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Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Zhao Guirong in Balinyouqixi County, Inner Mongolia

Nov. 30, 2009

Name: Zhao Guirong (赵桂荣)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Address: Balinyouqixi County of Inner Mongolia

Occupation: Unknown

Date of Most Recent Arrest: April 30, 2006
Most recent place of detention:
Huhehaote Women's Forced Labor Camp (呼和浩特市女子劳教所)
City: Huhehaote City
Inner Mongolia
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, reeducation through labor, home ransacked, interrogation, forced labor, living under surveillance.

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhao Guirong, from Balinyouqixi County of Inner Mongolia, was persecuted for over ten years by officials from the local police and Daban Police Stations. In May of 2006, Ms. Zhao was taken to the Huhehaote Women's Forced Labor Camp, where she was detained for one year and nine months.

Ms. Zhao Guirong previously suffered from chronic headaches, which she completely recovered from when she began practicing Falun Gong in February, 1999. In the spring of 2001, police officers Chen Hongjiu and Ma Yunfei from the Daban Police Station, along with Ba Gen and Sun Huicheng from the local police station went to Ms. Zhao's home under the pretense of checking her residency identification. Instead, they ransacked her home and confiscated exercise tapes, a photo of Master Li Hongzhi and Falun Dafa books. Later, they arrested her family (her husband and child are not practitioners), and detained them overnight in the Daban Police Station.

On the afternoon of April 30, 2006, police officers Chen Hongjiu, Wang Fenglin, Wu Desheng and Da Lai (police station head), from the Daban Police Station, along with Gao Wa and Zhang Haitao from the 610 office arrested Ms. Zhao for interrogation. Later, they detained her at a detention center for 42 days. Ge Le was also involved in this persecution. Ms. Zhao did not eat for eight days, and was taken to the local hospital for blood tests.

Early in the morning of May 1, 2006, local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials Zhang Haotao, Wang Fenglin, Wu Desheng, Gao Wa and a female officer secretly took Ms. Zhao to the Huhehaote Women's Forced Labor Camp, where she was detained for one year and nine months.

Zhang Haitao from the Huhehaote Women Forced Labor Camp questioned Ms. Zhao: "Where did you obtain the truth clarifying materials? We will release you if you tell us. After you return home, you need to hand over all the truth-clarification materials about Falun Gong whenever you get them."

Inside the forced labor camp, Ms. Zhao was monitored by two inmates. The inmate Yang Xiaohua (a drug addict) abused her and tried to force her to write a "guarantee statement". Then, the forced labor camp officials ordered a person to write a guarantee letter for her. One week later, officials forced Ms. Zhao Huirong to perform labor, such as wrapping chopsticks. When practitioners weren't able to finish their assigned work quota, their detention terms were extended by the officials. The guards regularly checked the practitioners' rooms. Ms. Zhao Guirong was not released until January 26, 2008.

In the autumn of 2008, Wang Fenglin and another official went to Ms. Zhao Guirong's home to harass her again.

Prior to the Beijing Olympic Games, Wu Desheng and Chen Hongjiu went to Ms. Zhao's home yet again to harass her. The police station officials also hired someone to monitor her home. When Ms. Zhao went out, the person who was monitoring her threatened her with an arrest if she did not return home within three days.

In the middle of September, 2009, two plainclothes police officers (one male, one female) went to Ms. Zhao's house, and told her that she could stay home to practice Falun Gong, but she couldn't go out to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. They also told her that she was required to inform them whenever she went out; or otherwise, they would lose their jobs. Police station officials hired three additional people to watch her in shifts.