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Additional Persecution News from China - November 20, 2010 (24 Reports)

Nov. 29, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 21 cities or counties in 11 provinces. In this report, 10 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 22 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Four Practitioners Arrested
  2. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Hou Bizhen Taken to Brainwashing Center
  3. [Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Feng Xinxiang Again Arrested
  4. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Baoyu Taken to Brainwashing Center
  5. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Wenhua Arrested
  6. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] More Information about Ms. Qian Chun
  7. [Jiaonan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuhua Held at the Qingdao City Brainwashing Center
  8. [Yanggu County, Shandong Province] Mr. Wu Chunfeng and His Wife, Ms. Zhang Chunying, Arrested
  9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Che Yanyun Arrested
  10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Chang Zhanxun Detained
  11. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Mr. Yin Qinghe Harassed
  12. [Chongqing] Ms. He Zuze Arrested
  13. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] More Information about Mr. Fang Weipeng
  14. [Chongqing] Ms. Che Huaijie and Ms. Liu Youling
  15. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Tianling Arrested
  16. [Beihai City, Guangxi Province] Ms. Tan Yuzhen et al Taken to Brainwashing Center
  17. [Huangshi City, Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Yi Arrested and Taken to Wuhan City Brainwashing Center on November 3, 2010
  18. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Kang Youyuan Detained in Jianghan District Detention Center
  19. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Meili Taken to Wuhan City First Detention Center
  20. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Yanying Held at Shijiazhuang City Women's Forced Labor Camp
  21. [Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Chunyan Arrested Again
  22. [Fusong County, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Lihua Arrested and Home Ransacked
  23. [Linshui County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Mei Qiongrong Harassed Many Times
  24. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Jing Fengyun Tortured

1. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

At noon on November 18, 2010, four practitioners in Shijiazhuang City were arrested for clarifying the truth by officers from the Hedong Police Station. Two were released. The other two are being held at the detention center.

Qu Jianbo, instructor of Hedong Police Station: 86-311-89615824 (Office), 86-311-85052891 (Office), 86-311-85055880 (Office)
Su Wenxing, director of the police station: 86-311-85052891 (Office), 86-311-85055880 (Office), 86-13091001116 (Cell)

2. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Hou Bizhen Taken to Brainwashing Center

On November 16, 2010, Ms. Hou Bizhen from Lishui County, Nanjing City, was arrested by officers from the Yongyang Town Station when she was distributing truth clarifying materials. She is being held at a brainwashing center.

3. [Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Feng Xinxiang Again Arrested

On November 11, 2010, Mr. Feng Xinxiang from Fufeng County, Baoji City, was arrested by officers from Chengguan Town Police Station, Fufeng County, when he was working at Liangzhan in the Xin District, Fufeng County. He is still in the Fufeng County Detention Center.

Zhang Xiaochen, secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, Fufeng County: 86-13709273666 (Cell)
Yang Yali, leader of the Domestic Security Division: 86-13992782568 (Cell)
Director of Fufeng County Detention Center: 86-13991733838 (Cell)

4. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Baoyu Taken to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Wang Baoyu from Yichun City, born in 1951, makes a living doing a temporary job outside of her hometown. Because her residence needed to be rebuilt, she came back to her hometown. On November 16, 2010, she was arrested and taken to Yichun City Brainwashing Center.

She was once sentenced to three years in prison and was just released around August/September 2009. Her husband, Mr. Qin Yueming, was sentenced to ten years in prison and is in the Jiamusi City Prison.

5. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Wenhua Arrested

Ms. Zhang Wenhua from Wenchangli in the Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City, was arrested by officers from Yanshandajie Police Station when she was clarifying the truth there. Now she is in the Qinhuangdao City Second Detention Center.

6. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] More Information about Ms. Qian Chun

On November 10, 2010, Ms. Qian Chun was arrested by officers from Qinlou Police Station. Now she is in the Rizhao City Detention Center, Shandong Province.

7. [Jiaonan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuhua Held at the Qingdao City Brainwashing Center

8. [Yanggu County, Shandong Province] Mr. Wu Chunfeng and His Wife, Ms. Zhang Chunying, Arrested

Around November 10, 2010, special agents from Anyang City followed Mr. Wu Chunfeng and Ms. Zhang Chunying's son. As a result, the couple and their one-year-old grandson were arrested and taken to Taiqian County Detention Center.

9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Che Yanyun Arrested

At noon on November 16, 2010, Ms. Che Yanyun, 55, was arrested by two plainclothes officers from the China-Korea Border Police Station in the Laoshan District, Qingdao City. Now she is in the Dashan Detention Center, Qingdao City.

10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Chang Zhanxun Detained

On the morning of November 18, 2010, Ms. Yao Yumin from Wushizhuang, Quanhetou Town, Fengrun District, Tangshan City, was arrested and taken to Quanhetou Town Police Station. Later, as an exchange, she was released and her husband was detained on November 19, 2010.

11. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Mr. Yin Qinghe Harassed

On November 8, 2010, Jin Xianlu, secretary of the Qiaodong District Political and Judiciary Committee, ordered people many times from Taoyuan Township to Liuxinzhuang to get Mr. Yin Qinghe to attend a brainwashing session, which he refused to do. On November 18, he was told if he did not sign, he would be taken to Hebei Province Brainwashing Center by the 610 Office.

Personnel from Taoyuan Township in charge of this case: 86-311-86832260 (Office)

12. [Chongqing] Ms. He Zuze Arrested

On the evening of November 15, 2010, police officers from Shapingba District arrested Ms. He Zuze, in her 50s, and ransacked her home. She is thought to be held at the Huayan Detention Center.

13. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] More Information about Mr. Fang Weipeng

On November 4, 2010, Mr. Fang Weipeng was arrested at work by officers from Guangzhou City 610 Office. It is said that he is in the Sanshui District and is not allowed visitors. Last November, he was held in the Chatou Brainwashing Center for three months and was not released till this January.

14. [Chongqing] Ms. Che Huaijie and Ms. Liu Youling

Ms. Che Huaijie and Ms. Liu Youling from the Gaoxin District, Chongqing City, were arrested at the Shiqiaopu Trade Market on the morning of November 16, 2010. On November 17, 2010, their homes were ransacked. At 4:00 a.m. on November 18, 2010, Ms. Liu was released. Ms. Che was brutally beaten and is in the Huayan Detention Center of Chongqing.

15. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Tianling Arrested

Ms. Zhou Tianling, a retired employee of the Chengdu City 82 Post Box, was arrested near the People's Park. She is now in the Xinjin Brainwashing Center.

16. [Beihai City, Guangxi Province] Ms. Tan Yuzhen et al Taken to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Tan Yuzhen, Ms. Deng Zhenfang, and Ms. Liang Qifeng were arrested recently and taken to the Beihai City Addiction Treatment Center. Mr. Huang Jinchun, who was previously arrested, is also being held there. He had been incarcerated in a mental hospital and was then sentenced to three years in prison.

17. [Huangshi City, Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Yi Arrested and Taken to Wuhan City Brainwashing Center on November 3, 2010

18. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Kang Youyuan Detained in Jianghan District Detention Center

On the evening of November 8, 2010, Mr. Kang Youyuan was clarifying the truth on a street in Wuhan City and was arrested by officers from the Jianghan District Police Station. He was sentenced to 15 days of detention. Now he is in the Jianghan District Police Department Detention Center.

19. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Meili Taken to Wuhan City First Detention Center

Ms. Liu Meili is being held at the Wuhan City Police Department First Detention Center; her term should expire on November 19, 2010. However, on November 18, 2010, she was taken by officers from the Xingouqiao Street Police Station in the Qingshan District to the Wuhan City First Detention Center.

Xingouqiao Street Police Station, Qingshan District: 86-27-86861359 (Office), Li Zhiqiang, instructor

20. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Yanying Held at Shijiazhuang City Women's Forced Labor Camp

21. [Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Chunyan Arrested Again

At 10:00 a.m. on November 16, 2010, Zhang Junwei, leader of Meihekou City Domestic Security Division; Shao Zhuang, director of Hongmei Town Police Station; and a few officers stormed into a day care run by Ms. Zhang Chunyan and put her into a police vehicle. She was taken to Tonghua City.

She was previously arrested three times: in July 1999, in the summer of 2001, and in April 2009. Once she was illegally detained and twice she was sentenced to forced labor. October 15, 2010, she was home after her release from the labor camp. Now she has been arrested again.

22. [Fusong County, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Lihua Arrested and Home Ransacked

At noon on November 16, 2010,. Ms. Zhao Lihua's child returned home from school. Later, Ai Jie, a deputy director of Chengbei Police Department, and six officers in plainclothes, who had been waiting at the stairs, stormed into her home and ransacked it. Even though they found nothing, they arrested Ms. Zhao. That night she was released.

In 2008, she left home to avoid being arrested. She returned home just this spring.

23. [Linshui County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Mei Qiongrong Harassed Many Times

Officers from the Linshui County 610 Office went to Ms. Mei's home twice to harass her, both times without success. On November 10 and 13, 2010, they ordered officers from Wuguibei Neighborhood Administration Office in Dingping Town to harass her again.

24. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Jing Fengyun Tortured

Ms. Jing Fenyun, a nurse from a hospital in Liaoyuan City, in her 60s, was held in Heizuizi Prison for five years. In the end of 2007, she was released.

In the prison, she was first placed in the elderly and disabled group. Later she was transferred to the Education Ward. She was pressured to "transform." She was held at a cell on the third floor and tortured with "rope tying" (see http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/9/18/52553.html) in which a big rope is used to tie a person's hands and feet to four poles of a bed with the victim's backside suspended. It is extremely painful. Because her health was not good, the guards did not keep her tied continuously. Later, one of her wrist joints was injured and she developed inflammation and a skin ulcer. Guards assigned several collaborators to try to deceive every day her till she was released. With a severe tendon injury her upper limbs are disabled. She can only walk very slowly.

November 20, 2010