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Additional Persecution News from China - November 16, 2009 (32 Reports)

Nov. 30, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 24 cities or counties in 12 provinces. In this report, 24 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during detention, and at least 25 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Kunming, Yunnan] Mr. Gao Baode and Ms. Zhu Yancun Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked
  2. [Daan, Jilin Province] Mr. Wu Tonglin Force-fed Twice a Day
  3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Guo Hongyan on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution
  4. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Sisters Ms. Zhang Sufen and Ms. Zhang Sujie Sentenced
  5. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Gao Yuxiang Arrested and Persecuted Again
  6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Chunying's Detention Term Extended by Five Days
  7. [Jingshan County, Hubei Province] Information about the Persecution of Practitioners from Jingshan County
  8. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Hongyan Detained
  9. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] The Shulan Court Opened a Session against Ms. Yang Junqi
  10. [Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province] Ms. Pu Xiuhong Arrested
  11. [Shanghai City] Ms. Hou Huifang Arrested in Changning District
  12. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuqing and Ms. Zhao Yufen Persecuted by the 610 Office
  13. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Qing Liju Arrested
  14. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Peng Lekuan Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Without a Court Hearing
  15. [Balinzuoqi, Inner Mongolia] Additional Information about the Persecution of Ms. Li Yufen
  16. [Balinzuoqi, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Li Shulian Persecuted
  17. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Additional Information about the Persecution of Ms. Zhang Wenyu
  18. [Miyi City, Sichuan Province] On November 18, 2009, the Court Set a Session Against Mr. Gong Shunhui, Who Was Defended by Attorneys Li Jinglin and Wen Haibo
  19. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Yuchun Arrested
  20. [Jingzhou City, Hubei Province] Many Practitioners Persecuted
  21. [Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wan Hanxiu Arrested
  22. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Yaoying Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
  23. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Liguo Arrested
  24. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Liangying and Ms. Chen Darong Detained
  25. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Fengzhi Detained in Zhangjiakou City for Almost Two Months
  26. [Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Mo Zhikui Detained
  27. [Xiangtan County, Hunan Province] Mr. Luo Xiangjiang Detained for More Than Two Months
  28. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Mr. Cui Tao from Tiantai Township Taken Away from His Home
  29. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dong Shouzhu and Other Practitioners Sentenced and Detained in Jidong Prison
  30. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] A Woman Practitioner Arrested
  31. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Ms. Su Wenying and Ms. Su Xun Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor
  32. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Attorney Wang Yonghang Arrested

1. [Kunming, Yunnan] Mr. Gao Baode and Ms. Zhu Yancun Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked

Mr. Gao Baode, 47 years old, is a teacher in the physics laboratory of the Kunming Steel First High School. Ms. Zhu Yancun is a treasurer at the school. Around November 10, 2009, they were taken away by the National Security police and personnel from the 610 Office in Anning City. Their homes were also ransacked.

2. [Daan, Jilin Province] Mr. Wu Tonglin Force-fed Twice a Day

Mr. Wu Tonglin is being detained and tortured in Jiutai Forced Labor Camp. Currently, he has been on a hunger strike for four months. He has been force-fed twice daily. Now he is very weak.

3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Guo Hongyan on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution

Ms. Guo Hongyan from Shenhe District is being detained in the Zhaohua Detention Center in Shenyang City. At present, she has been on a hunger strike for more than two weeks. When she was arrested, the police also took away the money her bakery shop had earned that day. .

4. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Sisters Ms. Zhang Sufen and Ms. Zhang Sujie Sentenced

Ms. Zhang Sufen and her sister, Ms. Zhang Sujie, were arrested by the Qianshan National Security Team and the Qida Police Station of the Qianshan District. They were sentenced to three and five years, respectively, by the Qianshan Court.

5. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Gao Yuxiang Arrested and Persecuted Again

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Chunying's Detention Term Extended by Five Days

On August 14, 2007, when Ms. Wang Chunying, 55 years old, attended group Fa study with other practitioners, the National Security Police of the Zhongshan District opened the theft-proof door by using a master key and arrested the practitioners. Ms. Wang was sentenced to two years and three months in a forced labor camp. She has been detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and has been beaten, shocked with electric batons, and hung up because she often protested the persecution. She was injured both physically and mentally. Recently, Ms. Wang's term was illegally extended by five days.

