "How dare you! I am a high ranking official." I said, "Don't be angry, if you haven't engaged in embezzlement you are still a good official. Please remember Falun Dafa is great. Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is great. Only then you will have a bright future."

Some of them ask for my phone number. I realize how difficult it is for practitioners in China to clarify the truth. If I were in China, I would face the danger of being thrown in prison. So we should truly treasure the peaceful environment here abroad and try our best to save more sentient beings.

Part II. Cultivation in Face of Physical Tribulations

This June, I began to cough heavily all of the sudden. I experienced fever like symptoms. Although, the fever disappeared after half a day, my coughing became worse. I felt like I was jumping whenever I was coughing while lying in my bed. It seemed that I couldn't make it through that moment. My daughter asked me to go to the hospital, but I refused. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the old forces interference. I was thinking, after cultivating for over 10 years, the karma elimination shouldn't be lasting so long. Master once said,

"For a cultivator, looking within is a magical tool." (Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference)

After looking within, I found out that letting go of life and death is just so superficial for me. It's easy to say out loud but when it really comes to doing it, it's really hard. During this really hard time, I started to study the Fa in a truly calm state. I found out my hidden attachment. Speaking of letting go of life and death is so superficial for me. Deep in my bones and in my heart, there is a hidden disbelief of Master and the Fa, there is some attachment of fear. By truly digging within, I realized that cultivation is not child's play. Righteous thoughts are based on truly believing in Master and the Fa and there cannot be any hesitation. When my righteous thoughts came out, I believed Master and the Fa would have the final say on my being in this world or elsewhere. My life was made by Dafa after all. So I began by strengthening my sending forth righteous thoughts and practicing the exercises more. I used to feel pain after one hour of sitting meditation. But during that period of time, I practiced the sitting meditation every day for two hours and didn't feel pain at all. My coughing soon became weak. After I fully recovered, the skin at the Yongquan Point on the bottom of my feet peeled. I am truly grateful to Master, and Dafa. I used to have more than ten diseases and struggled to live. It was our great Master that saved us from hell, and further gave us the precious Dafa. My words can never express my grateful feeling toward our benevolent Master. I shall follow Master's teachings, do the three things well, and truly deserve the title of a Dafa disciple.

Due to my limited understanding and my cultivation state, please do not hesitate to kindly point out my mistakes.

Thank you Master! Thank you all!