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Additional Persecution News from China - June 20, 2009 (26 Reports)

July 6, 2009

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 20 cities or counties in 8 provinces. In this report, 44 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 6 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Ms. Yan Hongyan Held Four Months
  2. [Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ai Qingfeng Held at County Detention Center
  3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Taken into Custody
  4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Gao Ke Taken into Custody Again
  5. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Fu Cuijuan and Four Members of Mr. Xie Guanglin's Family Taken into Police Custody; All Held at Shizuizi Detention Center in Liaoyang City
  6. [Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhu Yumei and Mr. Wang Kun Taken to Prison
  7. [Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information on 19 Practitioners Taken into Custody
  8. [Tianjin] Mr. Li Liang Held at Hedong District Detention Center in Tianjin
  9. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] 10,000 Yuan Extorted from Ms. Sun Jianhua's Family
  10. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Pan Ruhua and Ms. Ji Chuanyu Taken into Custody
  11. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Fengxiu Remains in Custody
  12. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Ailing Taken into Custody
  13. [Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Renling Severely Abused in Jinan Women's Prison
  14. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Aiqun Transferred from Brainwashing Center to Fushan Detention Center
  15. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Yingchun and Ms. Li Xiujun Appealed to the Qingdao City Intermediate Court
  16. [Anping County, Hebei Province] Over 20 Practitioners Taken into Custody
  17. [Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Gou Zhengfeng Detained and Monies Extorted
  18. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Bo Limei Taken into Custody
  19. [Gongyi City, Henan Province] Mr. Wei Jianwu Beaten and Taken into Custody
  20. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Jin Rong Sentenced to Forced Labor Again
  21. [Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Xiaomei and Ms. Qi Xiaoping Sentenced to Prison
  22. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Huang Meizhen Taken into Custody on the Morning of June 16
  23. [Xilinhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Lu Zhanping Taken into Custody
  24. [Xiangfan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhang Yi Held in Forced Labor Camp Almost a Year
  25. [Ruanling County, Hunan Province] Ms. Dai Liyun Taken to Forced Labor Camp Again
  26. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Gao Xiuzhen Taken into Custody

1. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Ms. Yan Hongyan Held Four Months

Ms. Yan Hongyan is the wife of Mr. Zhao Jingjun, who has been unlawfully held in custody. They live in Qihu Village in Zunhua City under the jurisdiction of Tangshan City, Hebei Province. On February 24, 2009, Ms. Yan and an attorney from Beijing, Mr. Zhang Kai, went to the police demanding to see Mr. Zhao. The domestic security officers and members of the Zunhua City 610 Office were infuriated. They followed Ms. Yan and her friends and relatives. So far, the police have searched the homes of seven of their family members. Ms. Yan was taken into custody and has been held at the Zunhua City Detention Center for four months. She suffered cramps in the detention center. Ms. Yan and Mr. Zhao's children, a ten-year-old and a four-year-old, have been left at home unattended. Officials from the Zunhua Brainwashing Center demanded that Ms. Yan's family pay cash to cover her purported meal expenses.

Mr. Zhao is being held at the Kaiping Detention Center in Tangshan City, serving a two-year forced labor term.

Zhang Lihua, head of the Domestic Security Division of the Zunhua City Police Department: 86-13832989823 (Cell)
Wang Kunyuan, deputy head of the Domestic Security Division: 86-13832985801 (Cell), 86-13933425908 (Cell)
Zhao Jianguo, director of the detention center: 86-13832988905 (Cell), 86-315-6606216

2. [Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ai Qingfeng Held at County Detention Center

Mr. Zai Qingfeng is from Liaozhong County. While he was making popcorn in Qiandangbao Town, Xinmin City, officers from the Liaozhong County Police Department and the Liu'erbao Town Police Station in Liaozhong County took him into custody for no reason. Mr. Ai is being held at the Liaozhong County Detention Center.

3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Taken into Custody

Ms. Jiang, around 30 years old, lives near Zhongshan Square. In early June 2009, domestic security officers in the Zhongshan District and local police officers took her into custody. Her school-age child is at home alone.

4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Gao Ke Taken into Custody Again

Mr. Gao Ke, his wife, and a practitioner who was visiting at their home were taken into custody by the police who broke in. The three practitioners were taken to a facility in Yaziquan. Mr. Gao faces one year of forced labor.

5. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Fu Cuijuan and Four Members of Mr. Xie Guanglin's Family Taken into Police Custody; All Held at Shizuizi Detention Center in Liaoyang City

6. [Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhu Yumei and Mr. Wang Kun Taken to Prison

On June 17, 2009, Ms. Zhu Yumei was taken to the Harbin Women's Prison by the 610 Office and the Domestic Security Division. Mr. Wang Kun has been taken to Hulan Prison.

