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Retired Director of a Detention Center Quits the CCP

July 6, 2009 |   By Xu Kaixuan from Sichuan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I have worked in the Police Bureau for many years. I was the director of a detention center before I retired. I am over 70 years old now. After retirement, I still worked at the Bureau. For the past ten years, I have been in touch with many imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and have had many chances to talk with them.

After July 20, 1999, Jiang misused government resources to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and convict them. However, the practitioners that I have met are completely different from how they are portrayed in the government propaganda. They are thoroughly good people and are always thinking of others. In my experience, I have found that Falun Gong practitioners do not have any political ambitions. They are following the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to become better people. They are not bad at all. Because of this, I used my position to do things to help these innocent people.

For the past ten years, I have been deeply affected by their conviction of what is right. Falun Gong practitioners have shown no fear of the autocratic power of the state or its violence. No matter where they are, practitioners keep telling others how to be good and about the truth of Falun Gong. While the police officers were extorting confessions from them by torture and inciting criminals, drug addicts, and prostitutes to monitor and beat them, Falun Gong practitioners exhorted them all to be good people, guarded them against evil, and told them stop deceiving themselves and others so that they would be able to enjoy a beautiful future. I felt sick in my heart when I saw how much practitioners were hurt and tortured. However, I was puzzled when I noticed that some criminals, drug addicts, and prostitutes became gentler and less brutal. In the end, these people and Falun Gong practitioners became good friends, and they listened to the practitioners' advice. Some told me that Falun Gong changed them, and that they wanted to be good people and practice Falun Gong after their release.

I also read some Falun Gong books, other teachings of Master Li Hongzhi, and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. The books are full of references that agree with my own experiences. The Communist Party is up to its neck in crime. Therefore, I admire Falun Gong practitioners' persistence and indomitable conviction. I am witnessing Falun Gong bring forth a brilliant future for mankind. Meanwhile, I realize that China's public security officers are more evil than criminals. I see the true colors of the CCP with all its ugly features. The CCP applies "Falsehood-Evil-Violence" and nationwide terrorism to control people.

I know that many people in the detention center have already withdrawn from the CCP. The CCP is on the way out. After careful consideration, I now declare that I quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, break completely with the CCP, and salute a brilliant future.