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The Selflessness of Fellow Practitioners in My Area

April 30, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) I have very little contact with fellow practitioners. But whenever I do, I can see from their words and deeds how selfless they are and the state of their cultivation in Fa rectification.

I would like to share two things that happened recently.

(1) I needed to refill the ink cartridge in my printer because the next day I had to print a large amount of material. I put in a replacement, but it did not work. I remembered one practitioner who purchased basic materials often and knew about different ink types, so I asked her to get a replacement for me and gave her the original ink box. It was already dark, and I wondered if she would have time the next day, but I asked her anyway.

She immediately agreed, saying that it was important to get the truth clarification materials ready and that she would go early the next morning. I told her that, if the store didn't sell single-color cartridges separately, just to buy me a whole set of ink cartridges.

She came to me immediately after returning and said, "This type of ink is out of stock--no factory makes it anymore. One store told me that this ink box has a chip, and the problem is usually with the chip. I purchased two sets that are your type, so if you need to exchange them you can and there will still be one for another material center if they need it."

I was very happy, and I thanked her for being so considerate of the material center. After I changed the chip, the printer worked right away. I was greatly encouraged by my fellow practitioner's selfless heart. I printed materials all night long to "repay" her. The materials were sent out the next day, and I was very pleased--so much of fellow practitioners' efforts to save sentient beings are bound up in those materials!

(2) For safety reasons I changed the delivery of the informational materials to another practitioner. Her husband is a taxi driver and usually leaves right after breakfast because her child goes to school out of town. That practitioner spent all day sending out truth clarification materials; going to group study; sending forth righteous thoughts to the government, Public Security Bureau, and detention center; or clarifying the truth face to face. She is diligently doing the three things to rectify the Fa and save sentient beings.

When I started delivering the materials to her home, there was one problem: She could not go out because she did not know when I would arrive. While waiting, she could study the Fa and do the exercises, but she found that just waiting around was not good.

In order not to interfere with her clarifying the truth, she made another key for me. She said, "You can come by any time, even if I am not there. If you have any messages for me, please leave me a note. I will put aside the things for you to take, such as the quit the CCP list of names, the solemn declarations, and articles. If there is something I have to take to you in person, I will wait for you. What do you think?"

I took the key with delight, deeply moved by the way she cherishes every moment to do the three things well as well as her trust in me. These are the final steps on the path of Fa rectification, and even everyday people say, "Time is golden," let alone we practitioners during the Fa rectification period. I suddenly realized that it was not just the key she gave me. Through her actions Master is letting me become more diligent and cherish the time left.

As you know, we cherish time, not money and fortune. We are fighting the old forces and are rescuing people in the limited time left. It is Master that has arranged the chance for us to cultivate, mature, and meet the standard as a cultivator, as well as to establish more mighty virtue, not disappoint ourselves or other Fa rectification period Dafa practitioners, and be worthy of the hope that sentient beings have put in us!