7. [Jingshan County, Hubei Province] Information about the Persecution of Practitioners from Jingshan County

During recent years, Peng Yilin from the Jingshan Police Department, Tian Lixiang from the Jingshan 610 Office, and other police officers often persecuted Jingshan County practitioners.

In March and April 2007, Ms. Xiao Houzhen, Ms. Dong Denggui, Ms. Shang Qifeng, Ms. Ding Xinzheng, and another three practitioners were arrested and given heavy sentences.

Before October 1, 2009, Mr. Zhang Daowen and Mr. He Wuping were taken to the Wuhan Brainwashing Center. Mr. Zhang Daowen's wife was also arrested when she went to pick up him. Recently, Mr. Zhang Daowen and Mr. He Wuping were released.

Mr. Xiang Kelin is a teacher at the Jingshan Experimental High School. Ms. Wan owns a pre-fabricated board factory. On November 9, 2009, they were arrested and taken to the Wuhan Brainwashing Center.

Peng Yilin: 86-13807263555
Tian Lixiang: 86-13908693368

8. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Hongyan Detained

At 9 p.m. on November 12, 2009, 54-year-old Ms. Zhao Hongyan was arrested by plainclothes police while she was talked to people about Falun Gong. She has been detained for two weeks.

Gao Jinghai, chief of the Patrol Police Team of the Jiaohe Police Department: 86-13704444676
Zhou Wencai, instructor of the Patrol Police Team of the Jiaohe Police Department: 86-13704449477
Dong Xinyang, the policeman in charge of the case: 86-13504759599

9. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] The Shulan Court Opened a Session against Ms. Yang Junqi

The Shulan Court opened a session against Ms. Yang Junqi. Two Beijing attorneys, Zhang Chuanli and Han Shufang, defended her. During the session, the judge was rendered speechless because he was clearly in the wrong.

Wang Yuxia, presiding judge of the Criminal Court: 86-13500900148, 86-432-8228148
Wang Zhuyun, associate presiding judge: 86-13324321015, 86-432-8230976

10. [Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province] Ms. Pu Xiuhong Arrested

Ms. Pu Xiuhong is a practitioner in Shixinzhuang Village, Fangguan Town, Baobeidian City. At noon on November 11, 2009, she was arrested by officers from the Beicheng Police Station while she was posting fliers about Falun Gong. At 2 p.m., her home was ransacked. Now Ms. Pu is being detained in the Gaobeidian Detention Center.

11. [Shanghai City] Ms. Hou Huifang Arrested in Changning District

On October 2, 2009, Ms. Hou Huifang, 64 years old, was arrested by the police while she talked to people about Falun Gong. She is being detained in the Changning District Detention Center.

12. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuqing and Ms. Zhao Yufen Persecuted by the 610 Office

On October 2, 2008, Ms. Sun Shuqing went shopping in a supermarket and met practitioner Ms. Zhao Yufen. Less than 10 minutes after Ms. Zhao went to Ms. Sun's home, plainclothes policemen knocked in the door, rushed into the rooms, and started rummaging around. They took about 20 copies of Master Li's lectures, a set of Master Li's lecture cassettes, Falun Dafa exercise cassettes, Master Li's pictures, a tape recorder, and other items, totaling altogether about 50 items.

Ms. Sun and Ms. Zhao were taken to the Chengnan Police Station. The police also ransacked Ms. Zhao's home and took away Dafa books, Master Li's pictures, and Falun Gong materials. During the afternoon, the two practitioners were taken to the detention center. Both Ms. Sun's family and Ms. Zhao's family had 20,000 yuan extorted from them. However, the police still did not release the two practitioners after getting the money. Wang Shuxiang and other police officers also forced them to write guarantee statements. The two practitioners were released after being detained for 15 more days.

13. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Qing Liju Arrested

On the afternoon of October 23, 2009, Ms. Qing Liyu, 38 years old, was arrested by Yang Yongbin and other policemen. That night she was taken to the Guanghan Detention Center.

Xie Yuedong from the 610 Office: 86-13981006663
Yang Yongbin: 86-13808107516

14. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Peng Lekuan Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Without a Court Hearing

15. [Balinzuoqi, Inner Mongolia] Additional Information about the Persecution of Ms. Li Yufen

On the night of October 26, 2009, Li Bing, along with other police officers, took Ms. Li Yufen into custody and detained her in the Zuoqi Detention Center. The next day, Li Bing and Hou Zhijun, director of the 610 Office, orchestrated a group of henchmen to grab the key to Ms. Li Yufen's home from her. Then they ransacked her home and took away Dafa books, Shen Yun DVDs, a computer, a printer, and other property. They also took away about 20,000 yuan that Ms. Li had borrowed.

16. [Balinzuoqi, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Li Shulian Persecuted

On the morning of October 27, 2009, Ms. Li Shulian went to visit Ms. Li Yufen. At that time, Li Bing, chief of the Zuoqi National Security Team, and others were on their way to ransack Ms. Li's home. Li Bing did not allow Ms. Li to leave and pushed her into the police vehicle. He and the others then went to ransack her home. They took Dafa books, Shen Yun DVDs, and other property. Ms. Li was detained in the Zuoqi Police Station for one day and interrogated. Finally, the police grabbed her hand and forced her fingerprint on the document they had written. The police also extorted about 10,000 yuan from her family before releasing her.

17. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Additional Information about the Persecution of Ms. Zhang Wenyu

On August 5 or 6, 2009, Ms. Zhang Wenyu was taken away by officers from the Shandalu Police Station in the Lixia District and her home was ransacked. Ms. Zhang was taken to the Jinan Detention Center. After being held in the detention center for one month, she was sent to the Liuchangshan Brainwashing Center. In the brainwashing center, Ms. Zhang did not cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the guards. Later on, she was sent back to the Jinan Detention Center and is still there.

18. [Miyi City, Sichuan Province] On November 18, 2009, the Court Set a Session Against Mr. Gong Shunhui, Who Was Defended by Attorneys Li Jinglin and Wen Haibo

19. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Yuchun Arrested

48-year-old Mr. Wang Yuchun works in the Boiler Workshop of the Shenhe Public Housing Administration. At noon on September 24 or 25, 2009, he was taken into custody by officers from the Shenhe Police Department. He is being held in the Fangjialan Detention Center.

20. [Jingzhou City, Hubei Province] Many Practitioners Persecuted

The Shashi 610 Office and the National Security Team persecuted 41-year-old Mr. Feng Feng, who had gone from being healthy to having paralysis of his lower limbs. Mr. Feng was also sentenced to eight years in prison. They forced Ms. Song Chang, not yet 30, to terminate her pregnancy and then sent her to prison.

On September 16, 2009, 60-year-old Mr. Fu Wanhua was arrested by the Shashi National Security Team. It was the third time that he was persecuted. There is no one to take care of his mother, 86, and his disabled brother.

On September 19, 2009, Mr. Zhang Jiuliang, 58, was taken away from his home by National Security police. They took his computer, bank book, cash, and other items. This is the fifth time that he has been arrested. Mr. Zhang is very weak as a result of continuous persecution.

Zhang Xiaoxing, director of the Jingzhou 610 Office: 86-716-8450293, 86-716-3532355

21. [Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wan Hanxiu Arrested

Ms. Wan Hanxiu from Yugan County went to a branch of the Construction Bank and deposited bills with words about Falun Gong written on them. On the night of October 6, 2009, she was arrested by the local National Security police. She is being held in the local detention center.

22. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Yaoying Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

On July 30, 2008, Ms. Li Yaoying was arrested by police from Tianhe District, Guangzhou City. She was taken to the Tianhe Detention Center and the Panyu Detention Center. Later on, she was sentenced to four years in prison. Now Ms. Li is in the Guangzhou Women's Prison.

23. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Liguo Arrested

Mr. Zhang Liguo lives in Shangsheng Township, Baiquan County, Qiqihar City. On November 9, 2009, he was arrested because he talked to people about Falun Gong. He is being held in a detention center in Beian.

24. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Liangying and Ms. Chen Darong Detained

Elderly practitioners Ms. Zhou Liangying and Ms. Chen Darong from Tongxinba, Neijiang City, were taken to the Neijiang Detention Center and the Dongxing District Detention Center.

25. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Fengzhi Detained in Zhangjiakou City for Almost Two Months

At 9 p.m. on September 18, 2009, Pang Yuqing, associate director of the Wei County Police Department, ordered Li Meng and about a dozen police officers from Wei County to ransack Ms. Zhang Fengzhi's home. They took away more than 20 copies of Dafa books and other Falun Gong materials. Ms. Zhang was arrested and taken to the Wei County National Security Team. At 7 p.m. on September 19, 2009, she was secretly sent to Zhangjiakou City.

Pang Yuqing, associate director of the Wei County Police Department: 86-13733231999
Li Meng, head of the Wei County National Security Team: 86-13784586999

26. [Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Mo Zhikui Detained

On October 26, 2009, Mr. Mo Zhikui, in his 50s, was arrested by Zhang Huanyou and other officers from the Tuanshanzi Police Station in Yilan County. He is being held in the Yilan First Detention Center. Mr. Mo has gone on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. As a result, he was brutally beaten and force-fed. On November 12, 2009, the guards put handcuffs and shackles on Mr. Mo, brought him to the Yilan Hospital and forcibly gave him an injection.

27. [Xiangtan County, Hunan Province] Mr. Luo Xiangjiang Detained for More Than Two Months

Mr. Luo Xiangjiang, 45 years old, lives in Shitan, Xiangtan County. On September 16, 2009, he was taken to the Xiangtan Detention Center by officers from the Shuyuanlu Police Station and the Xiangtan National Security Team. He has been detained there for two months. The computer his son uses for his studies was also confiscated.

28. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Mr. Cui Tao from Tiantai Township Taken Away from His Home

29. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dong Shouzhu and Other Practitioners Sentenced and Detained in Jidong Prison

Mr. Dong Shouzhu, 57 years old, lives in Lijiazhuang Village, Huanggezhuang Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City. On February 21, 2009, he was taken away from his home by officers from the Huanggezhuang Police Station and the Fengnan National Security Team. He was then detained in the Fengnan Detention Center.

On March 24, 2009, the Fengnan Procuratorate issued the arrest warrant. On July 13, 2009, Fengnan Court convened a session against Mr. Dong. On October 23, 2009, Mr. Dong Shouzhu was sentenced to three years and six months' imprisonment. On November 9, 2009, he was sent to Jidong Prison in Hebei Province.

At the same time, Mr. Dong Xiuquan, who lives in the same village as Mr. Dong Shouzhu, was also arrested. Mr. Dong, 47, is disabled and has difficulty walking. He was taken to the Fengnan Detention Center. On March 25, 2009, he was sentenced to forced labor. On April 1, 2009, Mr. Dong Xiuquan was sent to Hehuakeng Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City.

30. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] A Woman Practitioner Arrested

At the beginning of October 2009, a female practitioner who lives in Banshanyongjingyuan, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, went to the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry to distribute VCDs about Falun Gong. Her actions were recorded by a monitor in the institute. Now this practitioner has been arrested.

31. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Ms. Su Wenying and Ms. Su Xun Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

On September 29 and 30, 2009, the Yongji County Politics and Law Committee, along with the 610 Office, ordered Li Jiguang, the chief of the Beidahu Town Police Station, and other officers from the police station to arrest Ms. Su Wenying and Ms. Su Xun from Beidahu Town. The practitioners have been sentenced to one year of forced labor.

32. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Attorney Wang Yonghang Arrested

On July 4, 2009, Attorney Mr. Wang Yonghang was arrested by the Dalian National Security Team. On October 14, 2009, the Shahekou District Court opened a secret session against him and did not inform his family. Mr. Wang defended himself, pleading that he was innocent.