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In the Past I Helped Him, But It Put Him in Danger; This Time I Helped Him, and He Is Saved

May 1, 2010 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Wang is ten years older than I am. When we worked together at the same workplace, he was an accountant and a secretary. He could quote numerous fallacies in Marx's and Lenin's books. Because he was capable of writing and calculating, especially because his calligraphy was very good, every holiday or New Year's time or when some family was having a wedding celebration, people tended to ask him to write couplets and to draw picture scrolls for them.

Mr. Wang was stubborn and liked to argue, even though most of his colleagues said that he was a good person. Yet, several bosses in a row did not like him much because he was not willing to follow their directions, and he often contradicted them. Several of his colleagues who joined the company with him were promoted, and some even became his superiors. Some who were younger and had fewer qualifications joined the Party. He complained about these things to me frequently, and I was very sympathetic to his situation.

Later, I became the leader of the unit. The first thing I did after I took the post was to help Mr. Wang join the Party - it was the realization of his long-cherished wish, which he longed for even in his dreams. At that time he was very excited. I also thought that I had done something good to help a friend.

Some time after that, I was transferred to a different workplace. Mr. Wang stayed with the old place doing the same job. Because he continued to contradict his superiors, his new boss laid him off. After that, because they had no money to get her treatment, his wife died. Soon after that, his son also died, and his daughter-in-law remarried, abandoning his young grandson. She even moved to a different region. Since his grandson was dependent on him, he had to seek employment elsewhere and do hourly work. He used the meager income to support his grandson for school and to maintain their daily livelihood. Because he was old and often sick, his employer dismissed him sometime later. For the past several years he had no job. He was poor and had no money to get the leaks in his house fixed. All he did was watch his house fall down around him. Also, no woman wanted to marry him because of his poor status. He was really miserable.

Later, I was fortunate enough to discover Falun Gong, and Master led me to the path of cultivation. I learned from fellow practitioners that after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, some practitioners went to Mr. Wang to tell him the facts and give him truth-clarification materials. However, he refused to listen, and at times he even tore up the fliers or turned them in to his superiors. He also slandered Dafa in public and spoke bad words to practitioners. He was a typical Chinese person who had been deeply poisoned by the CCP's lies.

One day when I was reading the section titled "Why Doesn't Your Gong Increase with Your Practice?" in Zhuan Falun, I read:

"Also, you may easily commit wrongdoing since you cannot see the predestined relationship and the true nature of things. You think that you are doing a good deed, but it may be a wrong deed." (Zhuan Falun)

I came to realize that because I did not cultivate Dafa at the time and did not recognize the evil nature of the CCP, I had helped Mr. Wang join the evil Party; I had put him in danger. I am a Dafa disciple now, and saving the people I previously jeopardized is my responsibility. I made up my mind to help him see the truth; I knew I must pull him back to the true path of human life.

One early morning, I arrived at Mr. Wang's home with a pure mind. We greeted each other, and I then started telling him the facts. Several hours quickly passed, and he finally understood about Dafa. He also gladly withdrew from the evil Party and its affiliated organizations.

At last, Mr. Wang sighed in deep thought and said, "I am over 70 years old, and my whole life has been sold to the CCP. The CCP has been selling me and eating me up, but I was still helping them count their money! What a sorrow!"