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Solemn Declarations from Practitioners

April 11, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) A "Solemn Declaration" is a person's public statement to the world that whatever he or she has done or said against Falun Dafa (even under duress or deception) is null and void. These statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wish to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteed not to practice again. Now, they hereby declare their intention to resume practicing Falun Dafa.

Here are some examples:

On the afternoon of February 2, 2007, when another fellow practitioner and I were making truth-clarification materials at her home, police officers broke into her home and arrested us. Because I lacked in depth Fa-study, I didn't understand the Fa principles very well and also lacked righteous thoughts. During the three months when I was illegally detained, I wrote down words defaming Dafa and Teacher, and a Guarantee Statement renouncing my practice of Falun Gong. This has left a stain on my cultivation path. However, even so, benevolent Teacher did not give up on me. With the help of the fellow practitioners, I began to practice Falun Gong again. I hereby solemnly declare, "What I said and wrote slandering Teacher and Dafa, as well as the so-called "Guarantee Statement," are all null and void. I'll listen to Teacher and come back to cultivation and I'll be steadfast with my cultivation to the end.

Song Chunhong

March 27, 2010

Chinese version available at:


During the month I was held in a brainwashing center, CCP (Chinese Communist Party) authorities continued torturing me day and night. They threatened that they were going to throw me into prison. My parents were home sick and became bed-ridden. My husband was pressured to force me to give up cultivation. Lacking in Fa-study, under the high pressure I wrote a so-called Repentance Statement against my will. I let Teacher and Dafa down and I deeply regret what I have done. I hereby solemnly declare that, "The Repentance Statement I wrote is hereby null and void. I will make up for the losses that I have created for Dafa, let go of every human attachment, study the Fa with a calm mind, improve my mind-nature surely, do the three things well and be a qualified practitioner.

Wang Mei

November 12, 2009

Chinese version available at:
