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Walk Well the Last Part of the Cultivation Journey

Shared at the 2009 Singapore Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference

Oct. 31, 2009

Greetings Master! Greetings Fellow Practitioners!

I'm very fortunate to have become a Falun Gong practitioner during the Fa-rectification period. I'm thankful that Master has given us this Fa of the cosmos and a ladder to heaven. In order not to miss this precious, millennia-old opportunity, to do well the three things, to walk well the last part of the cultivation journey and to strive forward together, I would like to take this opportunity to share my cultivation experiences.

1. Perseverance

I obtained the Fa in 2005. When I first walked into Dafa cultivation there was a group exercise site in the park next to my home. Practitioners gathered there every Wednesday, and there could be over ten people at the most. As time went on, less people came. Soon there were only two of us. It was shortly afterwards that I had begun cultivation. Laziness made me want to skip going to exercises there. An everyday person asked me, "Why are there less and less Falun Gong practitioners here?" I immediately said to her, "Practitioners are busy with their work and do not always have time to come out." However, I did not feel good about it in my heart.

Master had given us the format to practice the exercises in a group, outdoors. This can also help predestined people to obtain the Fa; I thought even if it were only me, I still would persevere in practicing the exercises here.

One day it rained. The other practitioner did not plan to go to the practice site and neither did I. however I thought I should carry on and not to miss any predestined people, so I went. Several Chinese workers who had gotten off work early happened to be around the practice site that day, so I immediately clarified the truth to them and helped them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I regretted not having enough materials with me to distribute to other people around.

Due to my perseverance with doing the exercises [at the park], now there could be up to eight cultivators practicing together at one time. I did not give up on the practitioners who have not joined us yet. I keep in touch with them by calling them to share experiences and to encourage them to join us. Finally, some of the practitioners who have not been part of the group exercise site came out to join us. I am so happy to see this many practitioners exercising together.

Few people pass by this group exercise site. Another practitioner and I discussed moving this group exercise site to the area beside the HDB(Housing Development Board) flat building close to the subway station, where people who take MRT have to pass by every day. Initially there was just the two of us. I put some out some truth clarification materials, a Dajiyuan newspaper and T-shirt with the message about Falun Gong at the site. Many people were surprised to see us, "It is Falun Gong!" The Chinese people were especially surprised and some were just watching us. Many people eventually approached and took the materials. It has been an effective way to rescue sentient beings.

With Master's encouragement and my Fa-study, my righteous thoughts have become stronger. I feel that I have improved in my cultivation while doing the three things.

2. Establishing Another Group Exercise Site

Due to the urgency of saving people, every time I see Chinese people passing by, I feel sad. I also discovered that many Singaporeans do not understand what Falun Dafa is and have said that Falun Gong is illegal. I thought that this was because we have not been doing enough in clarifying the truth. So I had a thought to establish a group exercise site on the lawn across from the Woodlands subway station because there are many people there and there is a Chinese workers' dormitory behind it. It is where the Chinese workers have to pass by every day. I tried to call fellow practitioners, but not many practitioners wanted to come out. Later on a practitioner who lives far away came to support me. I was so thankful for this practitioner's support.

The lawn environment was not good because of many mosquitoes. Police also came to test my xinxing. Once, after we were done with the exercises, two police officers came and asked me, "What are you doing here? Are you waiting for somebody?" I said, "No, I am here to do the exercises." The police said, "This is private property; you cannot practice exercises here. Can you show me your ID?" I asked, "ID? When you work out, do you have to bring your ID with you? Why can't I practice the exercises here? I often see many kids playing soccer here. It is all workout. Why can't we do it?" The police did not know what to say for a while. Then he said, "Because they are kids. Places with the sign are private property, including the HDB flat building, and you cannot do your exercises there. Understand? Not having your ID with you is illegal. This time you are lucky you met us. Next time, we will have to take you with us."

