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Some Thoughts from a Girl in Beijing

April 30, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) I am the daughter of a Falun Dafa practitioner, and I live in a mountainous area in the suburbs of Beijing. Here I want to express my appreciation for Dafa and Master Li Hongzhi, who gave me a harmonious family by giving my mother a new lease on life.

Both of my parents are farmers and our entire family's income is dependent on their hard work. Because of our poor financial situation, when our relatives give some used clothes to us, we wear them proudly like they were new. When I was in elementary school, our dilapidated house often leaked during the rainy season. Although we lived in poverty, our family was in harmony up until I began fifth grade, when my mother became very sick and our peaceful life was shattered.

That year, there was an abnormal growth in my mother's throat. After we went to the hospital, the doctors told us that my mother needed to have surgery, but they weren't very confident because it was in a critical area. If something went wrong during the surgery, my mother's life could be endangered. Later, my mother felt discomfort even when drinking milk, and gradually she became very weak and was suffering daily. The atmosphere in our family was getting very tense, and our neighbors began to look at us with sympathy. For me, I knew it meant that I would lose my mother. I couldn't imagine this happening!

Finally, one day, my father heard that practicing Falun Gong could cure people's illnesses and there were many people in our village who became healthy after they started practicing. Wanting to give it a try, my mother went to listen to the lectures. Maybe my mother had a predestined relationship with Dafa, because after she read the book Zhuan Falun, she began learning it. She didn't take any medicine and her body was purified, and she recovered very quickly. She was even more fit than ever before. The change she experienced was not only physical, but she has changed mentally as well. She no longer made irresponsible remarks about others, nor would she fuss with others over small things. She became a true Dafa practitioner, with a good and generous heart, who thought of other people all the time. Falun Gong gave my mother a second life and me a happy and harmonious family. Thank you, Falun Gong!

Later, the government started to persecute Falun Gong. In 2002, my mother was arrested and was put into "transformation" sessions. I got really angry: Why did the government arrest my mother? Why did the government slander Falun Gong?

Nowadays, government officials don't serve the people, but oppress them and embezzle a huge amount of money from the people. Some people commit murder, arson, robbery or drug trafficking. In order to make money, some people kill and sell endangered animals, and others kidnap children. In such a society, Falun Gong teaches people to be good, have a broad mind and not care about personal profit. Falun Gong practitioners don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble, don't kill, don't do illegal things and do not spread rumors about others. Instead, they are very friendly and are always ready to help others.

Every time I hear that Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death, beaten to the point of becoming maimed, or had their organs harvested when they were still alive and then burned, I can't believe how cruel this is! We are all human! How could those "police officers" or "doctors" dare to do such things? Who taught them to do such things? Where is the law and justice?

This is the true story of my family. I shared it here to let people know more about Falun Gong. It has brought hope to my family and millions of other families. The teachings of Falun Gong are to save people, to offer people salvation. I believe it is a righteous practice from the bottom of my heart!