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Looking Within and Walking Our Paths Well

July 6, 2009 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I recently came to understand a lot after sharing with fellow practitioners and reading the "Minghui Weekly". The following is my cultivation sharing.

Eliminating the Competitive Mentality

The relationship between my parents and I was very tense for a while. I had been persecuted by the Communist Party for four years, which cruelly hurt my child and family. I am the only daughter of my parents, so they were always concerned about my safety and have tried to control me.

I made efforts to convince them about the righteousness of Dafa, but the effect was not good. Meanwhile, whenever we talked about this issue, we always got into a big fight. Then I refused to have a meal with my family, and I didn't speak to them, which yielded a gap in my heart. I was never satisfied with my parents regardless of what they did for me. My resentment grew. Sometimes, I sobbed privately.

When my daughter saw me cry, she asked, "Mom, why are you crying?" I answered, "Because your grandmother hurt me." My daughter said, "Well, why don't you stop talking back in the future? It will become better if you are wordless or courteous." I said, "Why is that? I must tell them they are wrong."

My daughter went on to say, "You don't allow me to indulge in using my computer. Isn't it out of your caring? It is the same that grandmother is concerned for you. You are the practitioner who believes in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. How are you practicing Forbearance? Why can't you show them your improvement after practicing Falun Gong?"

My child's words awakened me. I began to look within carefully. I saw that I didn't care for my family, and I did not take care of family affairs. It seemed that I had no human attachment on the surface. Actually I was selfish, which led to the resentment and my not being compassionate to others. Once I found my true self, all the resentment vanished immediately, and in its place was compassion and tolerance. Looking at their gray hair, tears came to my eyes.

From then on, quarrels were no longer heard in my family. I validated "Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring". ("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos" in Hong Yin II)

Getting Rid of Laziness, Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts on Time, and Keep Up the Morning Exercises

Master said, "When an average person hears it, this person will practice it on and off." ("Lecture Nine" in Zhuan Falun) I have been one of the "average persons" because I didn't do well in practicing the exercises. I always slacked off on the sending forth righteous thoughts four times daily and the morning exercises at 3:50 a.m.

One day, a fellow practitioner handed me a pamphlet entitled "What the Little Disciples Saw in Other Dimensions." It told how some practitioners had boarded the ship while some others were still sleepy with their bodies having remained unchanged because of their lack of diligent practice. I saw my muddling along from the story, and I deeply realized how serious practicing cultivation is.

Since then, I have continued to send forth righteous thoughts at 12:00 a.m. every day. Once, I didn't get up on time, and my daughter said to me, "You will feel regretful if you don't get up now!" I perked up right away.

The above is what I understood after sharing with fellow practitioners and reading articles on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom). I know I still have a lot of attachments to eliminate, such as jealousy, showing off, zealotry, and lust.

Whatever the attachment is, it will definitely be eliminated as long as I look within as Master has required.

Things are very smooth when my righteous thoughts are strong. Recently, I did a lot of truth clarification in the store. My thoughts were to save people, and I conducted myself according to the Fa. Accordingly, Master will arrange everything for me. A practitioner should look within unconditionally and do the three things.

If there is anything improper, please kindly point it out.

June 8, 2009