I tried to give them truth clarification materials but they did not accept them and said they knew about it already. Then I tried to confirm with them that we would come back to practice again. They rejected us with the excuse of private property and asked us to find another place. Because the other practitioner was wearing a "Falun Dafa is good" T-shirt while we were talking to the police, we did not want to have people misinterpret the situation, so we left.

We practiced the exercises there for only two months. But it was very effective. Many people accepted the materials and understood the truth. Some even learned to practice the exercises. Later, we moved the exercise site to a nearby lawn. While one fellow practitioner was doing the exercises, I distributed materials. When I sat there to send righteous thoughts, I truly felt like a divine being standing righteously between heaven and earth.

Many Chinese people had initially only observed us practicing the exercises and refused the materials. Some even cursed at us. And yet, still five to six people quit the CCP every day. I knew it was Master's encouragement. I decided to continue. This site has been here for a year by now. Due to the establishment of this site, predestined people have joined Dafa cultivation. The number of practitioners at this site has increased gradually from the original two to at least seven practitioners. I am thankful for Master's strengthening and fellow practitioners' support. Nowadays people come up to pick up materials on their own. Chinese people on bicycles passing by sometimes shout, "Falun Dafa is good." Seeing these changes, I am so happy.

3. Clarifying the Truth at a Tourist Site

We have various experiences clarifying the truth at a tourist site. My personal cultivation is also part of this. I have eliminated many attachments while clarifying the truth. With constant Fa-study and Master's protection, I have become more and more mature and my righteous thoughts have become stronger.

While clarifying the truth I have met different people including some very rude ones. Once I clarified the truth to a tour guide who scolded me as "being crazy." I smiled at him and said, "I won't be mad at you. I am sincerely hoping you could remember 'Falun Dafa is good' when facing danger." Another time a person said, "If you talk to me more about this, I will beat you up." Another person even said, "If you talk to me again I will throw you in the pond." I have also been surrounded by a group of people attacking me. My xinxing has been tested and upgraded every day. I have eliminated my desire of winning an argument and am able to handle situations calmly.

Just like Master says,

"If you, as Dafa disciples, want to effect change in a person when you clarify the truth and want to save him, you must not arouse the negative elements in that person. You must hold to being shan [compassionate], and only then can you resolve problems that may arise and save that person." ("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference")

Another time, a Singapore citizen with his child shouted at a fellow practitioner from under the bridge, "You are using Singapore to..." He was yelling and cursing. I walked over to him and sent righteous thoughts at the same time. I spoke gently to him, "Sir, can you please calm down a little? Can I please talk to you for a moment?" He saw that I was being nice and gentle so he turned down his volume. I was surprised. He just said, "If you want to clarify the truth, go back to China. This is Singapore."

Later on he met another senior practitioner who had come from China. The practitioner said to him, "Young man, why are you so angry? Being angry does not do your health any good. Falun Gong is legal here; and belief is not based on one's nationality." That man nodded and said, "Well... yes, that is true."

My understanding is that as long as you are not affected by his attitude, he would be fine. We should treat people compassionately. Just like a tour guide told us, "Do you know what our comment about you is? Falun Gong's service attitude is the best!" We were all happy to hear that.

Although many tour guides are rude, we still greet and treat them nicely. We have now established and maintained good relationships with these tour guides. Many of them have also quit the CCP. Some tour guides who understand the truth even help introduce us and introduce the persecution facts in China. I am very happy for them. They will have a bright future.

