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"They Found a Good Person Instead"

Nov. 30, 2009


"They Found a Good Person Instead"

The CEO of a large trading company in our area is a Dafa practitioner. He works hard, often traveling overseas and handling trade transactions in the millions of dollars. He never looked for personal gain and did things according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. His colleagues respected him very much. The company eventually changed its organizational structure, because the government no longer supported the business. Many companies like his went under without the government support, but his thrived.

When the persecution began on July 20, 1999, someone wanted this CEO to step down. The local government's audit and discipline section sent auditors to investigate him and his company. They came, checked the company documents and book-keeping records, and looked for any evidence of corruption or bribery. As it turned out, the company and the practitioner were perfectly clean in everything that they did.

News of this incident spread in the community, and people said that the investigators wanted to find problems to make trouble for him, but they found a good person instead.

This Person Practices Falun Gong

Strong and healthy, my father-in-law is a farmer in his 70s and lives in Gaoling County, Muping. I am in my 30's, but I cannot catch up with him in the field. My wife told me that he was not like that before.

He spent all his money on medication the first 50 years of his life. When I saw him the first time, he looked healthy and was full of kindness. It did not surprise me, because he practiced Falun Gong, and I knew of the power of the practice.

A couple of days ago my father-in-law came to the city to shop. My wife and I went with him to the office supply trading market. I stayed in the car and waited for them while they went inside. Not seeing them come out, I shopped nearby. When I had finished, I saw that they had done their shopping and were waiting for me at the car, chatting with a saleslady who seemed to be very happy.

My wife told me that her father frequently bought supplies from that shop where the saleslady worked. When they walked in that day, he told that saleslady that she had given him incorrect change when he made his last purchase. She was nervous and thought she might have either short-changed him or not given him all the supplies he had paid for. My father-in-law said she had given him 36 more yuan change than she should have. The saleslady could not believe her ears. She was unaware that she had given him extra change, nor did she believe that he would return the money after such a long time. She was so grateful for what he did that she walked with them out of the shop. She told my wife, "Your father is very good person."

I, too, am grateful that this is my father-in-law and a person who practices Falun Gong.