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A Practitioner Who Inspires Me to Be More Diligent

Oct. 6, 2009 |   By Dafa practitioner Bailian

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Fang, a Falun Gong practitioner I know, helps many practitioners in our area to do well in the three things. She supports us with her righteous thoughts and deeds. She helps the practitioners to more fully realize their mission and fulfill their vows.

Let's begin with the three things. She has never missed a single day of studying the Fa and doing the exercises. Ever since practitioners began sending righteous thoughts worldwide four times a day, she has never gone to bed before the midnight righteous thoughts. Instead, she studies the Fa, listens to the Fa and sends righteous thoughts. Having had no schooling she is illiterate and Zhuan Falun is the only book that she is able to read through herself. So other practitioners read the other Dafa books and truth clarification materials out loud to her. Also she never misses morning exercises. Her husband and child are very supportive; and other practitioners often go to her house to study the Fa and share experiences.

When Master's article "Hurry Up and Tell Them" was published, she understood that we should hurry up and clarify the truth to people. So she started with her relatives, friends, and then told her neighbors that Dafa is good, and Falun Gong is being illegally persecuted. After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party were published, Master reminded us to hurry up and save people. She immediately began explaining the facts to strangers face-to-face. Before she cultivated Dafa, she was an introvert, and didn't like speaking with others. Since studying Dafa she now has the courage and wisdom to help save people. No matter how horrible the weather is, she perseveres in clarifying the truth to people, walking a God's path. When she first started helping people quit the CCP, she could remember all the people's names in order to have other practitioners submit their withdrawals online. Soon people quitting the CCP began increasing every day, and she found another practitioner to help explain the facts and record the names of those who wished to quit the CCP. They went out to talk to people every day, sometimes to large groups of people all willing to quit the CCP. No matter how hard it has been, they have never given up.

One day they went to a big farmer's market and helped more than sixty people quit the CCP. When they left, the practitioner saw a construction site and said, "Those workers haven't heard the truth yet, so we should go save them". But there was a huge ditch between them and the workers. They asked Master for help to find a way over the ditch to save the workers. They soon came across a wooden board that led to the other side, but it was only ten centimeters wide. It was dangerous, yet finally they made it over and clarified the facts to the workers. One worker asked how they managed get there and the practitioner told him. The worker couldn't believe it while another worker saw their muddy feet and laughing at them, said, "You old ladies, why wouldn't you stay home on such a hot day? Instead, you came here with muddy feet. Aren't you tired? Are you crazy?" The practitioner ignored his mockery and smiled. She said to them, "We came here to save you. You only think about making money and your life with your family, without knowing that you are all marked by the beast. We are here to help remove those marks. But first you should remember Falun Dafa is good. Zhen-Shan-Ren is good! If you can accept that you will be happy forever." It was the first time those workers had heard the truth. More than twenty workers quit the CCP . When both practitioners went back home, it was time for sending righteous thoughts. In just one day they helped more than one hundred people renounce the CCP.

Recently, they were outside clarifying the truth and because of the wind being very strong there were fewer people on the road. After helping several people quit the CCP, they wanted to go back home but because they missed their bus they realized that they shouldn't go home and that they should continue clarifying the truth to the Chinese people. Having that righteous thought they helped more than 20 people quit the CCP that day despite the bad weather.

Once as she was purchasing some vegetables, she clarified the truth to the people next to her. The person only smiled and said nothing. She said, "It is no coincidence that we have met, so it is the time for you to quit the CCP." That person still smiled still said nothing. Then the vendor said, "You better stop saying that to him. Why don't you look at him and see who he is?" The practitioner looked and saw he was a policeman. Ms. Fang wasn't fearful at all. She kept talking and also helped that policeman understand that the persecution against Dafa is wrong. Instead of arresting her the policeman said "Thank you! I understand what you have said now." There are so many stories like this about Ms. Fang saving people that I have lost count.

Ms. Fang has helped thousands of people quit the CCP. She also does her best to help make truth clarification materials. As she is illiterate, she could not make materials. She said, "I cannot do much, but I will do my best." She donated money to help make the materials, and also helped practitioners' families who lost family members to the brutal persecution. For years, she donated to a material production site all the money that her child gave her and used her money for validating the Fa.

I wrote this sharing not to promote Ms. Fang, but to provide encouragement to myself and others to be more diligent. Master says, "A cultivator has no role models" ("Path", Essentials for Further Advancement II). Master also says in "Solid Cultivation", Hongyin, "Study the Fa and gain the Fa, Focus on how you study and cultivate, let each and every thing be measured against the Fa. Only then, with that, is it actually cultivation." We should strive to achieve all of this and more to be true Dafa disciples in this period so that we will have no regrets.