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Singapore: Practitioners Protest the CCP's Persecution in Front of Chinese Embassy

July 5, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) At about 10:00 a.m. on July 1, 2009, several Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore unfurled two huge banners in front of the Chinese Embassy. The banners read, "Disintegrate the CCP and stop the persecution," and, "Stop the CCP's extension of the persecution of Falun Gong to Singapore" in front of the Chinese Embassy. They protested the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ten-year-long persecution and the Chinese Embassy's unreasonable rejection of Falun Gong practitioners' passport applications or extensions, and visas.

The practitioners exposed how the Chinese Embassy rejected the applications of Falun Gong practitioners with Chinese passports who were staying in Singapore waiting for a passport extension due to their practicing of Falun Gong. The consequence is that the practitioners lose their documents of identity. After requesting a resolution to the problem many times, they did not get any result. Some practitioners applied for a visa to Hong Kong, but the embassy rejected that also. The practitioners believe that these incidents are the CCP's depriving people of basic their human rights and discrimination against and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. After requesting a resolution many times without any progress, the practitioners held a peaceful protest, a basic right of citizens.

Practitioner Zhao said, "July 1 is the anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. It is also the day for Chinese people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. July is the month for Chinese people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations on a global scale. The CCP is terrified. We noticed that more police have appeared around the embassy. As soon as we arrived there, they followed us right away. As soon as we unfurled the banners, they came forward to grab them. My companion said, 'These are our personal property. Don't grab these banners.' They retreated and made phone calls. Later we handed over a letter of protest to the Embassy. But they did not dare to accept it. We told them we would mail it to the ambassador and related departments."

Another practitioner, Mr. Zhu said, "The CCP's persecution has lasted ten years. In the face of violence and unfair treatment, Falun Gong practitioners peacefully explained the fact to the world's people and governments and called for justice and conscience. But the CCP's persecution is spreading to Singapore and other countries. In Flushing, New York, CCP accomplices beat Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP's embassies and consulates interfere with and block the spread of Chinese traditional culture. It is clear that the nature of the CCP is not the true essence of China. The unprecedented persecution [of Falun Gong] must be stopped."

Practitioner Zhao said, "Currently the number of people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations is over 56 million. The CCP not only persecutes Falun Gong practitioners in China but it has extended the persecution overseas. Furthermore, the CCP spreads its slanderous lies defaming Falun Gong across the world via the media, to deceive and brainwash the world's people. Some people are deceived by the CCP and also hate Falun Gong and fail to distinguish right and wrong. Thus, only the disintegration of the CCP can stop the persecution. It is the only way for Chinese people and people everywhere to get rid of the CCP's terrorism. Don't harbor any illusions of the CCP."