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Faith in Dafa Helped an Elderly Professor

Sept. 16, 2009 |   By a practitioner in Xian

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 30, 2009, while waiting for the bus, I saw an elderly man that I recognized as one of my former college professors. When I went over to give him my regards, he said, "Who are you?" After I explained to him that I had been his student, he replied, "I am truly sorry. I have completely forgotten what happened in the past." As we got on the bus, he began telling me what had transpired in recent years.

Three years ago his wife passed away and he had a car accident resulting in a concussion. When he was lying on a hospital bed, he lost most of his memory. During that time, a relative of his came to see him and told him to recite, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." When he returned home from the hospital, he had little recollection of the past, but he remembered these two sentences and recited them regularly. Before long he was able to take care of himself against.

I asked him where he was going and he said he wanted to go to a marketplace. "That is pretty far away," I said. "Can you remember how to get back?" He replied with a smile, "Yes, my memory has been coming back to me." "Then, you should continue reciting those two sentences," I said. "Of course," he replied with excitement, "Look at my hair. It is turning from white to black!" I could see that he was in pretty good health as a result of his faith in Dafa. I was truly happy for him.