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Additional Persecution News from China - April 5, 2010 (18 Reports)

April 12, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 10 provinces. In this report, 16 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 10 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Dengta City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Sentence of Mr. Sun Fuzeng
2. [Panjin, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Yuquan's Prison Sentence Extended
3. [Anshan, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Shuchen's Forced Labor Camp Sentence Extended
4. [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Che Jianhua Locked up at a
Brainwashing Facility
5. [Qingdao, Shandong Province] Mr. Guo Baoyang Arrested
6. [Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province] Ms. Huang Yuhua and Others Held in a Brainwashing Facility
7. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Guixiang Incarcerated in a Brainwashing Facility
8. [Shanghai] Mr. Ge Xiaotian and Ms. Yang Jin'e Arrested and Subjected to Forced Labor
9. [Beijing] Circumstances of Ms. Zhao Hanping
10. [Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Hong and Mr. Yao Xingqi Reported
11. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Mr. Liang Yuhua Faces Trial
12. [Lanzhou, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhao Li and Ms. Liu Yanrong Given Prison Terms
13. [Wanquan County, Hebei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Gross Abuse of Ms. Liu Sufang and Others
14. [Shaanxi Province] Ms. Zhao Xinlan Missing
15. [Pingyu County, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Qinhua Arrested
16. [Anhui Province] Circumstances of Ms. Gao Chengmei - belated information
17. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Ms. Gao Mengcai
18. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Gong Deyuan and His Wife Ms. Yan Shuzhou Tried

1. [Dengta City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Sentence of Mr. Sun Fuzeng

Dengta City Court officials sentenced Mr. Sun Fuzeng to 12 years in prison. Mr. Sun appealed to the Liaoyang City Intermediate Court. His lawyer from Beijing applied on March 20, 2010, for a hearing for the second trial after having learned that the intermediate court would not hear the case. The court denied the lawyer's application on March 29, 2010.

Yin Mingda, acting judge: 86-419-2952091

2. [Panjin, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Yuquan's Prison Sentence Extended

Mr. Zhang Yuquan has been held in Jinzhou Prison for eight years. His sentence expired at the end of 2009 but was arbitrarily extended by a year because he refused to give up Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang is now in Ward 7 in Jinzhou Prison.

3. [Anshan, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Shuchen's Forced Labor Camp Sentence Extended

Mr. Sun Zhuchen, 40, from Chaoyang Township, Xiuyan County, was arrested on September 17, 2009. Officers from the Chaoyang Township Police Station made the arrest and took him to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, to be held for one and a half years. He should have been released on March 17, 2010, but has not returned home. His family went to the camp to demand his release but was told that his term had been extended by three months. They were not allowed to visit him.

4. [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Che Jianhua Locked up at a Brainwashing Facility

Mr. Chen Jianhua went missing on March 25, 2010. He is now confirmed to have been incarcerated in the Guangzhou City Brainwashing Center. His wife, Ms. Deng Fangchen, is also being detained there.

5. [Qingdao, Shandong Province] Mr. Guo Baoyang Arrested

Mr. Guo Baoyang, a university student in Qingdao City, was arrested April 2, 2010 as he spoke with people about Falun Gong. Nanfeng Police Station officers Wang Qun and Li Jan made the arrest and ransacked his home on April 3, 2010. He was taken to Dashan Detention Center.

Nanfeng Police Station: 86-532-66576267

6. [Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province] Ms. Huang Yuhua and Others Held in a Brainwashing Facility

Zhanjiang Brainwashing Center recently started to hold brainwashing sessions for Falun Gong practitioners. We know that Ms. Huang Yuhua, in her 60s, from the Xiashan District and Mr. Huang Guofeng, in his 60s, are incarcerated there, along with other practitioners from Yangqing in Suixi.

7. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Guixiang Incarcerated in a Brainwashing Facility

Ms. Wang Guixiang from Jia Village was arrested on March 3, 2008, for practicing Falun Gong. She was taken to the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp where she was held for two years and two days. She was supposed to be released on March 3, 2010, but had her term extended by 20 days for refusing to renounce Falun Gong. At the end of her extended term, on March 24, local police took her straight from the camp to the Langfang Brainwashing Center. Her 88-year-old mother cries every day and looks forward to her returning home.

8. [Shanghai] Mr. Ge Xiaotian and Ms. Yang Jin'e Arrested and Subjected to Forced Labor

Mr. Ge Xiaotian, 49, and Ms. Yang Jin'e, in her 50s, were arrested on February 2, 2010, and December 11, 2009, respectively. Jinshan District Domestic Security Division agents made the arrests. The two practitioners were sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

9. [Beijing] Circumstances of Ms. Zhao Hanping

Ms. Zhao Hanping, 44, from the Yilanyuan Area, Huangtugang, the Fengtai District, was reported to police on the afternoon of April 2, 2010, as she distributed Falun Gong information. Fengtai District 610 Office agents and local police took her to the Yuquanying Police Station. Her family went to the police station to demand her release that same afternoon but was turned down.

