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Three Older Women Die as a Result of Persecution

April 11, 2010


Ms. Wang Fenghua dies from persecution

Ms. Wang Fenghua lived in Houlonggang Village, Ranghulu District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. She started to practice Falun Gong in the spring of 1996. She had suffered from angitis, a gastric ulcer and a tumor of the size of an egg in her stomach. However, her illnesses miraculously went away after she began to practice Falun Gong. Sadly, after suffering from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s constant intimidation, harassment and mistreatment, she fell ill and passed away.

After the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Zhang Jianhua, a police from the Zhanqian Police Station of Ranghulu District, constantly went to Ms. Wang's home or called her on the telephone to intimidate and harass her. Her family suffered greatly from this harassment and could not lead a normal life.

One day in December 2002, Zhang broke into Ms. Wang's home and found there was another Falun Gong practitioner at her home. He said to them, "Come with me to the police station and you will be able to return home soon." After they went to the police station they were locked to an iron chair. The chief of the police station beat Ms. Wang with his fist. Then three police officers ransacked her home. They confiscated more than ten Falun Gong books and a set of audio tapes.

After being held in the police station for 72 hours Ms. Wang was sent to the Daqing City Detention Center, but the detention center refused to accept her because when they physically examined her she was found to have contagious hepatitis. The police released her after extorting 5000 yuan from her family.

The arrest caused severe mental and physical strain to Ms. Wang. Being worried that she might be arrested again, her health conditions worsened. She vomited stomach bile almost every day and suffered from dizziness. In 2004 she started to vomit blood and had blood in her stool.

During the Olympic Games in 2008 the CCP arrested many Falun Gong practitioners. With the mental and physical strain being more than she could bear, Ms. Wang fell ill and vomited blood in large amounts. She passed away at 8 a.m. on October 11, 2008 at the age of 58.

Ms. Sun Xianfen passed away in grief

Ms. Sun Xianfen, 65 years old, is an unmarried retired teacher from Huancheng Middle School of Anlu City, Hubei Province. Practicing Falun Gong had restored her to health. After the persecution began, her home was ransacked twice in 2001 and 2002.

On May 23, 2003 Ms. Sun was arrested by Chen Xinrun, a police officer from the National Security Group of Anlu City. She was detained in a detention center in Anlu City. During her detention she was given food infested with worms. She went on a hunger strike for three days and a chief prison guard slapped her face to punish her for her huger strike. She was held in a "small cell" and was closely watched by male detainees who were criminals. Because she would not write statements to denounce Falun Gong, she was not allowed to sleep, let alone be released. The abuse took its toll on her health; she caught a fever and the nephritis, hypertension and rheumatism that she used to suffer from before practicing, began to trouble her again. After being terrorized constantly, she was taken home on June 23, 2003 by her nephew. The extreme mental pressure she suffered led to serious insomnia for more than a month and one of her eyeballs even became discolored. She led a hard life, getting by with financial support from her relatives and friends.

At 11 p.m. one day in the summer of 2005, officers from the 610 Office of Anlu City went to her home and forced her to write statements denouncing Falun Gong and they confiscated her Falun Gong books and audio tapes. This traumatized her further. Her insomnia and dizziness worsened and she became emaciated. On November 23, 2009, she passed away in despair.

Ms. Sun passed away because of the CCP's persecution, but CCP officers from Anlu City spread the rumor that the reason for her death was her reluctance to resort to medical treatment when she was ill. They spread this rumor to slander Falun Gong.

Ms. Bao Shuizhu was persecuted and passed away

Ms. Bao Shuizhu would have been 73 years old this year. One day in 2000, when she was distributing materials about Falun Gong, she was arrested by police from Minzhu Police Station of Dalian City and then was sent to Yaojia Detention Center. After she was released from the detention center she continued to tell people about the persecution of Falun Gong. In 2001 she was arrested by police from Taoyuan Police Station while she was putting up some posters about Falun Gong. After that she was constantly intimidated and harassed by police from Xiushui Police Station.

Before one of the CCP's sensitive dates,October 1, 2009, the police went to her home to harass her again. Her husband was so frightened that he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized. Unable to withstand the constant abuse, Ms. Bao fell ill and passed away on February 6, 2010.