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Seven Years of Injustice -- Mr. Fan Qingjun Severely Persecuted in Jidong Prison

July 5, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Fan Qingjun, 40, is a resident of Nanzhang Village, Xiulin Town, Jingjing County. He was a former employee of the Hebei Pharmaceutical Factory in Shijiazhuang City. Because he believes in Falun Dafa, Mr. Fan was illegally arrested and held in the Xushui County Detention Center in September 2002. In October 2003, he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment and sent to the Jidong Jail No. 1 Team, where he has been severely persecuted for the past seven years. Policeman He Xiaoqiang has instigated prisoners to physically assault and abuse Mr. Fan many times. They have deprived him of sleep and purposefully harmed him.

The following are examples of how the police and prisoners in Jidong Jail have tortured Mr. Fan.

1. Immersed in a cold salt pond for a whole day

In April 2004, Mr. Fan was ordered to do forced labor, but as he believed that he had done nothing wrong, he refused. Policeman He Xiaoqiang from the No. 9 Team instigated prisoners Dai Guiyou, Li Yinqiang, and Zhang Dongqiang, who were Mr. Fan's personal monitors, to forcibly immerse Mr. Fan into a salt pond and did not allow him to get out. The three prisoners wore their boots. The water in April was very cold and Mr. Fan was immersed in the pond for the whole day. As a result, he now suffers from arthritis and very often has lower back and leg pains. In addition, Mr. Fan was not allowed to take a shower after he had done his forced labor. Instead, he was jailed separately in a room for "introspection." Apart from two prisoners who strictly monitored him, he was not allowed to have contact or talk with anyone else.

2. Forced to lie in the baking sun for the entire day

In June 2004, it was scorching hot. Policeman He Xiaoqiang again instigated Dai Guiyou and Wang Guocai to force Mr. Fan to lie down facing up towards the scorching sun. He was not allowed to wear a hat, and was left out in the baking sun for the entire day. As a result, Mr. Fan's vision was impaired. About a week later, He Xiaoqiang saw that Mr. Fan still refused to do his forced labor, so he instigated nine prisoners, including the personal monitors Dai Guiyou, Li Yinqiang, and Zhang Dongqiang, to rip off Mr. Fan's shirt and forced him onto the plastic mat that had been exposed to the burning sun for a whole day. They then used an iron cylinder to brand and severely torture him.

3. Severely beaten by three prisoners for almost an hour

At the end of June 2004, He Xiaoqiang again instigated Dai Guiyou, Chen Yushan, and a drug addict who was a hired thug named Zhang Xiusheng to torture Mr. Fan. Dai Guiyou and Chen Yushan twisted Mr. Fan's arms. Then Zhang Xiusheng beat him severely. Zhang also used his elbow and fists to pound on Mr. Fan's legs more than 50 times. Policeman He Xiaoqiang sat on a chair not for away from Mr. Fan, supervising the beating with a cigarette hanging from his lips. A dozen prisoners laboring nearby looked over from time to time. Later, He Xiaoqiang called out to Zhang Xiusheng to move Mr. Fan, so they pulled and pushed him into a big storage room and continued to severely beat him. The vicious beating lasted for almost an hour.

4. Deprived of sleep for a long time

On another occasion after Mr. Fan finished his forced labor, He Xiaoqiang ordered the prisoners to keep Mr. Fan from sleeping for four days and three nights. They forced Mr. Fan to sit on a plank that was 20 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide. For several days, he was forced to sit on this plank, causing Mr. Fan's legs to become swollen and painful. He could hardly squat down to use the toilet. His eyes were congested, his hearing got worse, and he began to suffer from tinnitus. At night, the two strict personal monitors, Wang Yanxin and Du Guojun, talked to Mr. Fan nonstop and would not allow him to fall asleep. Actually, long before this happened, He Xiaoqiang had consistently not allowed Mr. Fan to sleep until 1:30 a.m. They also instigated a personal monitor, Xi Yanhui, who was on night duty, and team leader Zhang Dongqiang to pull or push Mr. Fan from time to time to wake him up.

The mental and physical torture of Mr. Fan by the police and the prisoners over a long period of time resulted in serious insomnia, neurasthenia, reduced memory, headache, tinnitus, reduced eyesight, lower back and leg pain, and arthritis. The seven years of torture have caused Mr. Fan's health to deteriorate steadily.

Mr. Fan is due to finish his sentence on September 22, 2009. He has filed a lawsuit against policeman He Xiaoqiang at the Hebei Provincial Intermediate Court, asking for an investigation.

Mr. Fan Qingjun's complaint has been filed at the Jidong Jail. Pursuant to the regulations, the jail should reply within seven days, but it was not until the end of February that Chief of the Education Section of the Jidong Jail Zhang Fuliang acknowledged the lawsuit and started to communicate with Mr. Fan with the intention of suppressing this matter. Zhang Fuliang has now said that nothing will come of his complaint. However, Mr. Fan will not give up and has said that he would continue to file complaints after he is released from jail.