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Yan Shu--A Faithful and Sincere Person

Dec. 7, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) There is a story about Yan Shu in The Book of Mencius. When Yan Shu was young, he was recommended to the imperial court by Zhang Zhibai, a prominent person. His majesty summoned Yan to the imperial court while a special exam for officials-to-be was taking place. Upon seeing the topic in the exam, Yan Shu said, "Your majesty, I used this topic for a poem ten days ago--I still have the rough draft with me. I beg for a new topic." His majesty appreciated his candidness.

While Yan Shu served as a government official, the country was at peace, so all officials were allowed to indulge in entertainment--all restaurants and clubs were equipped with special areas blocked off with heavy curtains, where officials could enjoy themselves. At this period of time, Yan Shu was very poor, financially unable to go out for entertainment. Instead, he stayed home and studied with his brothers. One day when the imperial court was selecting an official for the East Palace where the crown prince resided, a rumor came out of the royal palace that the appointment of Yan Shu had been approved, and the administrative ministers didn't know why. On the following day when the ministers presented themselves in the royal court, the emperor explained, "Lately, from what I heard, all ministers have been having a lot of fun except for Yan Shu, who stays home studying with his brothers. Such a prudent, cautious person is well qualified to be the official at the East Palace."

After his official appointment, Yan Shu was granted permission to see the emperor, where he was told the reason for his appointment. With his honest and straight forward habit of talking, Yan Shu replied, "Your majesty, it isn't that I don't like entertainment; it is just that I don't have the money to pursue it." His majesty appreciated this, for he knew Yan Shu would serve with honesty. With Renzong on the throne, he was finally promoted to an important position.

Because of his sincerity and faithfulness, Yan Shu was promoted to important positions during the Northern Song Dynasty and became a very wealthy man.

In Chinese traditional culture, people who are faithful and sincere are noble and respected.

Confucius said, "People without sincerity and faithfulness cannot be trusted."

In the book Daxue (The Great Learning), there are phrases like: "Sincerity, Righteous mind, Cultivate the body, regulate the family, rule the state, quiet the world."

In the book Zhong Yong (The Doctrine of the Mean) there is a phrase: "A man of noble character believes sincerity is most important."

The scholar Zhuxi wrote: "Sincerity is the basis of the five moral standards as well as the foundation of all business."

November 16, 2009