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Ms. Feng Lianxia Endures Ten Years of Persecution

April 9, 2010 |   By a correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

Name: Feng Lianxia (冯莲霞)
Gender: Female
Age: 50
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Retired
Date of Most Recent Arrest: February 2004
Most recent place of detention: Harbin City Women's (Drug Rehabilitation) Labor Camp (哈尔滨女子戒毒劳教所)
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, extortion, brainwashing, beatings, physical constraint, home ransacking, sleep deprivation

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Feng Lianxia, a retired employee from the Daqing Equipment and Supplies Corporation, was subjected to ten years of abuse under the persecution.

Arrested Twice for Going to Beijing to Appeal for Falun Gong

The communist regime started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. The Party secretary at Ms. Feng's company tried to force her to denounce Falun Gong. Police officer Li Wenzhong monitored and followed her everywhere. He entered her home one afternoon, soon after Ms. Feng had returned from work. He confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun, her ID and a picture of Master.

Ms. Feng went to Beijing to appeal on June 13, 2000, where police arrested her at Tiananmen Square and took her to the Tiananmen Police Station. They held her at the Sun Island Hotel, the location of the Daqing City 610 Office liaison office in Beijing. Personnel from her employer took her back to Daqing where police officer Wang Xichen extorted 4,000 yuan from her. Two days later Wang Xicheng and Du Guyuan, persons specially designated to persecute Falun Gong at Ms. Feng's company, went to her home and dragged her forcibly to a brainwashing facility at Daqing Equipment and Supplies Corporation.

Ms. Feng went to Beijing again to appeal on December 15, 2000. She was arrested half way into her journey and held in detention for four days. Another incarceration at the Sun Island Hotel followed, and once again personnel from her workplace brought her back. A one-month incarceration at the Daqing Detention Center followed, as did another 15-day lock-up, this time at the Honggang Detention Center. She was released after the captors extorted 5,000 yuan from her.

On the afternoon of September 27, 2001, police officers Ju Li, Feng Limin, and one surnamed Liu broke into Ms. Feng's home and attempted to force her to write a guarantee letter promising not to go to Beijing to appeal. She refused and was taken to the police station, sent to Daqing City Detention Center, and detained there for one month. She was then sent to Honggang Detention Center, and later held at the Saertu District Detention Center for 15 days. When she did the Falun Gong exercises, the deputy chief hit her hard on the head with his shoes and struck her shoulders and back with a broom. The heavy strikes caused the broom to fly off the handle. She was released two months later.

Ms. Feng was taken to the Honggang Police Station on May 13, 2003, World Falun Dafa Day. Officer Lin Shui and another one interrogated her for two hours, pulling her hair and slapping her face. They then transported her to the Honggang Detention Center. Ms. Feng went on a persecution protest hunger strike. She was subjected to two years of forced labor, during which time she became extremely weak from torture while in detention. She was released for medical treatment.

Held Again at Daqing City Detention Center

The authorities called Ms. Feng's home many times in November 2003, harassing everyone. They lured Ms. Feng to undergo an exam at Daqing City Police Department and attempted to arrest her. To avoid the harassment, Ms. Feng went to Ms. Gao Shuqin's home for recovering. Ranghulu Police District Police Department head Sun Shaomin and other police agents took Ms. Gao Shuqin, Ms. Feng, and Ms. Yang Buo to the police department. Police officers there handcuffed them to metal chairs for several hours and then sent them to Daqing City Detention Center that afternoon.

In the evening, as Ms. Feng refused to tell police her name and began a persecution protest hunger strike, guards ordered prisoners to brutally beat her. They handcuffed her hands behind her back, beat her face, pulled her hair, and snapped her face with a towel. They tortured her like that for more than four hours, beating her face black and blue, and making her hurt everywhere. She was detained there for almost a month and was then sent to Harbin City Women's Rehabilitation Center (a forced labor camp), where officials refused to accept her due to her poor health. She was taken back to the detention center, where she was held for over ten days, and then released.

Mistreated and Abused at Harbin City Women's Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Feng's husband divorced her in February 2004, under pressure from his employers. Ms. Feng was once again sent to Harbin City Women's Forced Labor Camp. Upon arriving there, she shouted "Falun Dafa is good." A guard covered her mouth, handcuffed her hands behind her back, and slapped her face with a folded newspaper.

Forced to Denounce Her Belief

Ms. Feng's captors deprived her of sleep. She was forced to get up at 3:00 a.m. to stand or squat for a long time as punishment. She was forced to watch a slanderous video, and was surrounded by guards who pressured her to write the three statements, denouncing Falun Gong. While being tortured and trembling from the cold, they took footage of her and declared she acted like that because of her Falun Gong practice. The torture led her to become muddle-headed, and she wrote the "regret letter" in that state. Ms. Feng was there for more than a year and was eventually released thanks to her family's rescue efforts.

Officers Liu Wanmin, Lin Shui, and more than ten other police agents went to Feng's home at the No. Four Plant on December 19, 2007. They took Feng and 67 year-old Yang Yelu to the Hong Gang Police Station. The captors confiscated her personal property, including a notebook, three copies of Zhuan Falun, Falun Gong materials, three MP3 players, a cell phone, and more than 1,000 yuan in cash. They held Ms. Feng at the Daqing City Detention Center for more than 20 days, then took her to Harbin Women's Forced Labor Camp, where the officials refused to accept her because of her high blood pressure. Officials then held her at the Saertu District Detention Center for three days and then released her.