Ms. Zhu and Mr. Wang are both from Acheng City. In July 2008, they went to Jiaojie Town in Acheng City to hand out truth-clarification materials. Offices from the Jiaojie Town Police Station took them into custody. The two practitioners have been illegally sentenced to eight years in prison. Their families appealed the sentencing. The Acheng Court tried everything to prevent the practitioners' families from filing an appeal. The families eventually appealed the case to the Harbin City Intermediate Court. However, the intermediate court upheld the harsh, unlawful prison terms.

7. [Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information on 19 Practitioners Taken into Custody

At around 8:00 a.m. on June 18, 2009, a dozen officers from the Yuji Town Police Station in Linghai City, the city's Domestic Security Division, and the Anti-Riot Division forcibly took 19 practitioners from Mr. Zhao Tingwu's home to the Linghai City Domestic Security Division. At 4:00 a.m., after being interrogated all night, the police took seven male practitioners to the Linghai City Detention Center and 12 female practitioners (including Mr. Zhao's wife) to the Jinzhou City Detention Center.

8. [Tianjin] Mr. Li Liang Held at Hedong District Detention Center in Tianjin

It has been reported that Mr. Li Liang was arrested while away from his home town around New Year's Day 2009. He is being held at the Hedong District Detention Center in Tianjin.

Mr. Li used to work at the Ditan Bookstore in Beijing. He was illegally arrested at the end of October 1999 and has been held in a labor camp for seven years.

9. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] 10,000 Yuan Extorted from Ms. Sun Jianhua's Family

In September 2007, Ms. Sun Jianhua was taken from her home. The police extorted 10,000 yuan from her family. They threatened the family and told them not to tell anyone about the extortion.

10. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Pan Ruhua and Ms. Ji Chuanyu Taken into Custody

At around 4:30 a.m. on June 19, 2009, officers from the Wangliu Streeet Police Station in Weicheng District, Weifang City, arrived in three vans at practitioners' homes. They climbed over the walls, smashed the doors, and broke in. The police took Ms. Pan Ruhua, Ms. Ji Chuanyu, and a practitioner with the last name Sun into custody. It is not clear what personal items the police confiscated.

11. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Fengxiu Remains in Custody

On June 9, 2009, Ms. Wang Fengxiu, 37, was taken from work at the Xiangdi Water Administration Agency in Junan County, Linyi City. Later the police searched her home. Ms. Wang remains in custody.

Liu Xipeng, head of the Junan County Domestic Security Division: 86-539-7224209
Ma Zongtao, officer at the domestic security division: 86-539-7224200

12. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Ailing Taken into Custody

Ms. Sun Ailing lives in Huangshankou Village in Gangxi Town, Rongcheng City. On June 16, she was turned in to the police while telling others about the persecution. Officers from the Gangxi Town Police Station took her to the Rongcheng City Police Department. Three officers from the local police station searched her home while she was away. The police confiscated a portrait of the founder of Falun Gong, Falun Dafa books, truth-clarification materials, and personal items.

Gangxi Town Police Station: 86-631-7861043
Rongcheng City Police Department: 86-631-7563502

13. [Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Renling Severely Abused in Jinan Women's Prison

Ms. Liu Renling from the Mouping area has been unlawfully sentenced to nine years in prison. She is being held in Jinan Women's Prison. Ms. Liu was severely abused for extended periods of time for refusing to give up cultivation. She was forced to do hard labor. The local police notified her family that she was suffering from high blood pressure. When her family went to visit her on May 11, Ms. Liu told her mother her illness was caused by being beaten.

14. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Aiqun Transferred from Brainwashing Center to Fushan Detention Center

Ms. Sun Aiqun lives in the Fushan District, Yantai City. On the evening of June 7, she was turned in while distributing truth-clarification materials and was held at the 610 Office. Later, she was taken to the Fushan District Brainwashing Center. It has been reported that Ms. Sun was transferred to the Fushan Detention Center.

15. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Yingchun and Ms. Li Xiujun Appealed to the Qingdao City Intermediate Court

Ms. Xu Yingchun and Ms. Liu Xiujun, both from Qingdao City, have been unlawfully sentenced to five years in prison. It has been reported that Attorney Mr. Li Subin and others have helped them appeal their case to the Qingdao City Intermediate Court. Their appeals reached the No. 1 Criminal Court of the Intermediate Court by the end of May.

The telephone number of Cong Rixin, the judge in charge of the cases, is 86-532-83098062.

16. [Anping County, Hebei Province] Over 20 Practitioners Taken into Custody

At around 10:00 p.m. on June 18, between 70 and 80 police officers led by Sun Yihe, head of the Anping County Domestic Security Division, suddenly broke into Mr. Zhang Mancang's home. The police took into custody over 20 practitioners who were there to share their experiences with each other. The police then searched several of the practitioners' homes. They confiscated computers, printers, and DVDs.

