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Overcoming Interference by Striving to Do Well in the Three Things

Oct. 31, 2009 |   By Qing Lian, a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Gong in 2005. However, I still struggled with the attachment of sentimentality for a long time. As a result, I have wasted a lot of time and energy in an ordinary person's lifestyle. Although I was troubled by my lack of diligence, I was unable to manage to do the three things well, as Master has asked us to do.

At the beginning of my practice, I was very excited and thrilled that my life had a goal and meaning. Although I was not very clear on the Fa's principles and I still had the attachment of fear, I felt strongly the need to distribute informational materials, clarify the truth to people face to face, and encourage people I know to withdraw from the Party's organizations. I quickly grasped the computer knowledge and skills necessary to do this. However, because of my strong attachments to fear, I dared not to go out and help fellow practitioners. Instead I was busy in seeking ways to keep myself safe. As a result, my computer often had problems.

At that time, I often had a reoccurring dream - I dreamed that I flew in the sky. But I could not fly high. I would land in a solitary beach facing the ocean. At that time I did not know what to make of it. Later I realized that it was Master's hint - only through diligent cultivation with fellow practitioners could I improve myself and let go of my attachments. My attachment of fear and selfishness had cost me many opportunities to know more fellow practitioners.

Because I did not have contact with other practitioners, the only way for me to communicate with others was through the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). By reading fellow practitioners' articles, I often could find the solution to my own attachments. Their words and deeds greatly encouraged me to be diligent. However, whenever my attachments were strong, I suddenly would not be able to get on that website. After failing to identify any technical problems, I sent forth righteous thought and asked Master to help. But it did not work consistently every time. Later, Master gave me hints and made me realize that Minghui website is the platform arranged by Master for communication among practitioners, especially in China where the environment is poor. No matter what kind of attachments practitioners have, they should not be separated from the Minghui website. Even ordinary people can get on the website without many safety techniques, let alone Dafa practitioners who are protected by Master! With this thought, I usually can get on the website without problem. Even at the times when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tried to block and censor the website, I could still get on the website using the original method. It is like students going to school, even if he falls short in studying, it is still his right to go to class. He goes to school exactly because he needs to learn the knowledge. How can he be denied access to school because he did not study well?

Only by doing the three things well can we deny the arrangements made by old forces. In the past several months, I had failed the test because I had not been able to let go of my strong attachments to sentimentality. I still could not examine myself well. Instead I developed strong thought karma from the attachments of fighting and hatred. Those thoughts strongly interfered with me. I could not eat or sleep properly. As a result, I lost ten pounds in several days. The pressure of finishing my thesis and finding a job all came up. I suddenly recalled Master's poem, "A hundred hardships falling all at once, See how one lives." ("Tempering One's Heart and Will" from Hong Yin) I realized that I was a practitioner, how could I handle this interference like an ordinary person? I started spending more time studying the Fa. I read articles on the Minghui website every day. Through the reading, I finally realized that I did not do the three things well in the past years and was deviating from the path arranged by Master. Without righteous thoughts, I naturally walked the path arranged by old forces and therefore encountered many tribulations.

After finding my attachment, I started memorizing one page from the book Zhuan Falun each day. I visited Minghui website every day. When I sent forth righteous thoughts, on the global four times a day schedule, I added one thought of rejecting all arrangement by old forces. I grasped every opportunity to clarify the truth and encourage people to withdraw from CCP. When I was doing the survey for my thesis, I would always clarify the truth to others. I also convinced both of my landlords' daughters to withdraw from the Youth League. When I returned home, my relatives from other cities came to visit my mother, because my niece was getting married soon. I used the historic stories and clarified truth to my relative, who is a policeman, and told him the trend of withdrawing from CCP since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

Since I started doing the three things well, the interference has been less and less. I have become calm and feel the magnificence of the new world.

The above is my personal understanding. Please point out anything that is inappropriate.

October 18, 2009