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Australia: Practitioners in Queensland Hold Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners Who Died Under Persecution in China (Photos)

Nov. 30, 2009 |   By Chen Xinning

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 27, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners in Queensland, Australia held a sit-in protest and a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate in Brisbane to commemorate more than three thousand Falun Gong practitioners who have lost their lives at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They also called on all people to help stop the CCP's brutal persecution.

Falun Gong practitioners in Queensland, Australia stage a candlelight vigil to expose the CCP's crimes.


Brisbane citizens sign the petition to condemn the persecution.

A Western practitioner who speaks Chinese said, "I have practiced Falun Gong for six years. Falun Gong teaches people to follow Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. The persecution is wrong. I hope that the persecution will stop."

The practitioners' event coincided with a series of Christmas activities in downtown Brisbane and there were crowds of people in the area. Many local residents and tourists were shocked at the CCP's brutal persecution exposed on the practitioners' posters and banners. One young man signed the petition to condemn the persecution and said, "I think Falun Gong should not be persecuted. Chinese people should have basic human rights as do people in other countries."

Another gentleman pressed his hands in front of his chest in front of a photo of a practitioner who had been tortured to death in China. He then sat down for a few minutes with the practitioners. Many people accepted flyers and signed the petition to support Falun Gong.

The gentleman in the middle sat down for a few minutes with Falun Gong practitioners to show his support.