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Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

April 11, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) The following is information about Falun Gong practitioners from Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, who have been persecuted to death by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.

Ms. Li Hongfang began practicing Falun Gong in 1997 when she was in her 60s. In 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong but was arrested and detained in the Zhaoqing City Liaison Office of Beijing. Later, the 610 Office ordered her transfer to a detention center in Zhaoqing City. On two separate occasions CCP officials extorted money from Ms. Li in amounts totaling 10,000 yuan. For years after this, Ms. Li and her family were regularly harassed and threatened by officers from the 610 Office. This harassment continued until 2004 when Ms. Li died as a consequence of the ongoing persecution.

Mrs. Deng Yuehua started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 when she was in her 60s. Before that her health was very poor. She had severe heart disease, chronic bleeding from her uterus, her whole body was also swollen and her face was swallow and pale. After she started cultivating, Mrs. Deng fully recovered from all of these infirmities. After July 20, 1999, the CCP began persecuting Falun Gong. The Domestic Security Division of Duanzhou District arrested Deng Yuehua and sent her to a detention center because her husband went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. For two weeks she was subjected to a brainwashing program. In 2003, because they had not given up their belief in Falun Dafa, Mrs. Deng and her husband were again arrested and jailed. The police prevented their son from going to work and forced him to monitor his parents in the brainwashing center. From that time on, until her death on March 7, 2006, Mrs. Deng was kept under surveillance and frequently harassed by the authorities.

Mrs. Deng Yuehua's husband, Mr. Jiang Weijian began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, when he was in his 70s, after witnessing the miracles that occurred after his wife began practicing. He also benefited both physically and spiritually. In 1999, after going to Beijing to appeal against the persecution, he returned home to find that CCP officers were seeking to arrest him, but his colleagues at work protected him. But after this, Mr. Jiang remained under surveillance and his telephone was tapped. In 2003, he was arrested and sent to a brainwashing center where he was forced to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. Mr. Jiang passed away in 2007.

Ms. Li Huiqun began practicing Falun Gong when she was in her 60s. Before learning Falun Dafa, she had uremia, a toxic condition resulting from kidney disease. In 1996, after she began cultivating Falun Dafa, Ms. Li regained good health. After the persecution of Falun Dafa began in 1999, her employer threatened and harassed her, demanding that she turn in her Falun Dafa books. Li Huiqun died in 2007.

Mr. Zheng Jianchao started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 when he had tuberculosis and diabetes. Soon after he began cultivating Dafa, however, he regained his health, both physically and spiritually. After the persecution began in 1999, Mr. Zheng was often threatened by his employers because he refused to renounce Falun Gong. In December 2009, Mr. Zheng died at the age of 76.

Before she began cultivating Falun Dafa, Ms. Huang Chaomei, though only in her 40s, had heart disease, very severe rheumatoid arthritis and chronic inflammation of the nasal passages. All of these diseases disappeared after she began practicing Falun Gong. When she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, Ms. Huang was arrested and held in the Zhaoqing City Detention Center. While in the detention center, she was forced to write a guarantee statement saying that she would give up Falun Gong. In 2003 Ms. Huang was arrested again and sent to a brainwashing center. In November, 2004, she left this world after enduring years of persecution.

Mr. Zhang Yumin was introduced to the Fa in 1997. Before that he had chronic inflammation of the kidneys, sinusitis and many other diseases. After he began practicing Falun Gong, these problems disappeared and his body experienced a lightness that he never felt before. His whole life, including work, became full of joy. In 1999, after Mr. Zhang's wife went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, CCP officials ransacked their apartment. Because the officers found Dafa books in the apartment, Mr. Zhang was arrested and sentenced to a forced labor camp for three years. Mr. Zhang suffered a heavy financial loss because his store was forced to close. His child was also forbidden to go to school and life became extremely difficult for Mr. Zhang's entire family. After he was released from the forced labor camp, Mr. Zhang remained under surveillance for a very long time, which caused his family a great deal of anxiety. Under the constant persecution, he began to manifest symptoms of severe illness. Mr. Zhang left passed away on July 2, 2007, at the age of only 41.

Mrs. Chen Zhuqun started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. The practice was beneficial to her and she enjoyed good physical and mental health. Her family was very happy as well. In 2000, Mrs. Chen went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Because of this, her apartment was ransacked. Mrs. Chen was arrested and taken to a detention center. The Domestic Security Division of Duanzhou District also illegally fined her 7,000 yuan. In June, 2000, Mrs. Chen went to Beijing for a second time. She was arrested again and sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp. After her release, Chen Zhuqun continuously received harassing telephone calls from the authorities. In 2003, Mrs. Chen was arrested again and sent to the Duanzhou Distict Detention Center. Later, she was transferred to the Beiling brainwashing center in Zhaoqing City. Her family suffered great psychological pressure due to the ongoing persecution, which created discord between Mrs. Chen and her husband. The continuous harassment and persecution took its toll and Mrs. Chen died in January, 2010. She was only 52.