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Additional Persecution News from China - November 30, 2009 (17 Reports)

Dec. 7, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 11 cities or counties in six provinces. As per this report, 12 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 7 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Lawyer Mr. Wang Yonghang Tried for the Second Time
2. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] The Persecution of Ms. He Zhiwei and Her Family
3. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Chong Stands Trial; Details Unknown
4. [Xinyang, Henan Province] Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Ms. Liu Xia
5. [Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province] The Long-Term Persecution of Mr. Chen Hu
6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Lianfeng Arrested
7. [Fengcheng, Liaoning Province] Mr. Mu Le Arrested
8. [Beijing] Non-Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jian Persecuted Because His Mother-in-law Is a Practitioner
9. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] A Woman Practitioner Surnamed Liu Arrested in Beijing
10. [Zhucheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Chengmei, in Her 40s, Arrested at Home for No Reason around 9:00 p.m. on November 24, 2009
11. [Henan Province] Ms. Liang Yuying and Ms. Lei Zhenying Arrested
12. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yao Qiang Arrested
13. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Huiting and Ms. Hao Wuzhong Transferred to Jinan Prison
14. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Ping and Ms. Fan Chunjie Sentenced to Forced Labor
15. [Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Sumei and Ms. Wang Shuying Persecuted
16. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Shuhui Persecuted
17. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhou Xianwen Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Facility; Her 90-year-old Mother Left Uncared for

1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Lawyer Mr. Wang Yonghang Tried for the Second Time

The Shaohekou District Court tried Mr. Wang Yonghang for the second time at 9:00 a.m. on November 27, 2009. The proceedings took less than 30 minutes. The van holding Mr. Wang arrived at court at 8:50 a.m. and left the court at 9:23. Mr. Wang's wife attended the hearing.

2. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] The Persecution of Ms. He Zhiwei and Her Family

Ms. He Zhiwei from Zhuhai City was arrested at home on April 9, 2009. For the past seven months she was subjected to gross abuse and mistreatment in three different brainwashing facilities--the Sanshui Brainwashing Center, the Zhanjiang Brainwashing Center, and the Guangzhou Brainwashing Center. Due to severe abuse at the Zhanjiang Brainwashing Center, Ms. He sustained cervical disc prolapse. When the information came to light, the police monitored her family members' phone conversations. Moreover, when Ms. He's oldest sister traveled by air via Beijing, Zhuhai police collaborated with Beijing police and checked all items she carried with her and interrogated her for a long time. They had to release her since they did not get what they wanted. Ms. He is currently in the Guangzhou Brainwashing Center.

Chen, Zhuhai City Police Department 610 Office head: 86-756-2116901
Lai Haizhong, Domestic Security Division deputy head: 86-756-6639129, 86-13809230229
Yinwenfeng, 610 Office head: 86-13709689563, 86-756-2127681 (Home)

3. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Chong Stands Trial; Details Unknown

Officials from the Huadian City 610 Office and from the Domestic Security Division and other related departments put Mr. Wang Chong on trial on November 27, 2009, without informing his family. Mr. Wang's family made inquiries and learned that he had been tried on November 27, 200p, but details and results were not revealed. Mr. Wang is still held at the Huadian City Detention Center.

Yang Baolin, Huadian City 610 Office head: 86-432-66225505 (Office), 86-13704348883, 86-432-66278191 (Home)
Yu Xiaoqiang, Huadian City Police Department Domestic Security Division head: 86-13804448080, 86-432-66229190, 86-13704446200

4. [Xinyang, Henan Province] Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Ms. Liu Xia

Ms. Liu Xia, a teacher at the Xinyang City No.10 Middle School, was arrested at work on November 12, 2009, because she wrote a letter clarifying the truth to the Shihe District Police Department chief, Zhao Daijiang. Zhao Daijiang instructed officers from the Shihe District 610 Office and from the Shihe District Police Department's Domestic Security Division to make the arrest. Ms. Liu was later incarcerated at the Xinyang City No.1 Detention Center.

Ms. Liu has been arrested and subjected to persecution many times since July 20, 1999. She returned home in August 2008 after having served three years in the Xinxiang Women's Prison.

Zhao Daijiang, Shihe District Police Department chief: 86-15903765188, 86-376-6606999
Wu Bo (head) and Wang Junjie (deputy head) of the Shihe District Police Department's Domestic Security Division: 86-376-6524107
Zhu Wenjing, Shihe District 610 Office: 86-13837628707

5. [Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province] The Long-Term Persecution of Mr. Chen Hu

Mr. Chen Hu from Yongjia County has been detained since January 2008. His family has not heard from him and only knows that he is in the Linping Town No. 4 Prison in the Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Lianfeng Arrested

Ms. Wang Lianfeng is from Shuangdao Town, Lushun City. Local police ransacked her home on November 25, 2009. They arrested her and took her to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City on November 27, 2009.

7. [Fengcheng, Liaoning Province] Mr. Mu Le Arrested

Mr. Mu Le from Xiangqian Village, Dixiongshan Town, is employed by the Dalian City Meishuo International Trade Company. He was arrested the day after he accessed the Internet at an Internet café. He is currently in the Yaojia Detention Center.

8. [Beijing] Non-Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jian Persecuted Because His Mother-in-law Is a Practitioner

Mr. Zhang Jian, 31, a villager in Xipingzhuang Village, Sijiqing Town, the Haidian District, was arrested in August 2008. The reason? Implication: His mother-in-law from Hebei Province practiced Falun Gong. His home was ransacked. He was taken to a location in Hebei Province and held there until October 2009, when he was released.

9. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] A Woman Practitioner Surnamed Liu Arrested in Beijing

It is learned that Ms. Liu accompanied her child to Beijing to study on October 1, 2009. Beijing police arrested her at a hotel because they found a copy of Zhuan Falun in her bag. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

10. [Zhucheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Chengmei, in Her 40s, Arrested at Home for No Reason around 9:00 p.m. on November 24, 2009

11. [Henan Province] Ms. Liang Yuying and Ms. Lei Zhenying Arrested

Ms. Liang Yunying and Ms. Lei Zhenying, both in their 60s, employees from the Nanyang Oil Field, were reported as they spoke with people about Falun Gong and the persecution on November 26, 2009, in Shi'an Township, Xinye County, Nanyang City. Shi'an Township Police Station officers arrested and took them to the Xinye County Detention Center that same evening. Ms. Liang has been arrested eleven times. Three people monitored and followed her daily before this latest arrest.

12. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yao Qiang Arrested

Officers from the Baoyuquan District Domestic Security Division and from the Honghai Police Station broke into Ms. Yao Qiang's home on the morning of November 26, 2009. They arrested and took her and her non-practitioner husband to the Honghai Police Station. An elderly lady visiting Ms. Yao at her home was also arrested but released later on. Honghai Police Station officers transferred Ms. Yao and her husband to the Baoyuquan District Domestic Security Division.

In 2005, Ms. Yao, 61, was reported for speaking with people about Falun Gong and the persecution. Baoyuquan Police Department Domestic Security Division persons illegally sentenced her to one year of forced labor at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

13. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Huiting and Ms. Hao Wuzhong Transferred to Jinan Prison

Binhai Development District Police Department officials transferred Ms. Li Huiting, who had been held at the Weifang Detention Center, to the Jinan Women's Prison on October 15, 2009, without informing her family.

They also transferred Ms. Hao Wuzhong, who had been held at the Shouguang Detention Center, to the Jinan Prison on November 20, 2009.

14. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Ping and Ms. Fan Chunjie Sentenced to Forced Labor

Ms. Wang Ping, 58, and Ms. Fan Chunjie, 55, both from Faku County, were reported as they distributed informational materials about Falun Gong and the persecution in Zhencaigangzi Village, Ci'ensi Township, at around 10:00 p.m. on October 24, 2009. Ci'ensi Police Station officers arrested them. Faku County Police Department Domestic Security Division personnel then held them in criminal detention for a month. They were sentenced to forced labor on November 20, 2009. Ms. Wang was sentenced to 15 months, and Ms. Fan to one year. Both practitioners are currently in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Zhang Shoujiang, Faku County Police Department Domestic Security Division head: 86-24-87123736, 86-24-87120405, 86-13940162114
Zhang Hongxi, Faku County 610 Office head: 86-24-87119610,86-24-87113885, 86-13840436700
Jiang Rongbiao, Faku County 610 Office deputy head: 86-24-87122822, 86-13940340444

15. [Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Sumei and Ms. Wang Shuying Persecuted

Ms. Li Sumei went to the Xingda Police Station to explain to the police about Falun Gong and the persecution on November 26, 2009. The police impounded her Falun Gong book she carried with her and let her go home. Ms. Li left the police station and went to Ms. Wang Shuying's home at around noon. She was followed. Three officers from the Xingda Police Station went to Ms. Wang's home and ransacked it. They took Falun Gong books, a photo of Master Li and informational materials about Falun Gong at around 8:00 a.m. on November 27, 2009. Local police officers arrested Ms. Wang and took her to the station. Ms. Wang's family was able to have her released later on.

Ms. Li Sumei went to the Xingda Police Station at around 8:00 a.m. on November 27, 2009, to ask for her impounded Falun Gong books. She was arrested again, and now her whereabouts are unknown.

Xingda Police Station: 86-411-89813617

16. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Shuhui Persecuted

Ms. Zhang Shuhui from the Shijingshna District is a former police officer with the Shijingshan District Police Department Vice Squad. When she passed by the Beixinqiao Area of the Dongcheng District at around 2:00 a.m. on November 26, 2009, patrol police searched her bag and found an electronic book. She was taken to the Beixinqiao Police Station. The police ransacked her home in the Shijingshan District, Baojiao South Lane Blk 19, #4-202, and took about 30 Falun Gong books, VCDs and tapes of Fa-lectures, a computer, and a notebook computer.

Dongcheng District Detention Center: 86-1080712456
Beixinqiao Police Station: 86-1064041177

17. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhou Xianwen Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Facility; Her 90-year-old Mother Left Uncared for

Ms. Zhou Xianwen, in her 50s, is from the Yangpu District. Local police deceived her into coming to the police station in early November 2009. She was then taken to the Qingpu Brainwashing Center; her 90-year-old mother is left uncared for at home.

Pingliang Street Police Station officials fabricated a lie, saying that Ms. Zhou distributed informational materials about Falun Gong on September 28, 2009. They ransacked her home. Ms. Zhou managed to escape from the detention center with the cooperation of her family members on October 28. Because Pingliang Police Station officers regularly harassed her, her elderly mother got hyper-nervous and became incontinent.

Eight officers from the Yangpu Police Department had arrested Ms. Zhou on the evening of July 31, 2007, without evidence of wrongdoing, saying that someone had reported her. Ms. Zhou was held for a month in a detention center and then transferred to the Qingpu Brainwashing Center.

Officer Yang, Yangpu 610 Office: 86-13052477425

November 29, 2009