We had mixed experiences at the exercise site. This is like our home. We came here every day, and there are many neighbors around us, such as friends at "The Durian"(Esplanade Theater): police officers, security officers, cleaning crews and service crews. When we meet, we greet one another warmly. Sometimes we go in to the theater to study the Fa, the police and security officers greet us like old friends. Once, when we posted a banner, they asked if we needed help. Then they helped us put it up. Once, I did not go there on a Sunday. The next day an elderly gentleman who is a frequent visitor joked with me, "You were being lazy yesterday and did not do your work." Another senior who sells ice cream often reminds us, "When meditating, do not fall asleep." Another funny story: a man who rides bicycle shouts, "Falun Gong" or "Falun Dafa" every time he passes by. I told him, "You should say, 'Falun Dafa is good.'" Then he changed to "Falun Dafa is good." Recently, when he passed by, he suddenly stopped and said, "You missed a word there." I did not quite follow what he meant and asked, "What word?" He said, "You missed a 'very.' You should say, 'Falun Dafa is very good.'" So now, when he passes by he shouts, "Falun Dafa is very good." I know this is Master's encouragement.

The situation at Merlion Park has changed, too. Police do not come to check our ID's because they all understand the truth. Each time they come here we clarify the truth to them. Practitioners even go to the police station to clarify the truth. Some police officers said, "We are just doing our job. As long as nobody is complaining, you can do whatever you want." Some said, "We understand what you said. If it was not for my family, I would not do this job." Some said, "It would be great if I could get transferred to another department." In general, police disturbance to our Dafa work in public has something to do with our cultivation state and the quality of team work.

My understanding is that we should have pure thoughts when going to the practice site. We are here to rescue sentient beings. We have to let our egos go. We need to use our righteous thoughts to dissolve any evil interference - these are all cultivation opportunities. They are targeting our attachments. Once an East Indian police officer arrived. I do not speak English, so I left without saying anything. I sent righteous thoughts as I left. Later on I found my mindset to be wrong. Why did I leave? Why was I not there to send righteous thoughts to support fellow practitioners? That was selfish as I left with the excuse of having other business to do. I heard later that the police officer was very strict and did not let us place displays there because we did not have a license. I felt ashamed for not having done well and not having strong righteous thoughts.

Because I did poorly with this test, I got another one shortly after. Police also came to the Kallang Group exercise site - five of them in plain clothes, and they brought a video camcorder. A police officer said to us in a cold manner, "I need to check your materials." I sent righteous thoughts: Nobody can stop me from clarifying the truth and rescue people, so told him sternly, "These are the materials I distribute. Do you know that a massacre is happening in China? Chinese government officials are harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit. Do you know that?" With my righteous thoughts, I immediately felt the strong energy. The police officer was shocked, made a step backward and replied, "No, I didn't know that." I said, "Then please take a closer look at the materials." The officer's attitude immediately changed. He said politely, "You can distribute materials. You can practice the exercises. We come here just because someone called and complained." I calmly clarified the truth to them. Because I had been so calm, practitioners across the street thought reporters were interviewing me. Later, other practitioners came to help clarify the truth to them as well. I continued to distribute the materials and helped people to quit the CCP. Four people quit the CCP when the police officers were there. I knew it was because of Master's strengthening. I have experienced the power of "If thoughts are righteous, evil will collapse" ("What's to Fear?" Hong Yin Volume II) I have witnessed how different thoughts can bring about different results.

I think that the license issue is also due to our mindsets. My understanding is that Falun Gong is a legal group; distributing introductory Dafa material is certainly legal. It is similar to a new product that people need to become familiar with. Displaying the exhibition boards is the same thing. We have displayed the boards for ten years. You tell me whether it is legal or not? If we change our mindsets, I believe the environment will certainly change.

I also finally truly understand the meaning, "Having heard the Dao in the morning, one can die in the evening" ("Melt into the Fa", Essentials for Further Advancement) after seeing Master while attending last year's Fa conference. We have the opportunity to cultivate the Great Law of the universe that Master personally teaches, so what attachments can we not let go? We should do the three things well and follow Master to go back home. Let's not miss out on the precious opportunity that only comes once in tens of thousands of years.

We should cultivate well to rescue more sentient beings and walk well the last part of our cultivation journey!

This is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you Master!
Thank you fellow practitioners!