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My Elderly Mother Rejuvenated

Oct. 23, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) My mother is 87 years old, has a fair complexion, and doesn't have any age spots on her face. In addition, her mind is very clear and she has a good memory- in fact, she still makes her own winter clothes. She is very cheerful and in good spirits. These are all parts of her new-found rejuvenation.

She was not like this fourteen years ago. After having given birth to nine children, she developed several diseases that defied treatment, including psoriasis, fluid in the lungs, eye infections, and serious frostbite. As soon as winter came, her entire face and both hands would fester. Even in the summer, her hands appeared to be dark red. My mom tried all kinds of treatments for over 30 years, but none of them worked. Instead, her illnesses worsened with age.

In January 1997, my mother and I went to a practitioner's home to watch a video which demonstrated how many elderly people went from being illiterate, to being able to read Zhuan Falunafter practicing Falun Gong. Such miraculous stories really touched her. Although she never attended school, she made up her mind to practice Dafa at the age of 73.

After we returned home, she asked me to teach her how to read, and she began to read Dafa books. After that, she worked very hard, getting up at 3:30 a.m. daily. Within one year through Teacher's help, she was able to read all the Dafa books, and her body was continuously purified. I remember one day, she was sitting on a stool reading Zhuan Falun very attentively. Suddenly, two blocks of pus shot out of her nose and fell onto her clothes. Seeing this, she was very excited and shouted, "My nose is not clogged anymore!" After that, the blockage in her nose that had tormented her for decades disappeared. Gradually, the swelling in her hands diminished. Her hands' skin became delicate and her nails became pinkish in color and not as brittle, as if she were given a new set of hands.

After July 20, 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Dafa and practitioners, my sister went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa. CCP officials ransacked our home many times, and also threatened us not to go to Beijing. My mother was not moved by this, and kept studying the Falun Dafa teachings and doing the exercises daily. Our family was nominated as a model family that year, because my mother had been cleaning up the streets in our community every day. When she was asked to fill out a form, there was a column asking if we had any beliefs. My mother wrote down Falun Dafa. Because of that, we didn't win the title. Even so, she was very happy, and said that as long as we managed to spread the Fa, it was all good.

She truly understands the value of Dafa and that it's something difficult to obtain. She utilizes every opportunity to study the Fa, send righteous thoughts, and there has never been a moment where she slacks off. She often told us the story of how one of her uncles was trying to cultivate. Her uncle used to be a butcher, and he said that he regretted his career choice after he learned the Dao. Since he lived in the countryside, he was often shirtless, allowing mosquitoes to bite him, with the hope that this would help eliminate his karma. Later, he went on foot to Jiuhua Mountain to seek the Dao, but passed away after finding nothing. My mother said, "Today we have such a wonderful Teacher to impart the Great Law, such wonderful Dafa, it'd be extremely pitiful if one were to miss it! We should not miss out on this opportunity that hasn't come about in thousands of years!"