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I Found Falun Dafa after Searching for Thirty Years Through Wind and Rain in the Dark Night

April 9, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Shandong Province


I Found the Fa after 30 Years of Searching

I started searching for a qigong to practice in 1967, and in 1997, I finally became a Falun Dafa practitioner. During the dozens of years I lived through the evil Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) regular political movements, I grew tired of the political battles and abandoned political notions. With that, I rid myself of the evil Party's control. I pursued the true meaning of life. I studied many religious books on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, but I still felt confused and lost. In 1997, I was very fortunate to read Zhuan Falun. I finally found the true Fa after 30 years of hard searching. Soon I could fluently recite Lunyu.

Just before I began cultivating in Falun Dafa, I was practicing a kind of qigong taught by a person who was in reverse cultivation with several other people. Whenever they met someone sick or had negative information, they felt uncomfortable. I told them the greatness of Falun Dafa and recited Lunyu for them. Their uncomfortable feelings immediately disappeared. They all thanked Teacher for the help, and they all admired the greatness of the Fa. They joined me in starting to cultivate in Falun Dafa. Naturally, we found a Falun Dafa practice site.

Always Having Falun Dafa in Mind, Turning Danger into Safety

On July 20, 1999, the evil persecution of Falun Gong suddenly began, and it felt like the heavens had collapsed. I firmly believe that I am a Falun Dafa disciple and I have Falun, as well as tens of thousands of abilities that Teacher has given me. Whenever I think of Teacher and Falun Dafa, my fears disappear. The CCP authorities have arrested me a few times, but I broke through the situations by using righteous thoughts. No matter how tremendous the pressure was, I never said one word about giving up my cultivation of Falun Dafa.

On March 7, 2002, I was betrayed by a collaborator and was arrested. I was then taken to a brainwashing session in the CCP 610 Office. I sent forth righteous thoughts and had a calm mind. A police officer asked me, "What is your name?" I said, "So you arrest people not even knowing their names?" The officer said, "I represent the government while I am speaking with you." I said, "Does the government allow you to arrest people without a warrant? Which government documents say that? Show me!" The officer said, "Don't you believe that I can arrest and detain you right now?" I said, "I believe you can. I also believe you can immediately lock me in a dark room and beat me to death because you can do anything. But let me ask you. Didn't you vow to look at the facts and follow the law? What law did I violate? What proof do you have?"

I didn't cooperate with them at all. I can't recall all of my words at the time, but I knew that it was not an everyday person's convincing argument. It was a display of Falun Dafa's mercy and dignity. The people from the 610 Office and police department, as well as the collaborators, were all very discouraged. The head of the 610 Office said, "We are done today. All the Falun Gong practitioners are like this when they are first arrested." They all ran away. Later, they continued their attempts to brainwash me group by group, but they got nothing. Thirty six hours after my arrest the head of the police department who threatened to detain me came to me and announced, "Your problems are solved. You don't need to go to the detention center. We won't confiscate your home, either." They released me saying that I would have to "study the brainwashing information at home." A CCP member shouted, "No, you can't just leave like this!" He ran to find the head of the 610 Office, but couldn't find him. So I walked out of the evil's dark den righteously.

Just as I left the police department, I had an unusual feeling that my body had suddenly grown a lot. I understood that Teacher saved me and that he was also encouraging me. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Bear the Pain and Tears, Uncover Lies, and Save Sentient Beings

In the dark days that Falun Gong was being brutally persecuted, my relatives and friends were indifferent and my acquaintances looked down on me. My friend's son lead police officers to destroy our practice site. My classmate from childhood led police officers to break into my home and arrest me. My two closest colleagues compiled the materials to punish me at work. A colleague who usually respected me very much reported my whereabouts to the police department. I forgive them because they were forced to do what they did and they were controlled by the evil spirit of the CCP. I still need to save them because I am a Falun Dafa disciple in the Fa-Rectification period, and I have the historical responsibility to help Teacher save sentient beings.

Of those who reported me to the authorities, for two years I tried very hard to find them. I tried several times. I found three of them in three chaotic relocation areas. I clarified the truth to them, but they fell into vested interests and did not quit the CCP. I hope that I gave them the hope of salvation.

I clarified the facts to the director of the police department, the CCP Party secretary of my workplace, the CCP political cadres, the head of the security section, the CCP organization minister in the city, my colleagues, and retired colleagues. I also clarified the truth in the market to vegetable sellers, and visited relatives and friends who lived far away, to clarify the truth and persuade them to quit the CCP.

Because I refused to be "transformed," the CCP has withheld my pension and my wife's pension since 2002. The authorities searched around in order to find us and tried to arrest and force us to "transform." We had to become homeless and destitute to avoid further persecution. We suffered greatly from hunger, cold, homelessness, and pains. The two sources that I could get information from at the time were destroyed. I couldn't contact fellow practitioners and I couldn't read Teacher's new articles. In the horrible and lonely days, my wife and I encouraged and supported each other. We saw that even the people who begged for food and picked through trash lived better lives than we did. Our hearts were filled with pain. But we finally came through all of this.

When I look back on my path of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings, I realized that I hadn't treated acquaintances and strangers the same, and I didn't treat kind-looking people and cruel-looking people the same. I still have a big gap to close, and I must learn from the diligent practitioners and eliminate my attachment to making distinctions during myas I cultivate. I must do the three things well and walk righteously during the final stage of our cultivation.

If there is anything inappropriate in what I've said, please compassionately point it out.

March 29, 2010