17. [Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Gou Zhengfeng Detained and Monies Extorted

Ms. Gou Zhengfeng, who lives in Xianyang City, was turned in to the police while telling others about the persecution on May 7, 2009. Officers from the Beishangzhao Police Station gave her 15 days of detention on administrative charges. The police also ordered her family to pay a 5,000-yuan fine.

18. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Bo Limei Taken into Custody

On the morning of April 23, Ms. Bo Limei, who lives in the Guancheng District, Zhengzhou City, went to work. The police took her into custody at the entrance of her place of work. She has been held at the Zhengzhou City No. 4 Detention Center. Wang Zhenfu, head of the domestic security division and other officers, tortured and severely beat Ms. Bo while she was being interrogated.

19. [Gongyi City, Henan Province] Mr. Wei Jianwu Beaten and Taken into Custody

Mr. Wei Jianwu lives in the Dinggou No. 9 Team in Jiajinkou Town, Gongyi City. On May 15, he was turned in to the authorities for telling others about the persecution. Officers from the Xicun Police Station and from the Domestic Security Division of the Jiajinkou Police Station searched his home that afternoon. The officers beat Mr. Wei and took him to the short term detention center in Gongyi City. Fifteen days later, Mr. Wei was transferred to the Gongyi City Detention Center.

Yang Sichao, director of the Xicun Police Station: 86-13703999190 (Cell)
Han Zhenfeng, director of the Jiajinkou Police Station: 86-13592528619 (Cell)
Fei Penghui, Domestic Security Division: 86-13903869813 (Cell)

20. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Jin Rong Sentenced to Forced Labor Again

Ms. Jin Rong, in her thirties, is an employee of the Lishan Electronics Company in the Lintong District, Xi'an City. She has been held in custody and taken to a labor camp on several occasions for practicing Falun Gong. On April 27, she was turned in to the police while distributing truth-clarification materials at the Children's Park in the Lianhu District. She was taken to a detention center, where she refused to cooperate with the police interrogation. On June 8, she was again sentenced to 13 months of forced labor.

21. [Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Xiaomei and Ms. Qi Xiaoping Sentenced to Prison

After seven months of custody in Zhongjiang Detention Center, Ms. Wang Xiaomei and Ms. Qi Xiaoping were unlawfully placed on trial after secret interrogations. The Zhongjiang County Court sentenced Ms. Wang and Ms. Qi to three years in prison. In March 2009, the two practitioners were taken to the Sichuan Province Women's Prison.

Supervision Section of the Sichuan Province Women's Prison: 86-832-7722920
Prison Affairs Section: 86-832-7722911

22. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Huang Meizhen Taken into Custody on the Morning of June 16

23. [Xilinhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Lu Zhanping Taken into Custody

On June 3, Mr. Lu Zhanping, an employee of the Northern China Oil Fields in Xilinhot City, was turned in to the police while telling others about the persecution. Officers from the Xilin City Police Department took him into custody. Mr. Lu is being held at the Xilin City Detention Center.

24. [Xiangfan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhang Yi Held in Forced Labor Camp Almost a Year

Mr. Zhang Yi has been held in the Shayang Forced Labor Camp for almost a year as a result of doing the Falun Gong exercises on the People's Square in Xiangfan City last year. It has been reported that his term is to end by August 2009.

25. [Ruanling County, Hunan Province] Ms. Dai Liyun Taken to Forced Labor Camp Again

On May 15, Ms. Deng Juying, Ms. Wang Qixiang, Ms. Zhang Yinghua, and Ms. Dai Liyun, all from Ruanling County, went to Taichang Township in the county to clarify the truth. They were turned in to the police. After 15 days of detention, Ms. Deng, Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhang were released. Ms. Dai has been taken to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City and is serving an 18-month term.

Ms. Dai Liyun, 54, has been laid off from the Ruanling County Vegetables Company. In February 2001, she posted, "Falun Dafa Is Great" on the wall. As a result, she was sentenced to five years in prison and held in Changsha Women's Prison. She returned home in February 2005. This is the second time Ms. Dai has been imprisoned.

Huang Yuanhe, who turned the practitioners in to the police: 86-13974582355 (Cell)
Xiang Shenggui, director of the Ruanling County 610 Office: 86-13034859316 (Cell)
Quan Jixiao, head of the Domestic Security Division: 86-13407455409 (Cell)

26. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Gao Xiuzhen Taken into Custody

On June 3, 2009, Ms. Gao Xiuzhen was taken into custody by officers from the Huangshi Police Station while she was distributing truth-clarification materials in the Huangshi area in the Baiyun District, Guangzhou City. The officers forced her back to her home in Yajule Garden in Fayu District, Guangzhou City. Officers from the local Nancun Police Station joined the other police officers and searched Ms Gao's home for two and a half hours. They confiscated personal belongings. Ms. Gao is being held at the Baiyun District Detention Center in Guangzhou City.

Meng Li, the Yaleju Residential Community Police Station in Fanyu District, Guangzhou: 86-13928755217 (Cell)

June 20, 2009