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Mr. Cao Feng from Inner Mongolia Arrested and Sent to the Xilingol Meng Forced Labor Camp

Oct. 31, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Agents from the 610 Office and police department of Duolun County, Inner Mongolia spent a great deal of human and financial resources searching everywhere for Mr. Cao Feng five years ago, in an attempt to send him to a brainwashing center, but they were unsuccessful. The Duolun County police then arrested him one month ago in Shanghai, and transferred him to the Xilingol Meng Forced Labor Camp on October 21, 2009.

It was the second time that Mr. Cao was unlawfully subjected to forced labor. He spent two and a half years in the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia in the beginning of 2000, and his sentence was extended by three months. After Mr. Cao was released, agents from the county 610 Office, police department, local police station, neighborhood committee and the political and judiciary committee often harassed him.

Duolun County 610 Office agents attempted to arrest and send Mr. Cao to a brainwashing center in September 2004. He was forced to leave his home and make a living by working part time in another place.

After having stayed away from home for five years, Mr. Cao was arrested on September 8, 2009 while working at a hospital in Shanghai. Li Shusen, deputy head of the Duolun County Police Department and Zhang Zhenyu, head of the Domestic Security Division, led other officers and they took him back to the county. It is reported that the Duolun County Police Department had spent a great deal of funds searching for his whereabouts. They had gone even so far as to attempt to hire Mr. Cao's neighbor with a large sum of money to monitor him, but his neighbor turned them down.

The followings are major participants in the persecution of Mr. Cao Feng:
Zhang Zhenyu, Domestic Security Division head: 86-13947393878
Li Shusen, Duolun County Police Department deputy head: 86-13604793034
Zhu Rihe, Duolun County Police Department head: 86-15047183333
Li Haifeng, Political and Judiciary Committee head: 86-13947966698
Jiang Yusheng, the 610 Office head: 86-13904794552

Related article:
Practitioner in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Arrested by Domestic Security Division