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Being One Body

June 3, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) While sending forth righteous thoughts tonight I saw some things that I thought would be good to share with everyone.

Please keep in mind that I can only see things vaguely and it may or may not hold true. This is just my own understanding.

I saw that each practitioner had many hands - lots of them, one above the next. Each hand represented that practitioner's connection with another practitioner and it was like the bonds that held him or her in the body of practitioners.

When the hands were not holding each other, it meant that the practitioner had a conflict or bad thoughts about that practitioner. Some who only had a few hands holding on seemed to be very unstable.

I saw what looked like a floating, black, twisted hand that was trying to separate the hands of practitioners. I had the sense that if it were able to completely separate the hands it would be as if the practitioner was pulled out of the body of practitioners and it would be much easier to destroy him or her.

It made me think that when we are close to one another, we can help others who are starting to stumble. Yet, sometimes when practitioners have conflicts with several others, most tend to keep a distance from that person.

When I look back on the practitioners whom I have seen fall out of Dafa, it was always those who came to think of themselves as being smarter or better than everyone else, and so refused to work well with others, or it was those who developed a lot of bad thoughts and conflicts with others.

I saw that in my own field, there were a few hands that were separated and I felt really concerned. At that moment, I really wanted to correct this from the bottom of my heart.

While I was seeing this, a bad thought popped into my head about a Chinese practitioner.

I then saw something that is somewhat difficult to describe. It was like each practitioner had a different color and world surrounding them. Each one was starkly different from the next--very different from the next.

It made me think of each of us having come from distant cosmic bodies. My understanding is that in each of these cosmic bodies, beings have their own ways of elevating and their own ways of thinking and doing things which are very different from those of other cosmic bodies, yet are completely correct
where they are.

The understanding I had upon seeing this was that even if beings are at the same levels, their ways of doing things and ways thinking may be very different from the next and it couldn't be said that they were of lower levels or wrong for having different opinions than me or different ways of doing things--they were just different.