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Doing Morning Exercises Became a Part of My Life After Attending Group Fa-Study

April 9, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995 when I was 22 years old. At the time, I was lazy and attached to comfort. Because I thought this was just my character and didn't distinguish it according to the principles of the Fa, I was beset by it for a long time, and encountered many problems. Although I tried to use my will to overcome the problems, I made no progress because I had already admitted that I was lazy, using an attachment to hide another attachment. The result was that I rarely did morning exercises and often blamed myself afterwards for not being able to overcome this problem. I fell behind in Fa study and was plagued with thought karma. I felt a huge sea of troubles pulling me back from walking on the cultivation path that Master arranged for me. I was willing to attend Fa-study groups but often failed to participate.

Maybe Master saw that my heart still had the will to practice cultivation and improve myself. Although I was a disappointment, Master still made meticulous arrangements for me. On March 1 of this year, I began attending a Fa-study group and participated two to three times per week. Being amidst a group environment greatly encouraged me to persist in studying Zhuan Falun and Master's lectures. While exchanging cultivation experiences, fellow practitioners sincerely pointed out my shortcomings in cultivation. When I corrected myself and truly practiced cultivation, I was able to enlighten more while studying the Fa and could even participate in the morning exercises.

Master made arrangements to wake me up the first few days. I was sleepy at the beginning, sometimes I felt unwell, and even had some thought karma. However I persisted in what I was doing. Another reason for my tiredness in the past was because I did the exercises superficially. My pace was always a little faster and I didn't do them correctly. In contrast, my exercise movements now correctly follow the mechanisms and it has become extraordinarily wonderful. The more I do the exercises, the more relaxed I am. Looking back at my cultivation state in the past, I often did things from the guidance of my human thoughts, which was so similar to my state of practicing the exercises. Practicing cultivation is quite mysterious and it is reflected in every aspect of life that "the appearance stems from the mind." As long as we look within, we will have new understandings and improve ourselves.

I now participate in morning exercise practice every day, and practicing the exercises are no long a burden for me. Instead, I feel very surefooted after doing them. Every day I am happy and I always maintain a mind of kindness. I also get great results while validating Dafa.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!