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Senior Adviser to Taiwan President: "A High-level and Touching Show!" (Photo)

April 12, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Amidst thunderous and enthusiastic applause, a sold-out crowd welcomed Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company to Kaohsiung County Government Labor Affairs Bureau in Kaohsiung County, Taiwan on April 10, 2010.

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's show draws a full house at the Kaohsiung County Labor Recreation Center on April 10, 2010.

"A high level and touching show"

Among the many distinguished guests at the show was Mr. Lin Yuan-yuan, senior adviser to Taiwan's president.

"Very beautiful! Well organized! High-class show!" he said after the show.

In his travels, Mr. Lin has seen Maiao ethnic dance performed in China. Praising Shen Yun for its accurate portrayal of the dance movements, he said, "The dance piece 'In a Miao Village' fully demonstrated the characteristics of the Miao tribe. I think the performance was very appropriate, very practical and very beautiful!"

"Shen Yun's dancing skills and performance techniques were superb... It was indeed a high level and touching show."

Mr. Lin said in conclusion, "I hope that everyone can come to see the Shen Yun show, if possible."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General: Shen Yun "Very high-level"

With a tinge of regret in his voice, Liu Chin-ray, director general of the Southern Taiwan Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said, "I should have seen the show earlier because I haven't seen such a high-level performance in my life.

"I am looking forward to seeing the remaining half. It's really very marvelous--very high-level."

Mr. Liu said that he was well aware of Shen Yun's reputation before attending the show. "I heard that Shen Yun was a very good show long ago, but didn't have the opportunity to see it. After seeing it tonight, I was very moved," he said.

He continued, "What moved me most were the two vocal performances, including the music, the resonant singing, the melodies, the parts about Falun Gong, as well as the spirituality of the Chinese culture."

"God, Lord, divine, and Buddha all represent the beliefs in our hearts. That's why I'm particularly touched by the two songs."

"Deeply Touched"

Mr. Liu said that the dances and scenes "awakened our memory and feelings toward the culture," adding, "So the coordination of the whole is extremely great. I'm excitedly looking forward to the second half.

"I was deeply touched, really. I feel that it [Shen Yun] should continue being promoted around the world," he said.

"The two songs and their music are very profound and touching. As the song lyrics appeared on the backdrop, they immediately entered people's hearts.

"I found that there is much skill involved in the classical Chinese dance performed by Shen Yun Performing Arts. It's fabulous how its integrated with traditional dance."

Comparing Shen Yun with dance he had seen in communist China, he said, "I feel it [Shen Yun] is quite different."

"And [other performances] in Taiwan lack advanced skills and strict artistic standards. That's why [Shen Yun] is completely different from dance performed by other artists that we see here.

"Congratulations! I hope that the traditional Chinese culture being spread by Shen Yun will continue." Mr. Liu said.