10. [Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Hong and Mr. Yao Xingqi Reported

Ms. Li Hong and Mr. Yao Xingqi from the Fulaerji District spoke with a 17-year-old girl about Falun Gong the afternoon of April 2, 2010. The girl reported them to the Hongan Police Station. Police chief Luan Shijiang held Ms. Li and Mr. Yao overnight and dispatched officers to ransack their homes. They did not find anything they wanted.

Luan Shijiang forced Mr. Yao to pay 5,000 yuan and released him the next day. Ms. Li was forced to write a guarantee statement and was released.

11. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Mr. Liang Yuhua Faces Trial

Futian Court officials planned to put Mr. Liang Yuhua on trial at 3:30 p.m. on April 15, 2010, in the fifth courtroom.

12. [Lanzhou, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhao Li and Ms. Liu Yanrong Given Prison Terms

Ms. Zhao Li, 47, was arrested on June 22, 2007. The Qilihe District Procuratorate prosecuted her on December 12, 2007, and Qilihe District Court officials handed her a four-year prison term.

Ms. Liu Yanrong, 53, retired from the Lanzhou Electric Power Repair Factory, was arrested on June 22, 2007. Qilihe District Procuratorate prosecuted her on December 12, 2007, and Qilihe District Court officials handed her a three-year prison term. She is now in Gansu Province Women's Prison.

13. [Wanquan County, Hebei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Gross Abuse of Ms. Liu Sufang and Others

Ms. Liu Sufang, Ms. Hao Cunlan, and Ms. Shi Sulin from Zoujiazhuang Village were arrested on the evening of March 25, 2010, as they spoke with people about Falun Gong. Officers from the Anjiabao Township Police Station made the arrests. The police hit Ms. Li's legs so violently with a metal device that she was unable to walk. Ms. Li was also forced to pay 5,000 yuan and write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. Ms. Shi was forced to pay 5,000 yuan and write a guarantee statement. Ms. Liu was able to escape and lived away from home to avoid persecution. The police went to Ms. Liu's home on March 26, 2010, ransacked it, and confiscated DVDs, Falun Gong books, and her ID card and other personal property.

14. [Shaanxi Province] Ms. Zhao Xinlan Missing

Ms. Zhao Xinlan, 60, employed at Xi'an Jiaotong University, went missing a week ago.

15. [Pingyu County, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Qinhua Arrested

Ms. Zhang Qinhua from Gaoyang Township was arrested on April 3, 2010, as she distributed Falun Gong information in Jialing Township. The police ransacked her home that afternoon and took her to the Xiangcheng County Police Department that same evening.

16. [Anhui Province] Circumstances of Ms. Gao Chengmei - belated information

Ms. Gao Chengmei, 64, was a former official at the Si County Civil Affairs Bureau prior to July 1999 when the persecution started. She was fired from her job in 2000. Her husband had to divorce her because he worked in court. Ms. Gao was held in the Anhui Women's Prison for three years, beginning in 2000. She was then subjected to three years of forced labor in October 2004 and held in the Anhui Women's Forced Labor Camp. Her term was extended by three months.

During her detention, Ms. Gao was subjected to gross abuse and torture. She was put into a strait jacket for more than two months in Division 1. The torture caused her to lose consciousness numerous times. She was also tied up to a bench for more than four months and placed in handcuffs for more than 40 days. She was transferred to Division 2 in April 2007, where she was monitored and beaten.

Ms. Gao was released in January 2008 and was under surveillance by the local street committee, police station officers, and 610 Office agents. She ended up being sentenced to forced labor one more time in December 2008 and held in the Anhui Women's Forced Labor Camp, Division 4, where she is now.

17. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Ms. Gao Mengcai

Mr. Gao Mengcai was arrested around 7:00 p.m. on March 22, 2010, as he distributed Shen Yun DVDs. Officers from the Jiefang Police Station in the Sujiatun District made the arrest and ransacked his home. He is now in the Sujiatun District Detention Center. Physical exams at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp disqualified him. Authorities at both camps refused to accept him.

Zhang Tingyan, Sujiatun Police Department Domestic Security Division head: 86-13840229338
Zhang Zhenxing, political head: 86-24-31487255, 86-13940474843
Zhang Chenghai, Jiefang Police Station head: 86-24-31488611, 86-13842098700

18. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Gong Deyuan and His Wife Ms. Yan Shuzhou Tried

Mr. Gong Deyuan and his wife, Ms. Yan Shuzhou, from Shaoyang City were arrested on April 18, 2009. Officers from the Daxiang District Police Department's Domestic Security Division made the arrests. The couple was taken to the Daxiang District Court on March 3, 2010. The judge only ordered them to identify if a computer and printer and other items that Domestic Security Division had confiscated were from their home. The judge then used their testimony as "evidence" to sentence each of them to four years in prison. Mr. Gong and Ms. Yan appealed the decision.

Xiao Jianlin, Daxiang District Court head: 86-739-5398893
Daxiang District Court: 86-739-5322072
Daxiang District Procuratorate: 86-739-5500308

April 4, 2010