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Shen Yun in Taiwan: Art Association President: "Made me feel as though I had flown to a wonderland" (Photos)

April 10, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Kaohsiung, Taiwan--Ms. Cheng Shu-Ling, a senior dance artist and President of the Kaohsiung County Guanyinshan International Art Exchange Association, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's first show in Kaohsiung on the evening of March 30 with her husband. Being a professional figure who has dedicated herself to the promotion and education of dance for many years, Ms. Cheng said, "The beautiful Flowing Silk made me feel as though I was in a wonderland. I feel unprecedentedly peaceful and happy!"

"The Shen Yun performance is really excellent. No matter whether it is the program arrangement or the backdrop collocation, they looked so pleasant," said Ms. Cheng, who also attended the show last year. She was particularly impressed by the beauty of the dance Flowing Silk. Feeling "music such as this can only be heard in heaven above," she said. "Immediately after the passionate, heroic Lanterns was the reserved and delicate Flowing Silk. The transition from motion to stillness and from strength to softness made me feel as though I had flown to a wonderland. My mind is so calm, peaceful and happy."

Ms. Cheng also observed several unique features of the dances and the backdrops. She said, "The choreography was marvelous. The expressions and the vigor exhibited by the dancing artists were astounding." She added, "The collocation between the backdrop and the stage was gorgeous. In the dance drama Splitting the Mountain and the two dances depicting Falun Gong practitioners' perseverance in truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, the artistic presentations of the descending of Gods and Buddhas from the heaven and their returning to the heaven were lifelike and fluent."

She considered that every piece of the program in the show was great, including the euphonic singing of the vocalists and the meaningful lyrics. She said, "A lot of feelings were stirred in my heart after watching the show. I really liked to hail 'Encore!' Yet the program arrangement was so tight, I had to hold it. Reading the lyrics of the songs, I am really touched."

Compared with the experience of last year, Ms. Cheng had a totally different comprehension about Nothing can Block the Divine Path and Astounding Conviction. She said, "I attended the show last year with an attitude as simple as to watch an artistic performance. This year when I came again, the empathy and sympathy grew abundantly from the depth of my heart as I have far more understanding about Falun Gong. The severe persecution is still ongoing in China and Falun Gong practitioners still hold steadfast to truthfulness, compassion and tolerance."

"After people in the world understand the truth, I hope Falun Gong practitioners can all regain a peaceful environment for their cultivation," Ms. Cheng said sincerely.

Shen Yun performs for a full house in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

