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London's Arts Community Enthusiastically Acclaims Divine Performing Arts, "Brilliant! So Moving I Could Cry" (Photo)

March 9, 2009 |   Compiled by Clearwisdom staff

(Clearwisdom.net) As Divine Performing Arts (DPA) gave its final performances at the New London Theatre, the curtain opened to a packed house. Spontaneous rounds of applause burst forth from the audience throughout the performance. The audience's enthusiasm was so great that they were reluctant to let the performers go, and they answered to three curtain calls.

Royal Academy Lecturer: 'So Moving I Could Cry'

In the audience was celebrated erhu [a traditional Chinese 2-stringed bowed instrument] and Mongol stringed instrument player, Dr. Huehns. Born in London, he attended Cambridge University and Kings College. Later, in 1992 he began studying at the Royal Academy of Music, and in the same year, he completed his doctorate in music at Cambridge. He has also studied the erhu and Chinese traditional music at China's ancient capital city, Xi'an. Currently he works as a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Music.

Dr. Huehns (L), a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Music, and his student

When interviewed during the intermission, Dr. Huehns spoke fluent Chinese to express his feelings about DPA. "I'm an erhu teacher. The performance by DPA was excellent. I'm currently teaching at the Royal Academy of Music. I brought a student of mine here tonight. I'm just sad that I only brought one student--all the others were busy. Furthermore, I've never had the opportunity to learn about the true situation of Falun Gong, so I'm glad to have had this opportunity tonight."

"Regarding the combination of both Western and Eastern traditional instruments, the orchestra has done this very well. Especially as a teacher of both Western and Eastern music, I think that this concept and accomplishment [of combining West and East] is remarkable! I also want to say, the performance and the melodies were completely different from what I studied in China. If I have a chance I'd like to study about it more and read the music score."

Dr. Huehns was so moved by the erhu performance, "Hope", that after the show, on his own initiative he emailed the reporter, again in Chinese, to express his feelings about the DPA erhu soloist, Qi Xiaochun, "So moving I could cry; graceful, pleasant, perfect, flawless, and truly melodious."

Classical Dancer: Lovely Wonderful Surprise

Ms. Gomm, a former dancer of both classical and modern dance, was given a ticket to the show as a birthday present. "I really enjoyed it. It was lovely. I didn't know what to expect. I was treated, it was my birthday treat. It was wonderful!" she said.

Ms. Gomm was enamored by the dance, "the Mystical Phoenix." "I liked the Phoenix, that was very nice and the flower for the spring ["Welcoming Spring"], the fans--that was beautiful," she said.

Knowing how dedicated a dancer has to be, Ms. Gomm shared that the DPA dancers were "Very good. Very disciplined ... Not one of them went wrong. No one arm was placed differently than the other, so they are very disciplined. It's very good."

People Need to Know the Truth

Graham, a writer, who trained as a lawyer, said, "I enjoyed the colours. It was very good. It was brilliant!"

He enjoyed the entire show, and said many of the performances left a lasting impression. "I enjoyed the dance with the multi-coloured skirts, the flower-dance, and the dance with the little drums. I also enjoyed the tenor very much, I could feel the energy!"

His demeanor becoming serious, Graham said, "I know this show is prohibited in China. That is very sad, it's a shame. I wish the authorities would change their attitude to things. I don't know enough about it, but I know their approach to things is wrong. I hope they change. I hope performances like this encourage change." He added, "I hope I got some of the deeper messages. Maybe that art can change the way people think."

Graham said, "I think people need to know the truth. I believe if they know the truth they can do positive things."



