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Many Practitioners in Li County Arrested; Ms. Peng Donglian Died in Detention

Dec. 3, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 9, 2010, 12 practitioners in Li County, Changde City, Hunan Province, were illegally arrested. Among them, 58-year-old Ms. Peng Donglian died under mysterious circumstances in detention.

Ms. Peng was a retired accountant from the Li County Farm Machinery Company. On November 9, 2010, she was arrested by police officers from the Li County Domestic Security Division. She died in the Li County Detention Center on November 20, 2010. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel claimed that she died from heart disease. Yet Ms. Li had never had heart disease listed anywhere in her medical history.

The arrested practitioners included Mr. Qu Jiaxin, Ms. Gu Zhixiang, Mr. Gu Zhihui, Ms. Xiong Ruilian, Ms. Xu Lian, Ms. Lu Xiaoling, Ms. Zeng Xiaoling, Mr. Zhang He, and Ms. Peng Donglian.

On November 9, police officers began large-scale arrests of practitioners in the county seat, towns, and villages from morning until midnight. Ms. Zeng Xiaoling was arrested on her way home after taking her child to kindergarten. Her home was also ransacked. It was reported that the police involved in the arrests were from the Domestic Security Division. They arrested practitioners on the street, at their jobs, and at home. Afterward, they ransacked the practitioners' homes and seized personal property.

Mr. Gu Zhihui, 38, has been arrested numerous times before over the course of the persecution. He was sentenced to imprisonment twice. His sister, Ms. Gu Zhixiang, was detained in a detention center several times. Mr. Qu Jiaxin and Ms. Xu Lian were also detained several times.

Four of the arrested practitioners have been released, but Ms. Zeng Xiaoling, Ms. Xiong Ruinian, Mr. Qu Jiaxing, Mr. Gu Zhihui, Ms. Gu Zhixiang, and Ms. Xu Nian are still in a detention center.

Contact information for the agencies involved (area code: 0736):

Li County 610 Office: 0736-3245610
Dai Gang, director of the 610 Office: 0736-3232626, 13807362897
Zhu Senhui, deputy director of the 610 Office: 0736-3232752, 13307366685
Luo Mengfei, director of the Li County Domestic Security Division: 13807362284
Guo Min, Li County Domestic Security Division: 13517369669