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Prominent Lawyer Praises Shen Yun (Photos)

April 27, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts staged three shows at the Milwaukee Theatre, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on April 23-24, 2010.

Mr. Steve Kravit and his family at the Milwaukee Theatre

In the audience, was Steve Kravit, a prominent Milwaukee lawyer, who was listed in The Best Lawyers in America® from 1991-2009 and received the U.S. Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service. He attended the show with his wife and children.

It was the first time that he had been exposed to Chinese culture. "It was very, very interesting," Mr. Kravit said.

The show shared "common human themes that we experience every day through the eyes of another culture in beautiful costumes and dance," said Mr. Kravit.

"The message is one of the divine, of holiness, of feeling at at-one with the universe."

In concluding, he said that he admired the Shen Yun artists for their efforts to preserve the ancient culture of China, and their "beautiful voices."

Radio program director: Shen Yun is "living imagery that must be seen!"

Ms. Therese Tenseth and Mr. Jonathan Market at the Milwaukee Theatre

Also in the audience was Therese Tenset, program director for KQAL, Winona State University's radio station, who came to the show with her friend, Jonathan Market, from Milwaukee.

After watching the show, Ms. Tenseth said, "It's beautiful--great use of imagery, color, and tradition, all interwoven."

The orchestra, was "great too", she said, adding, "It accompanies the dances very well," she said.

Shen Yun is "living imagery that must be seen," she exclaimed.

Mr. Market was delighted to see Shen Yun bringing classical Chinese culture to the USA, thus providing "a bit of insight into their culture and dance, which is incredibly unique and expressive."

The show is "a remarkable experience and a must-see for any theatergoer," said Mr. Market, adding, "Definitely a great show. That's two thumbs up."

Show sponsor calls Shen Yun: "Spectacular!"

The Patel family

Mr. Jay Patel, owner of an Indian food business, made a decision to sponsor Shen Yun, without knowing much about the show. "I don't regret it," he said.
Mr. Patel described the show as "awesome" and "wonderful" and said that he would tell his customers that the show was "spectacular!"

Mr. Patel brought his daughter, Mahee, to the show because she is currently studying classical Indian dance, and he wanted her to be exposed to different cultures and further her interest in dance. He thought the show was a "good experience for her and for everybody."

He found the show mesmerizing and was particularly moved by the two performances portraying the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

A Shen Yun Performing Arts surprise

After being impressed by the flexibility of one of Shen Yun's dancers in a newspaper advertising Shen Yun, Mr. Milo, who works in shipping, thought, "Wow, that's going to be pretty acrobatic and skillful show."

"The ad said there was also a live orchestra and I like music and I am into that so I enjoy that aspect as well," he said.

The couple described the show as "awesome" and "beautiful."

Mrs. Milo, a regional manager in retail, said that she thoroughly enjoyed the show, explaining that her husband had given her a wonderful surprise by bringing her to see Shen Yun.

"The storytelling was really cool," said Mrs. Milo.

In describing the two performances depicting the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China today, she said, "What surprised us the most was the fact that it's sad that you can only see this here and you can't see it there [in China] because of the oppression of their beliefs, and that's really sad."

